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CVE request, security issues fixed in MySQL 5.1.51

From: Vincent Danen <vdanen () redhat com>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 09:07:26 -0600

MySQL 5.1.51 corrects a few security flaws.  Could we get some CVEs


Security Fix: During evaluation of arguments to extreme-value functions
(such as LEAST() and GREATEST()), type errors did not propagate
properly, causing the server to crash. (Bug#55826)

Security Fix: The server could crash after materializing a derived table
that required a temporary table for grouping. (Bug#55568)

Security Fix: A user-variable assignment expression that is evaluated in
a logical expression context can be precalculated in a temporary table
for GROUP BY. However, when the expression value is used after creation
of the temporary table, it was re-evaluated, not read from the table and
a server crash resulted. (Bug#55564)

Security Fix: Pre-evaluation of LIKE predicates during view preparation
could cause a server crash. (Bug#54568)

Security Fix: GROUP_CONCAT() and WITH ROLLUP together could cause a
server crash. (Bug#54476)

Security Fix: Queries could cause a server crash if the GREATEST() or
LEAST() function had a mixed list of numeric and LONGBLOB arguments, and
the result of such a function was processed using an intermediate
temporary table. (Bug#54461)

Security Fix: Queries with nested joins could cause an infinite loop in
the server when used from stored procedures and prepared statements.


Vincent Danen / Red Hat Security Response Team

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