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DNS vulnerability: other relevant software

From: Matthias Geerdsen <vorlon () gentoo org>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2008 14:07:01 +0200


looking at some of the DNS related software in our tree, I thought it might be nice to keep track of any findings of affected and unaffected packages...
So here is a start:

- posadis [1]:
has not seen an update since dec 2004; I could not find any info on port randomization etc., but considering the age it might probably have other issues too.

- dnsmasq [2]:
        no port randomization [3]

- pdnsd [4]:
        no info yet

- MaraDNS [5]:
"MaraDNS uses a strong secure RNG for both the query (16 bits of entropy) and the source port of the query (12 bits of entropy). This makes spoofing replies to a MaraDNS server more difficult, since the attacker has only a one in 250 million chance that a given spoofed reply will be considered valid." [6]

- MyDNS [7]:
        "MyDNS does not include recursive name service, nor a resolver library."
        also this thread [8]

- DNRD [9]: "Uses random source port and random query ID's to prevent cache poisoning."


[1] <http://posadis.sourceforge.net/>
[2] <http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/doc>
[3] <http://lists.thekelleys.org.uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2008q3/002147.html>
[4] <http://www.phys.uu.nl/~rombouts/pdnsd/>
[5] <http://www.maradns.org/>
[6] <http://www.maradns.org/tutorial/man.maradns.html>
[7] <http://mydns.bboy.net/>
[8] <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=714ef0060807081802h4e52a70ak4f52e06c11e2abfe%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=mydns-users>
[9] <http://dnrd.sourceforge.net/>

Matthias Geerdsen (vorlon)

Gentoo Linux Security Team

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