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Re: PHP-CGI query string parameter vulnerability (CVE-2012-1823 / CVE-2012-2311, CERT VU#520827)

From: Kurt Seifried <kseifried () redhat com>
Date: Wed, 09 May 2012 14:21:34 -0600

Hash: SHA1

On 05/09/2012 12:59 PM, cve-assign () mitre org wrote:
The incomplete fix part seems to have got bit messy, at least
with respect to CVE assignment.

The total number of CVE IDs should be 4. Comments below:

1) Incorrect detection of = in query string, that made it
possible to bypass the fix using %3D.  This was addressed by:

-       if(*decoded_query_string == '-' &&
strchr(decoded_query_string, '=') == NULL) { +
if(*decoded_query_string == '-' && strchr(query_string, '=') ==

which is noted as Mitigation option 3 in De Eindbazen's blog. 
Following the timeline / updates there, this should be what
triggered CVE-2012-2311 assignment.

CVE-2012-2311 is for only this specific %3D fix listed as "1)"

2) The fix from 1) did not address the problem for use cases
where "unsafe" wrapper script, similar to the one pointed out in
De Eindbazen's blog, is used.  It seems that was first mentioned
in Christopher Kunz's (php-security.net) blog mentioning that the
PHP re-fix is still incomplete, though it's questionable if this
is to be considered a PHP flaw.  Upstream warned about this
insecure wrapper script problem:


and even added a fix / work around for it to PHP:


This needs a separate CVE ID (different from both CVE-2012-1823
and CVE-2012-2311). MITRE is considering the "insecure wrapper
script" to be a distributable product because the code has been
available for some time on a public web site, and the (admittedly
tiny) script codebase has apparently sometimes been copied and
adapted for use at multiple web-hosting providers.

The script codebase is, of course, open source.

In many cases, MITRE would not bother to assign a CVE ID for a 
vulnerability in a "product" of this type (i.e., a product that is 
arguably not even packaged for distribution and does not even have
a product name). However, in this case, the product and its 
vulnerability have become commonly recognized and discussed because
of the connection to the other PHP-CGI issues. Therefore, a CVE
name is useful.

This can be temporarily called CVE-2012-NEW-1.

Please use CVE-2012-2335 for these wrapper script issues

3) The fix from 1) only made PHP skip one php_getopt() call out
of two that are reachable in the CGI mode (the third php_getopt()
call is in the if (!cgi && !fastcgi) block).  As the consequence,
PHP was still parsing following arguments:

- -h / -? - this seems harmless, as makes PHP output usage info,
which triggers Internal Server Error in httpd - -T - this was
mentioned as DoS vector:


 The impact of this is rather limited as clients needs to consume
all generated output too keep this running.  May offer some
advantage of simple many requests DoS e.g. Keep-Alive is disabled
and there's per-IP connection limit.

This is upstream commit that was used in 5.4.2 / 5.3.12:


 and this is correction from 5.4.3 / 5.3.13:


 (both links are for PHP-5.3 branch commits).

This one also needs a separate CVE ID (different from both 
CVE-2012-1823 and CVE-2012-2311). Compared to CVE-2012-2311, it 
apparently has the same "affected versions" relative to official 
upstream release numbers. However, the affected versions are
different in PHP packages from multiple Linux distributions. In
this situation, it seems best to have two separate CVE names
(CVE-2012-2311 and a new one) for the two different issues with
php_getopt - in other words:

CVE-2012-2311:   the vulnerability that exists when the php_getopt 
for cases 'c' 'n' 'd' 'b' and 's' is not skipped

CVE-2012-NEW-2:  the vulnerability that exists when the php_getopt 
for cases 'T' and 'h' is not skipped

Please use CVE-2012-2336 for the cases 'T' and 'h'

If this is agreeable, we would like Red Hat to make the specific
CVE assignments for the "CVE-2012-NEW-1" and "CVE-2012-NEW-2"
labels referenced above. If, for any reason, Red Hat doesn't want
to make these two CVE assignments, please let us know.

- -- 
Kurt Seifried Red Hat Security Response Team (SRT)
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