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Re: CVE Request - Coin Widget serves code over plain http.

From: Kurt Seifried <kseifried () redhat com>
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 13:09:37 -0600

Hash: SHA1

On 07/26/2013 07:19 PM, Evan Teitelman wrote:
Coin Widget is a Bitcoin and Lightcoin donation widget. Its code
is normally downloaded from http://coinwidget.com/widget/coin.js in
the following manner.

<script src="http://coinwidget.com/widget/coin.js";></script> 
<script> CoinWidgetCom.go({ wallet_address:
"31uEbMgunupShBVTewXjtqbBv5MndwfXhb" , currency: "bitcoin" ,
counter: "count" , alignment: "bl" , qrcode: true , auto_show:
false , lbl_button: "Donate" , lbl_address: "My Bitcoin Address:" ,
lbl_count: "donations" , lbl_amount: "BTC" }); </script>

Without SSL or similar protection, it is possible for the code to
be modified in transit. A malicious individual could modify the
code to replace a legitimate wallet address with his or her own.

I also tried "https://coinwidget.com/widget/coin.js"; and it failed
(you can telnet to the port, it's open, but I got an SSL error). If
you try
you'll see the same.

I believe this vulnerability is an example of CWE-300. Does it need
a CVE identifier?

The problem is not in the code, the problem is in how the code is
served/distributed. CVE is traditionally for software and not for
services. So under a simplistic reading of that strict definition I
would say this doesn't deserve a CVE.

However the world is changing, for example a program that included an
auto-updater component that was advertised as being "Secure" but went
over HTTP would probably qualify for a CVE.

Steve I'm bouncing this to you, I'm inclined to NOT assign a CVE since
it opens up a huge can of worms (every single bit of JavaScript served
from HTTP and not available via HTTPS ever), but I can also see how it
should maybe get a CVE.

The good news is that future versions of Firefox are implementing a
security policy that when loading a page from HTTPS they will not load
page components from HTTP, which would fix this issue. Hopefully all
the browsers do this.

I have copied the creator of Coin Widget on this email.

Thank you for your time, Evan Teitelman.

- -- 
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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