Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: Nping development

From: "Henri Doreau" <henri.doreau () gmail com>
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2009 16:54:51 +0100


As David advised me to do, here is the list of options I intend to
support for APing2. The goal is to support all the original Hping2
ones plus ARP pings and unprivilegied probes (tcp and udp). In a word
: conform to the Nping's requirements published at
I didn't keep the hping's --apd-send option.

  -h  --help                        print out an help screen
  -v  --version                     print out version number
  -c  --count <packets>             number of packets to send
  --max-retries <val>               abort after <val> unreplied probes
  -i  --interval <interval>         idle time between probes
  -e  --interface <interface>       force using this interface
  -v                                increase verbosity level
  -z  --bind                        increase ttl on ctrl+z (default to
destination port)
  -Z  --unbind                      unbind ctrl+z
  -6                                use IPv6

  default mode                      TCP
  -P0                               RAW IP mode
  -PI                               ICMP mode
  -PU                               UDP mode
  -PA                               ARP mode
  --listen <sign>                   listening mode
  --unprivilegied                   assume the user is not privilegied
(only with TCP and UDP modes)

  --spoof-mac <mac address>         spoof MAC address
  --dest-mac <mac address>          set destination MAC address
  --eth-type <val>                  set ethernet type

  --hardware-type <val>             set hardware type
  --protocol-type <val>             set protocol type
  --hardware-size <val>             hardware addresses size
  --protocol-size <val>             hardware addresses size
  --arp-opcode <val>                set arp operation code
  --arp-sender-hw <mac address>     set ARP sender MAC address
  --arp-sender-proto <IP address>   set ARP sender protocol address
  --arp-target-hw <mac address>     set ARP target MAC address
(default 00:00:00:00:00:00)

  -S <ip address>                   spoof source IP address

(I'm not sure for these two ones, how useful do you find them?
especially the first one which would do the same thing than nmap's -iR : )
  --rand-dest                       randomize destination addresses
  --rand-source                     randomize source address
( ------------------------------------ )

  -t  --ttl <val>                   ttl (default 64)
  -N  --id <val>                    id (default random)
  -W  --winid                       use win* id byte ordering
  -r  --rel                         relativize id field
  -f  --frag                        split packets in more frag.
  --morefrag                        set more fragments flag
  --dontfrag                        set dont fragment flag
  -g  --fragoff <val>               set the fragment offset
  -m  --mtu <val>                   set virtual mtu, implies --frag if
packet size > mtu
  --tos <val>                       type of service (default 0x00)
  -H  --ipproto <proto>             set the IP protocol field, only in
RAW IP mode

  -C  --icmptype <val>              icmp type (default echo request)
  -K  --icmpcode <val>              icmp code (default 0)
  --force-icmp                      send all icmp types (default send
only supported types)
  --icmp-gw <ip addr>               set gateway address for ICMP
redirect (default
  --icmp-ipver <val>                Set IP version of IP header
contained into ICMP data
  --icmp-iphlen <val>               Set  IP  header  length  of  IP
header contained into ICMP data,
  --icmp-iplen <val>                Set IP packet length of IP  header
 contained  into  ICMP  data,
  --icmp-ipid <val>                 Set IP id of IP header contained
into ICMP data.
  --icmp-ipproto <val>              Set IP protocol of IP header
contained into ICMP  data.
  --icmp-cksum <val>                Set a custom ICMP checksum.
  --icmp-ts                         Alias for --icmptype 13 (ICMP
timestamp requests).
  --icmp-addr                       Alias for --icmptype 17 (ICMP
address mask requests).

  --icmp-ipver <val>                set ip version
  --icmp-iphlen <val>               set ip header lenght
  --icmp-iplen <val>                set ip total lengtht
  --icmp-ipid <val>                 set ip id
  --icmp-ipproto <val>              set ip protocol
  --icmp-ipsrc <val>                set ip source
  --icmp-ipdst <val>                set ip destination
  --icmp-srcport <val>              set tcp/udp source port
  --icmp-dstport <val>              set tcp/udp destination port
  --icmp-cksum <val>                set icmp checksum

  -g  --source-port <port>          source port
  -p  --destport [+][+]<port>       destination port(default 0) ctrl+z inc/dec
  -k  --keep                        don't change the source port bewteen probes
  -w  --win <size>                  tcp window size (default 64)
  -O  --tcpoff <val>                set fake tcp data offset
(instead of tcphdrlen / 4)
  -Q  --seqnum                      shows only tcp sequence number
  --badsum                          send packets with a bad IP checksum
  -M  --seq                         set TCP sequence number

(--- There I'm not sure, according to you what were the best choice
between --- )
  -pN/pF/pX                         TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas probing
  --tcpflags <flags>                Customize TCP probe flags
(--- and/or --- )
  -F  --fin                         set FIN flag
  -S  --syn                         set SYN flag
  -R  --rst                         set RST flag
  -P  --push                        set PUSH flag
  -A  --ack                         set ACK flag
  -U  --urg                         set URG flag
  -X  --xmas                        set X unused flag (0x40)
  -Y  --ymas                        set Y unused flag (0x80)
( ----------- )

  --tcpexitcode                     use last tcp->th_flags as exit code
  --tcp-timestamp                   enable the TCP timestamp option to
guess the HZ/uptime

  --datalength  <val>               data size
  -E  --file                        data from file
  -q --signature <sign>             add signature befor datas
  -x  --hexdump                     dump packets in hex
  -J  --print                       dump printable characters
  -T  --traceroute                  traceroute mode (implies --bind and --ttl 1)
  --tr-stop                         Exit when receive the first not
ICMP in traceroute mode
  --tr-keep-ttl                     Keep the source TTL fixed, useful
to monitor just one hop
  --tr-no-rtt                       Don't calculate/show RTT
information in traceroute mode

Well, not so easy to juggle with flags and find good compromises!
Now waiting for your opinions about these choices.
I attached a copy of this to the email in order to ensure readability.

I wish you an happy new year!


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