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Re: Feature: per-target port specification (with patch!)

From: Jan Gocník <gocnik () dcit cz>
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2019 15:15:23 +0200


I worked on this some more.

Fixed all of the memory leaks that were my fault, and the crash that was a 
result of a bug in mergeHostSpecificPorts. I took this opportunity to 
rewrite the mergeHostSpecificPorts algorithm, so now the results are 
properly sorted.
The disrepancy between "Scanning X [max N ports]" and "Completed Connect 
Scan at X (0 ports max)" should be fixed as well, the totalprobes value is 
now properly initialized.

About the features you mentioned:
The "Not shown: X ports" output for Normal output.
Well, from what I know, this doesn't always allow you to infer information 
about all ports anyway. For example, if you get "Not shown: 3995 closed 
ports, 514 filtered ports". Therefore, as long as the counts are 
calculated correctly, I don't think it's necessary to output information 
about additional scanned ports, as you can get these from other more 
verbose outputs.

Properly formed XML output, with changes to the DTD and a 
"xmloutputversion" number increase.
I simply output another scaninfo tag into each host tag. Updated the DTD 
and xmloutputversion to 1.05.
For greppable, I output it in a format similiar to the ports listing.

Combination of this feature with existing --top-ports/port-ratio and -p 
From my testing, it merges with them properly.

Combination of this feature with CIDR subnetting and IPv4 octet ranges
Should work just fine.

Use of this feature along with advanced features like -O --traceroute 
and -sV
I tested it with these options and everything seemed good to me.

On the topic of memory usage:
I wrote it so that if you do regular scans, the additional memory usage 
should be very small - only a scan_lists per target group, which is <64 
bytes, and a few pointers here and there. I can't get reproducible heap 
reports form valgrind unfortunately, but in one case the new version even 
allocated less memory than latest SVN trunk for "nmap scanme.nmap.org".
The biggest item of all is port_map_rev, which is 65536*sizeof(u16) = 128 
kB. This is allocated for each target that has specific ports (but only 
for those). Only way I can think of making this better is sharing those 
for the whole target group, but I dunno if it's worth the effort.

Now, on the rationale.
A very specific (real) example when this feature is useful: We are 
scanning a network, which has some kind of network appliance that replies 
to SYNs on port 80 on every unleased IP, but doesn't reply to most other 
ports at all (not even with a RST). That means that nmap considers every 
single IP live,
but then waits for a long time when attempting to scan all the other 
ports. I was scanning 521 IPs, of which 11 were really occupied and active 
and the 511 others were the "fakes".
I was testing three options: Scan all hosts for all ports that appeared at 
least once (marked all_ports), write a simple script that calls nmap for 
each target (script), and then used the per-target ports (per_target).

With ping scan, the results were the following:
* all_ports: 102 seconds
* per_target: 80 seconds
* script: 60 seconds
Without ping scan:
* script: 45 seconds
* all_ports: 38 seconds
* per_target: 4 seconds

My conclusion is that this feature is useful when you get filtered ports, 
as these take a lot of time. Basically, if you only have open and closed 
ports, scanning some additional ones is fast and the "union all ports" 
strategy is alright. But once you have filtered ports, the waiting quickly 
gets bad.
The script could be upgraded to be parallel, but then you're reinventing 
nmap's parallel engine.

Now I know the "proper" solution on this network would be to use a brain 
and try to discern real and fake machines, but this already gets much 
faster results without a need for thinking, which is always nice.
I understand your concern about losing "new" services, but I see the main 
usability of this in manual scans, for example running additional nse 
scripts against your last scan results etc. When you are doing automatic 
scans (for exmple as a network admin scanning network for new devices each 
week), you probably don't need to care about speed anyway...

Updated patch (to svn revision 37611):

Looking forward to further comments and hopefully we can make this work :)


From:   Jan Gocník/Dcit
To:     "Daniel Miller" <bonsaiviking () gmail com>
Cc:     "Nmap-dev" <dev () nmap org>
Date:   02.04.2019 23:53
Subject:        Re: Feature: per-target port specification (with patch!)

Hey Dan,

thanks for the reply! It's a shame that I didn't find the GitHub issue you 
link to before implementing this, as it does raise a lot of valid 

First, let me say that the company I work for wants this feature, so even 
if it doesn't end up in upstream, I will try to keep it at least as a fork 
- as I'll have to maintain it internally anyway, I wanted to share with 
the community, in case others have a need for it as well.

I will go through all the things you mentioned (most of the compatibility 
with other options should be taken care of, but memory leaks are a 
problem), fix up the code, look at maybe getting the memory footprint 
lower, and try to come up with some stronger numbers and rationale.


From:   "Daniel Miller" <bonsaiviking () gmail com>
To:     "Jan Gocník" <gocnik () dcit cz>
Cc:     "Nmap-dev" <dev () nmap org>
Date:   02.04.2019 21:21
Subject:        Re: Feature: per-target port specification (with patch!)
Sent by:        "dev" <dev-bounces () nmap org>

Some initial notes from building and testing this:

./nmap scanme.nmap.org^22-80 -d
Starting Nmap 7.70SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-04-02 18:37 UTC
PORTS: Using top 1000 ports found open (TCP:1000, UDP:0, SCTP:0)
--------------- Timing report ---------------
  hostgroups: min 1, max 100000
  rtt-timeouts: init 1000, min 100, max 10000
  max-scan-delay: TCP 1000, UDP 1000, SCTP 1000
  parallelism: min 0, max 0
  max-retries: 10, host-timeout: 0
  min-rate: 0, max-rate: 0
Initiating Ping Scan at 18:37
Scanning scanme.nmap.org ( [max 2 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 18:37, 0.09s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Overall sending rates: 24.44 packets / s.
mass_rdns: Using DNS server X.X.X.X
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 18:37
mass_rdns: 0.12s 0/1 [#: 3, OK: 0, NX: 0, DR: 0, SF: 0, TR: 1]
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 18:37, 0.06s elapsed
DNS resolution of 1 IPs took 0.15s. Mode: Async [#: 3, OK: 1, NX: 0, DR: 
0, SF: 0, TR: 1, CN: 0]
Initiating Connect Scan at 18:37
Scanning scanme.nmap.org ( [max 1059 ports]
Discovered open port 80/tcp
Discovered open port 22/tcp
Discovered open port 9929/tcp
Discovered open port 31337/tcp
nmap: portlist.cc:688: void PortList::mapPort(u16*, u8*) const: Assertion 
`mapped_portno < port_list_count[mapped_protocol]' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Valgrind identified some memory leaks. These were the ones that are 
definitely from this patch: Portlist::setIdStr(), idstr; 
PortList::mergeHostSpecificPorts(), new_port_map and new_port_map_rev;

There was also a discrepancy between the "Scanning X [max N ports]" and 
"Completed Connect Scan at X (0 ports max)", which valgrind says is due to 
an uninitialized value, probably GroupScanStats::totalprobes.

Of course, as you noted before, the results are not sorted by port number, 
which we would have to do to ensure predictable output that can be 
compared with previous scans.

IPv6 addresses, CIDR, and IPv4 octet ranges seem to work fine with this.

With just my one test scan of localhost and scanme.nmap.org with one 
unique port each and one port in common, the patched code allocated an 
additional 383KB of heap memory. I do not know how this would scale up or 
down, and I haven't compared it with a scan that should behave the same in 
both cases (for instance, "nmap".

My primary concern remains that repeated use of this feature will result 
in missing new services and dropping existing ones if they are missed in 
just one scan. This is more about use case than about the code, though, so 
I will defer to users on that.


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 1:30 PM Daniel Miller <bonsaiviking () gmail com> 

Thanks for this contribution. We've had many requests for this type of 
feature in the past, but have elected not to include it for a variety of 
reasons. There is an open discussion on our issue tracker that lays out 
some of the challenges in correctly implementing such a feature: 

It looks like your patch has tried to handle some of these situations, for 
example the "Ports scanned" output for Grepable output (and maybe XML, but 
it didn't look complete at first glance). If we are to do an actual code 
review and include this new feature, we would have to look for a complete 
solution that can handle the following situations:

* The "Not shown: X ports" output for Normal output.
* Properly formed XML output, with changes to the DTD and a 
"xmloutputversion" number increase.
* Combination of this feature with existing --top-ports/port-ratio and -p 
* Combination of this feature with CIDR subnetting and IPv4 octet ranges
* Use of this feature along with advanced features like -O --traceroute 
and -sV

Have you done any measurement of scans before and after adding this 
feature to determine the actual impact on scan times and bandwidth? Do you 
have a bandwidth target for your scans that Nmap is exceeding right now, 
and by how much? What does a typical nmap command line look like, and what 
performance options have you already tried?

I look forward to hearing more about this from you and our other devs and 


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 8:07 AM Jan Gocník <gocnik () dcit cz> wrote:

I would like to propose a feature enabling specifying ports for each 
target separately. 

It often happens that we already have an nmap scan of 200 machines, and we 
want to do a service scan on those same machines. Usually that forces us 
to scan the whole network for all the ports that appeared at least once. 
That is a big waste of time and bandwidth. What we want to have is 
essentially a rescan-like feature, that would rescan just ports that were 
found to be open before. 

User experience: 
Everywhere where you could specify a target (-iL file, command line) you 
can supply a "target^ports". It works with all the nmap magic ranges, so 
"^22-60" works. The common ports (supplied with -p) are 
scanned on all targets. 

Implementation details: 
I tried to keep it so that if you don't use any "^" in the targets, the 
code path should remain largely the same, so there should be no 
regressions. However, I had to do some tuning in functions that expected 
they can just get the number of probes by multiplying common ports by 
There's a small issue, in that the results of the scan are not sorted 
properly, as the target-specific ports get scanned last. 

Usage example: 
===paste start=== 
$ nmap -v -Pn -n -p22 "^80,443" "^8080" 
Starting Nmap 7.70SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-04-01 19:46 CEST 
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 19:46 
Scanning 2 hosts [max 3 ports/host] 
Discovered open port 22/tcp 
Discovered open port 80/tcp 
Discovered open port 443/tcp 
Discovered open port 22/tcp 
Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 19:46, 1.45s elapsed (1626388576 total ports 
Nmap scan report for 
Host is up (0.0090s latency). 

22/tcp  open  ssh 
80/tcp  open  http 
443/tcp open  https 

Nmap scan report for 
Host is up (0.038s latency). 

22/tcp   open     ssh 
8080/tcp filtered http-proxy 

Read data files from: /home/gocnik/nmap 
Nmap done: 2 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 1.52 seconds 
           Raw packets sent: 6 (264B) | Rcvd: 4 (176B) 
===paste end=== 

If done the usual way: 
$ nmap -v -Pn -n -p22,80,443,8080 
Raw packets sent: 10 (440B) | Rcvd: 6 (260B) 

The patch is against svn trunk at this moment (revision 37608). 

Looking forward to all comments! 

P.S.: Sorry if you recieve this e-mail twice, but the previous one 
apparently got caught in a moderation queue or something, as it doesn't 
show on seclists.org 
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