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Re: Shellshock timeline (was: CVE-2014-6271: remote code execution through bash)

From: Riot <rain.backnet () gmail com>
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 20:34:21 +0100


Bash versions back to 1.13 are all available on ftp.gnu, so not going to
list explicit links for those.

Bash 1.12 came from an this old slackware mirror:

Other old slackware and debian releases from the era:
http://www.nielshorn.net/slackware/slack_old.php and

The atari bash 1.08 binary we used came from
http://www.umich.edu/~archive/atari/Gnustuff/Tos/Bash/Bash-108/  and was
tested in the steem engine emulator: https://code.google.com/p/steem-engine/

The Human68k bash came from
and was tested using the XM6 Pro emulator:
http://mijet.eludevisibility.org/XM6%20Pro-68k/XM6%20Pro-68k.html with this
disk image to boot:


On 4 October 2014 14:22, Hanno Böck <hanno () hboeck de> wrote:

Am Sat, 4 Oct 2014 00:19:06 +0100
schrieb Riot <rain.backnet () gmail com>:

We then worked further back in time, unearthing bash 1.08.2 on an
ancient 1991 Atari ST image:
http://images.rymate.co.uk/images/iwaSGPo.png  This was also
vulnerable.  This version is relevant because the first version of
bash ported to linux was bash 1.08 - here's the original post by
Linus at the tender age of  advertising his first build of linux on
the minix newsgroup in 1991, explicitly mentioning bash 1.08.  This
datum told us that shellshock is older than all of linux, which makes
for a nice soundbite for the press.

Going back further proved very difficult because few archives
including these early versions exist anywhere, and by all accounts
the early releases were buggy and not particularly portable.  We
eventually managed to locate an image for an obscure Japanese
Human68k containing bash 1.05.  Here it identifies itself as bash
1.05 X6_19: http://images.rymate.co.uk/images/kH8VnTo.png  The file
is dated 12/08/1991... and of course it's vulnerable:

Can you post the relevant download links to the atari st / 68k images
and other possibly interesting stuff? Or where they from private

I think independently of current events this might be interesting for
people digging in IT history, so having them somewhere easy to find
would be nice.

Hanno Böck

mail/jabber: hanno () hboeck de

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