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CVE ID Request: Buffer overflow in ArduinoJson when parsing crafted JSON strings

From: Giancarlo Canales <gcanalesb () me com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:12:09 -0400

I recently discovered a buffer overflow weakness in the open source ArduinoJson library.
Several IoT projects are using this library, and a CVE number would help ensure traceability of the issue abroad.

This issue has already been made public, and a fix has been released by the project maintainer.

Title: Buffer overflow in ArduinoJson when parsing crafted JSON strings
Products: ArduinoJson
Affects: All versions prior to v4.5
Type: Buffer overflow
First CVE ID Request: Yes

Link to vulnerable source code or fix:

Link to source code change log:

Link to bug entry:

Thanks in advance,

Giancarlo Canales Barreto

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