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Re: memory allocator upstream patches

From: Jan Lieskovsky <jlieskov () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 17:37:36 +0200

Hello Xi, Kurt,

  thank you for your report and notification.

It doesn't look that the issues below have got CVE identifiers
assigned yet. Thus assuming your report was also a simultaneous
request for the identifiers, not just notification, correct?
Can you confirm that?


  once confirmed, could you please allocate CVE ids for these
flaws? (me not sure if the 'bionic' one case below being open-source,
but for the rest the request(s) look valid).

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Response Team

On 06/05/2012 07:54 AM, Xi Wang wrote:

I would like to share some upstream patches of two specific types
of memory allocator vulnerabilities.

* malloc(n) size overflow.

Consider the following code pattern.

        n = read_from_input();
        p = malloc(n);
        if (p)
                memcpy(p, input_buffer, n);

Some malloc() implementations internally perform alignment/padding
for a large n, and the allocation size wraps around to a small
integer.  That means they would allocate a smaller buffer than
expected, leading to buffer overflow.

* calloc(n, size) size overflow.

Some calloc() implementations don't check for n * size multiplication
overflow, and would allocate a smaller buffer than expected,
leading to buffer overflow.

The two types of vulnerabilities can be easily reproduced using
malloc(-1) and calloc(BIG-VALUE, BIG-VALUE).  If the return values
are non-null, the implementations are likely to be problematic.

See a more complete list at:


Below are some recent upstream fixes.

Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC (libgc)

malloc() size overflow, upstream patch (revised by the developers):


The bug in mallocx.c was found by Ivan Maidanski.

calloc() size overflow, upstream patch (revised by the developers):


bionic (Android libc)

malloc() size overflow, upstream patch (revised by the developers):


NB: this vulnerability could only be triggered in debug mode, the
same as CVE-2009-0607, calloc() size overflow.


malloc() size overflow, upstream patch:


calloc() size overflow, upstream patch:




malloc() size overflow, confirmed by the developers via email in
this March, no upstream patch available (since 3.8).

calloc() size overflow, which should only happen on non-glibc
platforms (e.g., Mac OS X).  It has not been confirmed by the
developers, but one can easily reproduce it.


ordered_malloc() (similar to calloc()) size overflow, upstream patch:


- xi

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