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Re: Lua issues

From: Brendan Coles <bcoles () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 22:40:51 +1100

Hi Peak,

I'm not sure about the differences between the latest lua and the lua used
in nmap NSE, if any.

However, if you want to access the HTTP headers you can use the table
req["rawheader"] rather than req["header"]

Here's an example which loops through all HTTP headers and returns all
matches for "server" :

        local result = {}
        local path = "/"

        -- Retrieve headers
        stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: Connecting to %s:%s"):format(SCRIPT_NAME,
host.targetname or host.ip, port.number))
        data = http.get(host, port, path)
        if not data then
                stdnse.print_debug(1, "%s: Failed to retrieve HTTP headers.", SCRIPT_NAME)

        -- Extract server headers
        stdnse.print_debug(2, "%s: HTTP %s: %s", SCRIPT_NAME, data.status, path)
        for line, header in ipairs(data["rawheader"]) do
                local server_match = string.match(header, '[Ss]erver: (.+)')
                if server_match then table.insert(result, string.format("%s",
server_match)) end

        -- Return results
        stdnse.print_debug(1, ("%s: %s:%s returned %s server
headers."):format(SCRIPT_NAME, host.targetname or host.ip,
port.number, #result))
        return stdnse.format_output(true, result)

Here's the full script the example was taken from:

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:14 PM, CheesStick peak <crnxyrnx () gmail com> wrote:


Im currently working with the nmap script engine and with lua.
Im more into perl but i wanted to give lua a try so I started scripting a

Now it looks for me that the nse is not working like normal lua. I have an
example according my work with tables:

local table= { 123, 231 , "aaa" , xxx = { "x1", "x2"} , 666 , test="showme"
, 777 }

now when I do:
for i,v in ipairs(table) do print(i,v) end

it gives me:
1    123
2    231
3    aaa
4    666
5    777
(the same does table.concat(table,"\n") btw.)

BUT, according to different lua sites it should be:
1      123
2      231
3      aaa
4      table: 0035xxxx
5      666
test  showme
7      777

... ?

So i hope you can help me, because all I want is to know what http header
http.get gives me back:

local req = http.get ( "example.com" , 80, "/index.php")
print req.status         -- 200
print (req['header'])     --table: 0x97874a0
print (table.getn(req['header']))    --- erm... what??wtf?


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Brendan Coles
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