Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: Changelog changes and formatting standards

From: Daniel Miller <bonsaiviking () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2015 10:20:30 -0500

Of course I forgot to include the address: https://nmap.org/changelog.html
On Sep 27, 2015 10:16 AM, "Daniel Miller" <bonsaiviking () gmail com> wrote:

Hello, Nmap developers!

I'm very excited to announce the new HTML-formatted changelog page on
nmap.org [1]. The URL is the same as it has been, but instead of just
dumping the text file into an HTML <pre> element, we now process the file 4
times an hour to generate a nicely-formatted page with hyperlinks.

Current features:

o Github issue numbers like [GH#34] are automatically linked to the
appropriate issue.

o URLs are automatically linked, too. Be careful what you link to!

o Lists (including nested lists) are displayed as <ul> lists.

o Preformatted text blocks are shown using <pre>.

For Nmap committers, please keep these formatting tips in mind when adding
to the CHANGELOG file:

o Each entry starts with "o " ("\x6F\x20") subsequent lines are indented
by 2

o Entries are separated by a blank line ("\n\n"), and we use Unix line
  (no carriage-return "\r").

o Wrap lines at 80 characters. No trailing whitespace.

o To represent preformatted text (ASCII art or diagrams, code, example
  lines, sample output, etc.), increase the level of indent by 1 or more
    The next
    at the original indent level
  (like this one) signals the end of the preformatted block.

o Nested lists (1 level deep) can be made by using
  - the hyphen ('-' 0x2D)
  - the plus ('+' 0x2B)
  - or the asterisk ('*' 0x2A)

o One entry must not contain a blank line, or it will be truncated.
    If you need a blank line, for example in preformatted text,
    Insert a period (full-stop) or other character to join the lines.

o Sub-project tags like [NSE] or [Zenmap] must be the first thing in the
  Contributor's name should be near the end in [square brackets], though
  auto-formatter can't currently disambiguate this from other uses of
  brackets (like in example code).


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