oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: CVE Request -- Squid v3.1.16 -- Invalid free by processing CNAME DNS record pointing to another CNAME record pointing to an empty A-record

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () rcf-smtp mitre org>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 17:42:24 -0500 (EST)

In general, an attacker-triggered crash in any type of product that acts as an "intermediary" between two parties - such as a proxy, firewall, mail server, anti-virus, etc. - is typically counted as a vulnerability for CVE, since the crash of the intermediary may cause many active sessions to be lost, not just the session for the attacker. Add repeated crashes and you can have a substantive DoS on your hands.

For "passive" intermediaries like IDS and sniffers that just monitor traffic, a crash/DoS can lead to loss of visibility/awareness (passing traffic doesn't get captured), which can allow an attacker to hide activities.

- Steve

On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Henrik Nordstr�m wrote:

mån 2011-10-31 klockan 14:20 -0600 skrev Kurt Seifried:

Could you allocate a CVE id for this? (cc-ed Henrik and Jiri
for their opinion / comments too, if this should be considered
a security issue or not)

I'd say so, in the past we have: CVE-2010-2951, CVE-2010-0639,
CVE-2009-3700, etc. Lots of similar ones.



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