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Re: afp-serverinfo.nse script

From: Andrew Orr <andrew () andreworr ca>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:46:01 -0600

Good catch, thanks Matt. UTF8 Server Name and Server Signature are both optional fields, I've updated the script to check if those are included. If you run the updated script on that same machine it shouldn't output the utf8 server name anymore.

I also fixed the null byte bug more properly and fixed a typo.

Attached is a patch to the patched afp.lua, and the revised afp-serverinfo.nse.

Patrik is working on other parts of afp.lua and will commit everything when he's done.

Everything should work now so unless someone can break it, I'll consider this script done. Please do test this if you have access to any weird/old/non-macbook AFP servers though. Thanks!


On 10-02-10 12:32 AM, Matt Selsky wrote:
Thanks, Andrew.  I tested this against netatalk 1.6.4 on Solaris, and the only problem I see if that the "UTF8 Server 
Name" field is empty.

$ ./nmap --datadir=. --script=afp-serverinfo -sV -p 548 manchego

Starting Nmap 5.20 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-02-10 01:28 EST
NSE: Script Scanning completed.
Nmap scan report for manchego (
Host is up (0.016s latency).
rDNS record for manchego
548/tcp open  afp     Netatalk 1.6 (name: manchego; protocol 2.2)
| afp-serverinfo:
|   | Server Flags: 0x807d
|   |   Super Client: No
|   |   UUIDs: Yes
|   |   UTF8 Server Name: No
|   |   Open Directory: Yes
|   |   Reconnect: Yes
|   |   Server Notifications: No
|   |   TCP/IP: No
|   |   Server Signature: No
|   |   ServerMessages: No
|   |   Password Saving Prohibited: No
|   |   Password Changing: No
|   |_  Copy File: No
|   Server Name: manchego
|   Machine Type: unix
|   AFP Versions: AFPVersion 1.1, AFPVersion 2.0, AFPVersion 2.1, AFP2.2
|   UAMs: DHCAST128
|   Server Signature: 0xC7341183C7341183C7341183C7341101
|   Network Address 1:
|_  UTF8 Server Name:
Service Info: OS: Unix

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.63 seconds

Attachment: afp.lua.patch2

Attachment: afp-serverinfo.nse

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