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CVE Guidance for Libraries and Resource-Consumption DoS

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () mitre org>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 15:33:48 -0500 (EST)

(tl;dr - sorry, no such luck.  There's too much to consider.)

The recent discussions about XXE and related issues have touched upon
a number of issues that must be considered for CVE assignment.

INCLUSION (deciding whether to assign a CVE or not):

* Whether an "insecure default configuration" in a library should
  receive a CVE.

* How to draw the line between a "resource-consumption DoS" and
  acceptable, "normal" program behavior that just happens to be
  computationally intensive.

ABSTRACTION (deciding how many CVEs to assign):

* Whether a single CVE is assigned to a security concern in a library,
  or whether the applications using the library should receive their
  own CVEs.

* When multiple issues are "new types" of vulnerabilities (or not
  well-understood types), it can be difficult to consistently decide
  when to SPLIT or MERGE.  Such "new types" often spawn variants or
  are described poorly, so it can take some time before understanding
  and terminology stabilizes.

* While DoS issues have been around for ages, their underlying root
  causes have not been studied as closely as issues like buffer
  overflows, so it can be difficult to consistently classify different
  DoS issues as different types.


* When clarifying CVE content decisions, we often have to consider how
  useful they may be to the CVE-using public; how practical they will
  be to implement without extensive, labor-intensive analysis or
  expertise; how much they capture the "spirit" of past content
  decisions; and whether we believe they could cause practical
  problems in the future without sufficient benefit (the so-called
  "snowball effect" I've touched on before).

* Because CVE is used so widely by many communities, we have sometimes
  had to accept improperly-applied content decisions instead of
  REJECTing the CVEs outright.  We do not view such issues as
  establishing a precedent.  A good example of this is CVE-2012-0217
  (the Intel SYSRET issue), in which many different operating systems
  should have received different CVEs, but the community's over-use of
  this CVE would have caused many more problems if we had REJECTed it
  and split it into many different CVEs.  (I know this example may be
  controversial to some, but the CVE assignment team is unified that
  this CVE should have been split.)  This type of situation may occur
  again, so - assignment of past CVEs does not imply a blind
  commitment to be consistent in the future just because there is a

Note that, when encountering a "novel" situation - or, at least, a
situation that is rarely encountered - I will sometimes take a "wait
and see" approach by doing things one way, and then (later) changing
directions.  While this is not ideal and can be frustrating to some
people, the fact is that we have to assign CVE identifiers to
real-world issues now, and the decisions that work for the short term
might not necessarily be ideal in the long run.  In some cases, the
entire community might not understand the issues well enough.  Of
course, we always try to be right the first time, or at least after a
couple examples have come up that raise awareness of the broader

As a side note - I believe that the increase in chained exploits and
overall complexity will pose additional challenges for vulnerability
classification, vuln tracking, and vuln databases in the future.  As
vulnerabilities become more complex, we are likely to revisit some of
these content decisions.

CVE's "Traditional" Approach for Libraries

In general, when an issue appears to occur in a library, we determine
whether an application developer can use the library safely, or
whether there is no way to use it safely.  If the library can't be
used safely at all - then we would regard that as an issue in the
library.  We would assign a single CVE to that library, and we don't
assign any new CVEs to applications that use the vulnerable library.

If the developer has an opportunity to use the library correctly, but
doesn't, then we treat this as a vulnerability in the application.

Two classic examples of "library" problems are the C strcpy() function
and the PHP include() function.  Both of these functions have been
responsible for hundreds or thousands of vulnerabilities in
applications, but they can both be used safely if the programmer calls
them properly (perhaps after some input validation or equivalent
protection mechanism).  Accordingly, we don't have just one CVE for
strcpy() and one CVE for include() - we have hundreds of CVEs for the
applications that happen to use these functions insecurely.

With some libraries, however, the developer might not be able to have
the same high degree of control in avoiding a vulnerability; more
details later in this document.

The boundaries between library and application responsibility can
sometimes be blurred.  For example, we have created some CVEs for
buffer overflows or similar errors in PHP API functions where the
programmer would almost never be expected to call the function with
untrusted input.

Libraries are "special" because they can be used by many different
applications, in many different ways, and this can further complicate
decisions.  For example, a "secure fix" for one appliction developer
could harm usability for a different developer.  The perils of
preserving a bad API are equalled only by the perils of changing an
established API.

Note that I'm personally very interested in issues of API design, and
how API design choices can make it easier for application developers
to introduce vulnerabilities, but from a CVE perspective, these
interests are mostly irrelevant.  In general, we want CVE to only
cover specific, "actionable" problems instead of general warnings
about secure coding.

XXE etc. - Clarification on Vulnerability Types

I'm going to address the easier issues first.  Namely:

* We regard (1) entity expansion (aka billion-laughs or XEE) and (2)
  external entity references to remote http://, file://, or other URLs
  (aka XXE) to be distinct vulnerability types, and thus worth a

* Some of the recent disclosures cover additional issues that might be
  regarded as different types besides XXE/XXE (DTD retrieval, xpath
  support, xslt support, xinclude support).  These will need to be
  investigated in more detail before CVE assignments can be completed.

* In some cases, where there are two types of DoS, they MIGHT be worth
  a SPLIT.  There are clear cases like a NULL pointer dereference
  crash versus a reachable assertion or divide by zero.  Areas of
  algorithmic complexity, however, are not as well explored.  This is
  sometimes a judgment call, which can introduce variation in how
  pepole decide whether to split or merge.  An issue like an infinite
  loop (CPU and maybe memory consumption) might be different than
  another issue like uncontrolled memory allocation (just memory
  consumption, although the CPU and disk might get pretty busy too).
  In scenarios such as this, one general guideline is to consider
  whether the apparent fix for one issue will necessarily fix the
  other issue.  If you have infinite recursion, then fixing it by
  limiting the recursion depth would not do anything against an
  uncontrolled memory allocation, so this would probably be worth a

* Kurt - in http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/02/20/10
  you referred to "linear expansion."  If you mean the "quadratic
  blowup entity expansion" as documented on
  we are not sure whether this could be treated as different than
  billion laughs.  It's very likely that an implementation may fix
  billion-laughs in a way that does not also fix "quadratic blowup"
  issues; as the blog points out, this attack can "avoid triggering
  countermeasures of parsers against heavily nested entities."  So, we
  are likely to see fixes for one variant, then a new software package
  will get hit with the other variant - at best, this might mean an
  incomplete fix (becuase of different affected versions, a SPLIT
  would be clear in such a scenario).

  But, the quadratic blowup represents larger questions about when we
  decide that algorithmic complexity is just normal behavior versus a

Clarification on Resource-Consumption DoS

When does an application cross the line from being "easily exploited"
to "just going slowly because it's been given so much data"?  This is
a CVE inclusion question, and there are no clear answers when it comes
to resource consumption.  We are almost certain to include an issue as
a DoS when any of the following hold:

  (1) there is a worst-case complexity that's "really bad" compared to
  the average case (or at least, common usage)

  (2) the amount of effort required by the attacker is much less than
  the amount of effort for the affected program (e.g., ZIP bombs or
  Smurf/packet-storm attacks)

  (3) un-released resource issues (like memory leaks or
  file-descriptor exhaustion) where the attacker can realistically
  increase the overall resources of the program incrementally, such as
  consuming only a small amount of memory for each "session"

  (4) the attacker can exceed a resource-consumption "policy" that the
  software attempts to explicitly enforce (this includes bypassing
  quotas, or if the application doesn't correctly implement an
  administrator-specified configuration)

Protection Mechanisms and "Default Configurations" in Libraries

The following guidance generally applies to the responsibilities of
libraries versus applications in avoiding vulnerabilities, but we pay
special attention to resource consumption issues, since that's the
topic of the day.

* If the issue is an insecure "default configuration" in a library,
  please consult the MITRE CNA first.  We do not yet have clear
  guidelines about whether to assign CVE identifiers.  There are still
  too many considerations.

  There are definitely some benefits to some users, especially
  software integrators, for assigning CVEs.  However, there are also
  some complications; for example, some XML libraries have a safer
  mode that must be set at compile time.  On platforms that have the
  "shared libraries" and "packages" concepts, this is problematic
  because XML-application-package-A has no way to force a situation in
  which XML-library-package-B is recompiled.  It could instead inline
  the third-party library code, but that has risks of its own.
  Sometimes the documentation suggests a source-code fix and there is
  no compilation option.  Certainly it's too burdensome for the
  application code to examine the library code at run time to try to
  figure out what compilation options were used.  In cases like this,
  where there is little recourse to the application developer to
  diagnose and fix the issue, we are likely to assign a CVE.

  Even if the XML library is configurable at run time, platforms with
  packages won't necessarily be able to handle this well.  You can't
  have N applications that want to have independent control of the
  configuration file of one library.  Finally, applications typically
  have to work with multiple versions of a library, especially
  multiple popular versions, so it might be reasonable to ask an
  application to take on some responsibility.

  So for now, we will treat these on a case-by-case basis.

  Some possibly-related precedents are: CVE-2010-4173 (requiring
  system-wide configuration, although it apparently is effectively for
  use by a single user); CVE-2010-2085 and CVE-2010-1459 (which are
  effectively for a framework, not a library, but we don't have
  application-specified CVEs; and CVE-2005-1992 (which is a "defualt
  configuration" in a programming language library).

  For now, if there is a "default configuration" or
  compiler-configured security setting in a library, please consult
  the MITRE CNA.

* If a library DOES NOT have a built-in mechanism for input that can
  reasonably be expected to be untrusted, then it can be generically
  abused and the programmer has no easy way of working around it.  So,
  the library should get a single CVE.  For example, an XML library
  should be expected to operate on an untrusted XML file.  By
  contrast, the glibc malloc implementation can't be considered
  responsible for detecting abusive arguments (allocation of 4+
  gigabytes of memory may be perfectly legitimate in some cases.)

* If a library DOES have a mechanism or "policy" for limiting resource
  consumption or other vulnerable conditions, then it does not get a
  CVE (although a bypass of such a mechanism still qualifies.)  When a
  protection mechanism is available, responsibility shifts to

  An application should receive a CVE if all of the following hold:

  (A) the library provides an API mechanism through which safe
      operation can be achieved,

  (B) the application does not use that mechanism for safe operation,

  (C) the application does not use any other mechanism for safe
      operation (e.g., resource-limited child processes).

  Any application that uses the library without (1) using its
  resource-consumption limits or (2) otherwise implementing its own
  protection mechanisms (such as spawning child processes with memory
  limits), should get a CVE.  This second item is important - we
  shouldn't "blame" an application just because it uses its own
  protection mechanism instead of the library's mechanism.

  We know this means that a large number of applications can be
  "blamed" and will receive a CVE.  But, no library can be reasonably
  expected to make universal decisions on resource limits for ALL of
  its potential users - that would hurt usability.

We hope that this post is helpful and informative in explaining how we
interpret CVE's content decisions as the vulnerability information
landscape continues to evolve.

Steve Christey and the CVE assignment team
MITRE CVE Numbering Authority

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