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Re: CVE Request -- Multiple security issues in various versions of AWStats

From: "MustLive" <mustlive () websecurity com ua>
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 01:53:08 +0300


Petr was not right :-). And I CCed this letter, to let him know about it.

1. As I wrote in my previous letter there is CVE entry already for
Redirector vulnerability - Open redirect vulnerability
(http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-5020). And as I
showed in my advisory in case of #2, this fix can be bypassed, so there can
be made update for this CVE entry or made new entry.

So CVE, Mitre and all others, who made such entries in their vulnerability
databases (including developer, who tried to fix it, but incorrectly and it
can be bypassed) already recognized it as vulnerability.

2. Yes, awredir.pl is url redirector and it's only one thing that it should
do, but in result we have 7 holes: 3 XSS, 1 SQLi, 1 HTTPRS, 1 CLRFi and one
Redirector hole (even redirecting should be done flawless). To which holes
redirectors can lead I wrote in my article Redirectors: the phantom menace.

3. Petr and everyone who don't know about Redirector vulnerabilities should
read articles about this type of holes:

URL Redirector Abuse (WASC-38) in WASC 2.0

And my articles (first one on Ukrainian and others are on English):

Redirectors (I wrote this article, with few examples of redirectors, before
I posted multiple redirector vulnerabilities in search engines in my 2007's
project Month of Search Engines Bugs)

Redirectors: the phantom menace

Attacks via closed redirectors


Since you wrote me, then you can listen my music.

In September I've released my first commercial album Originality (http://soundcloud.com/mustlive/sets/originality). And soon I'll release my new single. So you can listen these and other my compositions ;-). I hope you'll enjoy my music.

Best wishes & regards,
Eugene Dokukin aka MustLive
Administrator of Websecurity web site

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jan Lieskovsky" <jlieskov () redhat com>
To: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () linus mitre org>; "Petr Lautrbach"
<plautrba () redhat com>
Cc: <oss-security () lists openwall com>; "MustLive"
<mustlive () websecurity com ua>
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2011 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [oss-security] CVE Request -- Multiple security issues in
various versions of AWStats

And one correction yet.

Petr Lautrbach (Cc-ed) commented on Red Hat Bugzilla
bug [1], that:

> URL redirection abuse:

awredir.pl is url redirector so this is its main/only feature and it
is/can be secured by $KEYFORMD5. So I don't think this is flaw.

Thus explicitly mentioning it here too, so this would not fall out
of the radar and just five CVE ids would be assigned.

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Response Team

P.S.: Petr, if you have more comments on the rest of the issues,
      feel free to do so in order to proper set of CVE ids would
      be assigned to these. Thanks, Jan.

On 10/07/2011 10:17 AM, Jan Lieskovsky wrote:
Hello Josh, Steve, vendors,

these doesn't look like CVE ids have been already assigned for:
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=740926#c0
[2] http://secunia.com/advisories/46160/
[3] http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2011/Sep/234
[4] http://websecurity.com.ua/5380/

If I counted correctly, six CVE ids should be assigned for these
(since different versions are listed as vulnerable):

1) XSS (WASC-08) (in versions <=1.1):

2) Redirector (URL Redirector Abuse in WASC 2.0) (WASC-38):

3) SQL Injection (WASC-19): (version 1.2)

4) XSS (WASC-08) (in version 1.2):



5) HTTP Response Splitting (WASC-25):


6) CRLF Injection (Improper Input Handling in WASC 2.0) (WASC-20):


Could you allocate CVE identifiers for these? (let me know
if further description of each of the issues is necessary prior

Thank you && Regards, Jan.
Jan iankko Lieskovsky / Red Hat Security Response Team

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