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Re: CVE Request -- PHP 5 - 5.2.11

From: Tomas Hoger <thoger () redhat com>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 17:38:22 +0200

On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 03:24:34 -0400 (EDT) "Steven M. Christey"
<coley () linus mitre org> wrote:

Name: CVE-2009-3293

Unspecified vulnerability in the imagecolortransparent function in PHP
before 5.2.11 has unknown impact and attack vectors related to an
incorrect "sanity check for the color index."

While looking into this one, I spotted few interesting things.

Patch for this is:
- if (color > -1 && color<im->colorsTotal && color<=gdMaxColors) {
+ if (color > -1 && color < im->colorsTotal && color < gdMaxColors) {

Besides "color<=gdMaxColors" check, there is also "color<im->colorsTotal"
check.  GD code also assumes that im->colorsTotal is <= gdMaxColors, as
it is used as an upper bound in multiple cases when accessing arrays of
gdMaxColors size.  You can see "im->colorsTotal<=gdMaxColors" enforced in
e.g.  gdImageColorAllocateAlpha(), which is called for PHP function

  color<im->colorsTotal (from the check)
  im->colorsTotal<=gdMaxColors (assumed in the rest of the code)
  color < gdMaxColor

So the change should not really introduce any extra protection for current
PHP versions.

This change is relevant for pre-4.3.5 PHP versions, which do not have
"color<im->colorsTotal" part of the check.  It is possible to trigger
im->alpha[] off-by-one over-write in those versions.  This changes
neighbor member of the gdImageStruct structure - trueColor.  If that
happens, gd will believe that previously non-TrueColor image is now
TrueColor, which can lead to buffer over-reads or over-writes in
subsequent gd operations (due to a different storage space needed for
pixels of TrueColor and non-TrueColor images).

But there is also concern for current PHP versions, as im->colorsTotal may
be initialized with a value greater than gdMaxColors when using
imagecreatefromgd() PHP function on a specially crafted GD file.  Value
read from file is not properly checked in _gdGetColors() (gd_gd.c),
possibly allowing previously mentioned over-reads or over-writes on
various places (e.g. colorsTotal is used in _gdGetColors()
when initializing im->open[] with 0s).  CVE-2009-3546 was assigned to
this problem and the fix is now committed in PHP SVN:

Tomas Hoger / Red Hat Security Response Team

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