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Re: Remote file upload vulnerability & SQLi in wordpress plugin wp-powerplaygallery v3.3

From: "Larry W. Cashdollar" <larry0 () me com>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2015 00:42:59 -0400

On Jul 20, 2015, at 10:58 AM, cve-assign () mitre org wrote:

As far as we can tell, the issue you are reporting (when a current PHP
version is used) is that the attacker can create a directory anywhere
with "_uploadfolder" at the end of its name. This behavior isn't
required for achieving PHP code execution, and seems unlikely to help
with other important attacks. It might waste disk space on a small
filesystem, and might allow an attacker to store files outside of
wp-content (e.g., in a directory that wouldn't be checked during a
user's post-exploitation cleanup). If so, then this is an issue that
can be included in CVE, but it seems marginal.

It is marginal, but I thought note worthy and decided to mention it in my advisory.

For anyone who is interested in reporting these types of low-priority
side issues: it would be helpful to explicitly state that the issue is
independently relevant and could be independently fixed.

Yes, good point.

2. Arbitrary file uploads to a path in the web root directory:
Lines 138-160 of uploads.php don't verify what types of files are allowed or where they should be placed:

We didn't completely understand this part. It seems that the essence
of the problem is that the product could reject unsafe file types such
as .php files, but doesn't do that. That can have one CVE ID. Is there
also a problem with "where they should be placed" within this part of
the code? The files seem to be placed in a *_uploadfolder/big/
directory, which is a correct directory for an upload of an image

Are you also reporting any authorization problem? Is upload.php
responsible for verifying that the client user has the upload_files
capability, regardless of what file type is being uploaded?

It should filter out what file types are allowed for uploading at least.  I know I wouldn’t want arbitrary images 
uploaded to my Wordpress instance from users who aren’t logged in.

albumid needs to be a numeric value matching an existing album number, 1 is probably a good start
but you can enumerate these by using curl, and looking for redirect 301 responses:

Why does the album number need to exist? Wasn't the mkdir supposed to
create the directory for an arbitrary $_REQUEST['albumid'] value?

The directory creation code in upload.php doesn’t create the subdirectories big and thumb.   These directories are 
added when a 
new album is created through normal use of the plugin.  So the file upload will fail if the album doesn’t exist.

From power_play.php:

263                         if( !is_dir($album_dir . '/big') )
264                                 mkdir($album_dir . '/big');
265                         if( !is_dir($album_dir . '/thumb') )
266                                 mkdir($album_dir . '/thumb');

I hope I answered your questions.


- -- 
CVE assignment team, MITRE CVE Numbering Authority
M/S M300
202 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730 USA
[ PGP key available through http://cve.mitre.org/cve/request_id.html ]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (SunOS)


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