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Bug in script pipe output

From: David Fifield <david () bamsoftware com>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 16:02:43 -0700


I found a bug in script output. If the output contains a legitimate "| "
sequence, the code in formatScriptOutput thinks that it is the beginning
mark of the last line and replaces it with "|_". I found it in this

# nmap --script=html-title www.mscd.edu -p80

Starting Nmap 5.35DC18 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-09-17 15:58 PDT
Nmap scan report for www.mscd.edu (
Host is up (0.063s latency).
80/tcp open  http
| html-title: Where Success Begins With You |_Metropolitan State College of ...

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.89 seconds

The pipe is supposed to be part of the title, as you can see by going to
the web page.

Does someone want to take a shot a fixing this? I think it will be
easier to iterate over the output lines one at a time and add the
special marker on the last iteration rather than trying to patch it up

David Fifield
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