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Re: [NSE] Script submission: targets-ipv6-wordy

From: Raul Fuentes <ra.fuentess.sam () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 10:15:29 +0200

As told before, my big concern is the already overhead once you combine all
the scripts and all the memory need to have all the potential addresses.

 You approach generate all the possible words, true ,but is truly useful ?
Is like a dictionary attack or brute force attack,  for a general quick
approach to try to detect a IPv6 address as 2001:db8:c0ca:dead:beef (or a
passwords as 123adobe or qwerty) is a truly idea try to get all the
possible combinations or just the most  common 1000-10,000
passwords/address?  When I implemented the wordly script,   I choice the
second approach, that is the reason for the DB, as well is a good place
 for store already discovered EUI-64 addresses.

About many DB, for the standard user can be easy and transparent, even Nmap
has his own  multiple DB, even the SLAAC script uses the Nmap MAC vendors
DB. And for a audit security user, he eventually  need to update or tune
Nmap DB for his own needs on specific auditories .

By the way,  I have not seen you progress with the scripts, but a full scan
of 24 bits with almost all your scripts running at same time, how much time
take?  It's a good idea to give more time with the approach you want?
 (IPv4 for Nmap can be  a lot of time)

2014-04-01 9:32 GMT+02:00 Everardo Padilla Saca <
everardo.padilla.saca () gmail com>:

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:53 AM, Raul Fuentes <ra.fuentess.sam () gmail com>wrote:

The file hex-wordy-en.lst contains:
The generated addresses will be:
If the wordlist has N entries and the number of segments is M, the
generated addresses will be N^M.

Hello, Everardo,  I didn't  made that part on Lua due is not exactly
needed to recreate for each execution (and will take too much time and
resources, something which already the IPv6 scripts already have as weak
point).  I was thinking on use a ruby script doing something similar to the N^M
operation to a final db (a vile file text)  but   separated from Nmap, and
then NSE script would read that DB.  However, I'm not sure if you are
planning to do this for the wordly script (which read from a DB).

Atte. Raul Fuentes

Hi Raul, you raise a good point, and I also gave it a thought while
creating this script.

For the biggest data structures, the script's space complexity is f(n) =
2n = O(n), where n is the length of the wordlist.
That first n comes from saving the wordlist to memory as an array in order
to generate the addresses.
That second n is for storing a change-trigger for every word.

Because the script employs hex-based words of maximum 4 characters (a word
is used to "wordify" any 4-nibble part of the IPv6 address), the maximum
number of unique words in a wordlist for this script is 69904 (which is n
in the worst case). This number is obtained like so:

Digits = 10 (zero to nine)
Letters = 6 (a, b, c, d, e, f)
Domain size = Digits + Letters = 16

An IPv6 address can have "words" of 1 to 4 characters long per each
4-nibble segment, this means that we can have as many as 16^1 + 16^2 + 16^3
+ 16^4 possible hex-based words in a file. This is equal to 69904 (also
counting the character combinations that are not even wordy). Having shown
this, I think the space/memory requirements are not that much of a problem,
because in the worst case they would be 69904*2 = 139808 entries.

For the most expensive operations, the script's time complexity is f(n) =
2n + n^m = O(n^m), where n is the size of the wordlist and m is the amount
of chosen segments to "wordify".
That first n is for going through the whole wordlist on the disk and
putting it in memory.
That second n is for populating a word-change trigger array (an entry per
word from the wordlist).
That n^m is for generating all the possible addresses for the chosen
segments and sending them to Nmap (as soon as an address is generated it is
added as a target).

Because all the possible addresses are n^m, in my opinion, there is no way
around that number if we want Nmap to scan all of those addresses. The
execution time will depend on how ambitious the user is (how many 4-nibble
segments were chosen) and on the quality of the wordlist (if it has 69904
entries then it's pretty much a brute-force approach, trying all the
possible hex characters). Perhaps there's a chance of improvement on that
second n (or somewhere else for that matter), if there's a better way to
tell the script when to stop using a word.

Even if we were to use a pre-generated database like you suggest, the
order of magnitude of the time complexity would still be m, because Nmap
would still have to go through all the n^m addresses from that file for
scanning. It is true that the underlying operations for generating the
addresses won't be there while NSE is running, but I believe it's a fair
trade-off for convenience. Dealing with a separate generator program and
multiple databases/files, in my opinion, could be cumbersome for the final
user (e.g. "which file had all these words but not this one?", "should I
run the generator again? maybe I already have that address list around
here", "let me grep that 150^4 address file for this word", etc.). I find
it to be easier and more reliable to allow NSE to generate the addresses to
the user's liking on the fly, even if the space cost (in the worst case) is
having 2 arrays of 69904 entries each.

However, it would be very interesting to apply your suggestion from a
research point of view, like having a huge pre-computed table inside Nmap's
code with all possible wordy addresses to remove that 2n from the time
complexity. I'll suggest we try that at ITESM's labs.

Excuse the long email, I should have covered most of these topics in the
original post.


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