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Re: [RFC] --exclude-ports option for Nmap

From: Jay Bosamiya <jaybosamiya () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:33:11 +0530


With respect to the warnings for the --exclude-ports option:
Daniel Miller wrote:
[...] I don't think this is necessary, because it will involve
retooling the portspec parsing code. It can be added later; perhaps a
TODO comment in the code would be sufficient. On the other hand, I
lean against warnings of any kind involving port exclusions because
the user should be able to figure it out
Fyodor wrote:
[...] I'm not sure I'd even show a warning, as excluding ports which
would otherwise be scanned is a main purpose of this option.  I also
wouldn't give a warning if people try to exclude a port which wasn't
going to be scanned, as they might just  be doing that for
safety/paranoia/policy reasons.
I guess I completely scrap the idea of warnings then. We could just make
the documentation very clear, and this should be enough.

There is some confusion with respect to point number 2 in my original mail.
Jay Bosamiya wrote:
2. How does it interact with --top-ports? More specifically, how many
ports does "--top-ports 2 --exclude-ports 80" scan? 1 or 2?
    I think that it should scan 2 ports excluding port 80 (i.e. it
should scan ports 23 and 443). This seems to be the logical way that
anyone would read the command too.
Fyodor wrote:
Yes, that sounds like the way to go.  As you go through the top port
lists, you'd call the function to check if the port is excluded first.
Daniel Miller wrote:
I tend to think the opposite: --top-ports 2 --exclude-ports 80 should
only scan port 23, not 23 and 443, since --top-ports 2 would not
normally scan 443. But I am willing to be persuaded by use cases for
the other way around. You will have to be careful of edge cases:
--top-ports 65535 --exclude-ports 1-10 will not scan 65535 ports.

Initially, the biggest reason I thought that we should scan exactly N
ports for "--top-ports N --exclude-ports A,B,C" in all cases (except for
edge cases) is that it reads more naturally (at least to me).
However, as I thought about it, I came up with a use case [1] that
clearly illustrates the reason we should keep it with exactly N ports.
I also decided that I could ask some folks as to what the command really
reads as [2].

With respect to the long option name:
Daniel Miller wrote:
[...] perhaps we should consider what long option name gets used. The
functions that handle this kind of parsing and choosing are also used
for the IP Protocol scan (-sO), so it could fairly be called
--exclude-protos. We don't have this problem with -p simply because it
is a 1-letter option. Suggestions, anyone?
I'm not so sure, but how about --exclude-p ? This basically comes from
the reasoning that we use --exclude for hosts since hosts have no option
name before them, so we use --exclude-p for the things that have -p
before them.
This could be quite debatable actually, but it is a triviality in
relation to the rest of the code. I will code in the option as
--exclude-ports for now (only because of the subject of the thread), but
we could decide the exact name anytime later before we commit it.


[1] Hypothetical Scenario: If I am a network admin who scans my network
daily (thoroughly) and hourly (just for top ports) to see if any
services/ports have opened up inadvertently/maliciously. I would have a
limited time span for which I can run the hourly scan and my top-ports
number is limited by this. I would have written a script that runs
"--top-ports N" and would look for any new additions that pop up. Now
that an exclude-ports option is there in Nmap, I'd just add all the
ports that I know to be open (since I know which services I've
installed) to the exclude-ports list and make the script run with a
"--exclude-ports A,B,C" tagged along (to be able to scan more ports that
should not be open in the same amount of time). Now, due to some new
software that I have installed, there is a new port opened. Then I'd add
a ",D" to the list and be done with it. This would basically scan the
same number of ports but would actually be a more informative scan. On
the other hand, if I had to make it "--top-ports N+4 --exclude-ports
A,B,C,D" then I had to either waste time checking that D is actually in
the top ports list (and then change to N+4) or I would forget about
changing it to N+4 which basically means that the time taken by the scan
is lesser (and time that could've been used to check for one more rogue
service goes to waste).
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