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CVE request -- libvirt: unprivileged user can crash libvirtd during spice migration

From: Petr Matousek <pmatouse () redhat com>
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:39:08 +0100

(this issue was reported to libvirt-security mailing list in the year
2k13 so might need 2k13 CVE)

Description of the problem:

Domblkstat is possible even with read-only connection, so whenever
migration with spice is done and domblkstat gets called at the same time
as qemuMonitorGetSpiceMigrationStatus(), there is certain possibility
that the daemon crashes (null pointer dereference).

An unprivileged user able to issue commands to running libvirtd could
use this flaw to crash libvirtd and prevent more privileged clients
from working correctly.

Upstream fix:

Petr Matousek / Red Hat Security Response Team
PGP: 0xC44977CA 8107 AF16 A416 F9AF 18F3  D874 3E78 6F42 C449 77CA

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