oss-sec mailing list archives

CVE-Request -- Landsknecht Adminsystems v.4.0.1 (DEV, beta version) -- Reflecting XSS, unrestricted file-upload and underlaying CSRF

From: Steffen Rösemann <steffen.roesemann1986 () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:06:12 +0100

Hi Steve, Josh, vendors, list.

I found reflecting XSS-vulnerabilities, a unrestricted file-upload and
underlaying CSRF-vulnerabilities in CMS Landsknecht Adminsystems v. 4.0.1
(DEV, beta version).

Technical details:

Reflecting XSS-vulnerabilities

A reflecting XSS vulnerability can be found in the index.php and can be
abused via the vulnerable "page"-parameter. See the following example,
including exploit-example:


Another reflecting XSS vulnerability can be found in the system.php-file
and can be exploited via the vulnerable "id" parameter:


Unrestricted file-upload / Underlaying CSRF

Registered users and administrators are able to upload arbitrary files via
the following upload-form, located here:


As there seems not be an existing permission-model, users can read/execute
files  an administrator/user uploaded and vice versa.

This issue includes an underlaying CSRF-vulnerability, as a user is able to
upload a malicious file and trick another user or the administrator into
visiting the link to the file.

All files get uploaded here without being renamed:


Can I please have a CVE-ID / CVE-IDs for this issue?

Thank you very much.

Greetings from Germany.

Steffen Rösemann


[1] https://github.com/kneecht/adminsystems
[2] http://sroesemann.blogspot.de/2015/01/sroeadv-2015-14.html
[3] https://github.com/kneecht/adminsystems/issues/1
[4] https://github.com/sroesemann/adminsystems
[6] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2015/Feb/50

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