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Re: Who do I figure out who an IP is?

From: ToddAndMargo <ToddAndMargo () zoho com>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2018 13:43:21 -0700

On 4/6/18, 6:16 PM, "dev on behalf of ToddAndMargo" <dev-bounces () nmap org on behalf of ToddAndMargo () zoho com> 

     Hi All,
I have an IP on my local network that is chattering
     a lot.  I can't seem to get nmap to cough up its
I eventually did figured out which computer it was. It would
     have been helpful for namp to give me its name.
What did I do wrong? Also, the "-A" options never return. Many thanks,
# nmap -T4 Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-04-06 16:10 PDT
     Nmap scan report for
     Host is up (0.0011s latency).
     Not shown: 991 closed ports
     135/tcp   open  msrpc
     139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn
     445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds
     5357/tcp  open  wsdapi
     49152/tcp open  unknown
     49153/tcp open  unknown
     49154/tcp open  unknown
     49155/tcp open  unknown
     49159/tcp open  unknown
     MAC Address: 0C:C4:7A:CD:BE:F4 (Super Micro Computer)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 12.84 seconds

On 04/07/2018 10:28 AM, Steven Horejsi wrote:
OK; I see 135,139, and 445 open, so it's likely Windows. If you want the name of amachine you either need to ask some 
sort of ritectory service (DNS, NBNS,etc.) OR ask the device itself.

  Something like the following should do the job:

nmap --script=smb-os-discovery --script-args smbnoguest=1 --top-ports 200 -O <target-ip>

                        -=[ Steve ]=-

Thank you!

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