oss-sec mailing list archives

Re: CVE-2008-4796: snoopy triage

From: "Steven M. Christey" <coley () linus mitre org>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 19:46:54 -0500 (EST)

Updated, original oss-security post will be added later.  Note that we
don't track every single product (imagine how many pages a zlib issue
would take up!)

- Steve

Name: CVE-2008-4796
Status: Candidate
URL: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-4796
Reference: CONFIRM:http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=879959
Reference: JVN:JVN#20502807
Reference: URL:http://jvn.jp/en/jp/JVN20502807/index.html
Reference: JVNDB:JVNDB-2008-000074
Reference: URL:http://jvndb.jvn.jp/ja/contents/2008/JVNDB-2008-000074.html
Reference: FRSIRT:ADV-2008-2901
Reference: URL:http://www.frsirt.com/english/advisories/2008/2901
Reference: SECUNIA:32361
Reference: URL:http://secunia.com/advisories/32361

The _httpsrequest function (Snoopy/Snoopy.class.php) in Snoopy 1.2.3
and earlier, as used in (1) ampache, (2) libphp-snoopy, (3) mahara,
(4) mediamate, (5) opendb, (6) pixelpost, and possibly other products,
allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via shell
metacharacters in https URLs.

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