oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: RE: [security-vendor] Re: [oss-security] Fuzzing findings (and maybe CVE requests) - Image/GraphicsMagick, elfutils, GIMP, gdk-pixbuf, file, ndisasm, less

From: Michal Zalewski <lcamtuf () coredump cx>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:41:05 -0800

Speaking of fuzzing so that clamav issue, was triggered by a file that
existed in public since 2010 or so (at least that's what virustotal had
for the first submission date). So you'd think based on what people use
clamav for it would have been heavily fuzzed by now (scanning all sorts
of random/malicious input) but I guess people don't report stuff upstream.

Tavis looked at several commercial AV engines some time ago, I think
it wasn't pretty. I suspect that clamav may be very much worth fuzzing
or auditing.


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