oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: OpenSSL 1.0.1 TLS/DTLS hearbeat information disclosure CVE-2014-0160

From: Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac () debian org>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 22:28:24 +0200

On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 02:03:46PM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
So to respond/clear up some points:

It appears Codenomicon and Google found the vulnerability
independently. Google reported it to OpenSSL. Codenomicon reported it
to NCSC-FI, I'm not sure who (Codenomicon or NCSC-FI) drove the
notification of CloudFlare/etc. and they also reported it to OpenSSL
(I don't know if that was before or after notifying OpenSSL).

Well, as I put in my tentative timeline, and according to Jussi Eronen
(from NCSC-FI, afaict) mail in that thread, NCSC-FI only reported to
OpenSSL “a couple of hours before the advisory”, so my understand is
that NCSC-FI was not aware of the vulnerability last week.  Maybe
Codenomicon was, though. Jussi, could you confirm that?

1) Mark J. Cox did not give Red Hat any advanced warning, he strongly
separates what he does with OpenSSL with what he does with Red Hat
(this is quite common at Red Hat, for example we have a guy on the
Debian security team, the Samba group, etc.). I for example sometimes
issue private CVE's in advance, but they don't get bugs filed/etc
until they hit a "public" source like distros@ or oss-security@.

2) Mark informed Red Hat and as you can see from the public time line
Huzaifa entered a bug into BZ and then notified distros@ about 14
minutes later, basically at the same time. Red Hat SRT is globally
situated so anyone from distros@ emailing us for details would have
gotten a very prompt response.

Ok the “Mark notifies^Winforms Red Hat” line and the “Huzaifa
Sidhpurwala opens a bug” could actually be merged, they were more or
less at the same time.
3) At this point the plan was to embargo this until April 9th (I
forget what time), giving everyone 2+ days to deal with it. So OpenSSL
in conjunction with Red Hat attempted to do a coordinated response
with the community.

I'm also unsure why that could not have been done earlier, when OpenSSL was
first notified (by Google, supposedly).

4) Things blew up. My understanding is that OpenSSL made this public
due to additional reports, I suspect it boiled down to "Group A found
this flaw, reported it, and has a reproducer, and now Group B found
the same thing independently and also has a reproducer. chances are
the bad guys do as well so better to let everyone know the barn door
is open now rather than wait 2 more days" but there may be other
factors I'm not aware.

Yeah, maybe the report by NCSC-FI to OpenSSL scared them. I don't know
who to contact at OpenSSL and I'm not sure if they read the list.

5) Monday morning: everyone is scrambling to get patches out and
update systems.

Actually, all times are UTC. I don't know about others, but Debian
security team is mostly in western Europe, so it was monday

6) At least one vendor (CloudFlare) posts a blog entry stating they
were notified a week ago by Codenomicon/NCSC-FI , and claiming that it
was via "responsible disclosure". Other major vendors were not
informed (e.g. Amazon:

I don't think they said they were notified by Codenomicon/NCSC-FI (and
that doesn't fit the timeline).

7) At least one vendor (Google) found this independently and, as I
understand it, patched their own systems (which is completely


I don't want to point finger, but I sincerely hope the next time 
something like that happens, coordination will be done early in
the processus, and relevant vendors will have a chance to prepare

As you can see above, it was attempted, but Murphy's law took over.

Sure, thank you for starting that coordination as soon as you were made
aware of the vulnerability (and sorry we weren't there monday morning
UTC to help you on that).

I was more ranting about what happened and did not happened “last week”.

Yves-Alexis Perez

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