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Re-evaluating expat/libxml2 CVE assignments

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () mitre org>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 19:02:20 -0400 (EDT)

Various CVEs were assigned to XML-related issues in expat and libxml2


CVE-2013-0338 - libxml2 internal entity expansion

CVE-2013-0339 - libxml2 external entities expansion

CVE-2013-0340 - expat internal entity expansion

CVE-2013-0341 - expat external entities expansion

As I noted in http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/02/21/24, for novel situations such as these, sometimes we might change directions after we learn more.

After some investigation, the MITRE CNA team believes we should probably REJECT CVE-2013-0341 and shift responsibility to application developers.

For CVE-2013-0340 and CVE-2013-0339, there are "workarounds" available for application developers, although such workarounds may be very expensive to develop, and this might place "too much" responsibility to the developers - so, these assignments may still be OK. It is still worth discussion.

CVE-2013-0338 still seems OK as is.

CVE-2013-0341 - expat external entities expansion

In http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/02/23/1, Kurt says "I
think it's common enough to warrant [assignment]," but Florian Weimer
points out that expat doesn't resolve external entities directly.
Instead - as described (or quoted?) in detail by Kurt - "Expat does
not read or parse external entities directly."  The developer using
expat has to explicitly set ExternalEntityRefHandler, then create "a
subsidiary parser with XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate".

Since the programmer using expat has to do the work to define and set
up their ExternalEntityRefHandler, we believe that means that
individual applications are using expat unsafely, so there should be
separate CVEs for the applications, not expat.

CVE-2013-0340 - expat internal entity expansion

This probably qualifies for a CVE, but note that the issue came up in
CVE-2009-1955 (expat as used in Apache APR-util).  The implemented
solution was to change the application, not expat. See


Apparently, if an application wishes to address this issue, it has to
call the XML_SetEntityDeclHandler function with the name of an
alternative function that can handle entities more safely. The
opportunity to write your own code to process entities is probably
outside the general intention of our "the library provides an API
mechanism through which safe operation can be achieved" condition as
presented in the http://openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/02/21/24

CVE-2013-0339 - libxml2 external entities expansion

This also probably qualifies for a CVE. This may be another situation
where the library provides the opportunity to write your own code to
process entities safely. The libxml2 documentation for
xmlSAX2ResolveEntity says "The entity loader, to control the loading
of external entities, the application can either: ... override this
xmlSAX2ResolveEntity() callback in the SAX block ... or better use the
xmlSetExternalEntityLoader() function to set up it's own entity
resolution routine." If so, then like CVE-2013-0340, it again would
arguably be outside the bounds of the "the library provides an API
mechanism through which safe operation can be achieved" condition.

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