Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: Ref:Re: Ref:Using NSE OpenSSL for Blowfish?

From: Ron <ron () skullsecurity net>
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 22:38:42 -0600

Omar Herrera wrote:
Hi Ron,

The IV is different than the key; it is simply a value used to randomize
the encryption of the first block in order to avoid some attacks.

But looking at your answer it makes more sense. It seems the C blowfish
implementations that you have only supports ECB mode (Electronic
codebook mode). That means that it is only able to encrypt each 64 bit
block independently. This mode is fast but not very secure, since you
can still see patterns repeating in the ciphertext (e.g. two indentical
cleartext blocks of 64 bits will produce exactly the same ciphertext

This is probably the reason why you don't see the IV parameter required
in these C functions, and this might be also the reason why NSE's
openssl module (which seems to use CBC mode and thus require the IV
parameter) is incompatible with the C implementation that you are using.

To implement CBC in your C program you would need to do a bitwise XOR of
the plaintext block with the resulting cihpertext of the previous block,
before applying the Blowfish encryption function. In the case of the
first block you do the XOR with the IV as no previous block exists. Take
a look at the diagrams in wikipedia's explanation of encryption modes
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_modes_of_operation). It makes
it easier to see the difference between encryption modes (particularly
ECB and CBC).


Hi Omar,

I'm attaching the implementation I'm using, for your reference. It does
64 bits at a time, and I don't see any IV.

For this purpose, I'm not worried about security, since in this
implementation the symmetric key actually crosses the wire. The point of
the original program was to add some obscurity, and the point of my
current implementation is compatibility.

Then it's used like this (on the decrypt side, I can't find the encrypt

Initialize with the key that crossed the network:
 Blowfish_Init(&ctx, pEncryptionKey, dwLen);

Decrypt the data in chunks:
 for (i = 0; i < blockcount; i++)
   ConvertToBlowfishLongs(buf+(i*8), &dwDataChunk1, &dwDataChunk2);
   Blowfish_Decrypt(&ctx, &dwDataChunk1, &dwDataChunk2);

I'm trying to figure out how to do the same thing in Lua, now. The
functions I'm using are based on OpenSSL, and defined in nse_openssl.cc:
static int l_encrypt(lua_State *L) /** encrypt( string algorithm, string
key, string iv, string data, bool padding = false ) */
  const char *algorithm = luaL_checkstring( L, 1 );
  const EVP_CIPHER * evp_cipher = EVP_get_cipherbyname( algorithm );
  if (!evp_cipher) return luaL_error( L, "Unknown cipher algorithm: %s",
algorithm );

  size_t data_len;
  const unsigned char *key = (unsigned char *) luaL_checkstring( L, 2 );
  const unsigned char *iv = (unsigned char *) luaL_optstring( L, 3, "" );
  const unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) luaL_checklstring( L, 4,
&data_len );
  int padding = lua_toboolean( L, 5 );

  EVP_CIPHER_CTX cipher_ctx;
  EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init( &cipher_ctx );

  int out_len, final_len;
  unsigned char * out = (unsigned char *) malloc( data_len +
  if (!out) return luaL_error( L, "Couldn't allocate memory.");

  if (!(
      EVP_EncryptInit_ex( &cipher_ctx, evp_cipher, NULL, key, *iv ? iv :
NULL ) &&
      EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding( &cipher_ctx, padding ) &&
      EVP_EncryptUpdate( &cipher_ctx, out, &out_len, data, data_len ) &&
      EVP_EncryptFinal_ex( &cipher_ctx, out + out_len, &final_len ) )) {
    EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( &cipher_ctx );
    free( out );
    unsigned long e = ERR_get_error();
    return luaL_error( L, "OpenSSL error %d in %s: function %s: %s", e,

  lua_pushlstring( L, (char *) out, out_len + final_len );

  EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup( &cipher_ctx );
  free( out );

  return 1;

But when I run openssl.decrypt(), I don't get the right results, not
even for the first 64-bit block.

Any ideas? I'm going to play around with it some more, now that I
understand the issue a little better.


Ron Bowes

        void ConvertToBlowfishLongs(char* string, DWORD* L, DWORD* R)
                //int *data = string;

                *L = *((int*)(string + 0));
                *R = *((int*)(string + 4)); 

        void ConvertFromBlowfishLongs(DWORD L, DWORD R, char* string)
                *((int*)(string +0)) = L;
                *((int*)(string +4)) = R; 

blowfish.c:  C implementation of the Blowfish algorithm.

Copyright (C) 1997 by Paul Kocher

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA



Normal usage is as follows:
   [1] Allocate a BLOWFISH_CTX.  (It may be too big for the stack.)
   [2] Call Blowfish_Init with a pointer to your BLOWFISH_CTX, a pointer to
       the key, and the number of bytes in the key.
   [3] To encrypt a 64-bit block, call Blowfish_Encrypt with a pointer to
       BLOWFISH_CTX, a pointer to the 32-bit left half of the plaintext
           and a pointer to the 32-bit right half.  The plaintext will be
           overwritten with the ciphertext.
   [4] Decryption is the same as encryption except that the plaintext and
       ciphertext are reversed.

Warning #1:  The code does not check key lengths. (Caveat encryptor.) 
Warning #2:  Beware that Blowfish keys repeat such that "ab" = "abab".
Warning #3:  It is normally a good idea to zeroize the BLOWFISH_CTX before
  freeing it.
Warning #4:  Endianness conversions are the responsibility of the caller.
  (To encrypt bytes on a little-endian platforms, you'll probably want
  to swap bytes around instead of just casting.)
Warning #5:  Make sure to use a reasonable mode of operation for your
  application.  (If you don't know what CBC mode is, see Warning #7.)
Warning #6:  This code is susceptible to timing attacks.
Warning #7:  Security engineering is risky and non-intuitive.  Have someone 
  check your work.  If you don't know what you are doing, get help.

This is code is fast enough for most applications, but is not optimized for

If you require this code under a license other than LGPL, please ask.  (I 
can be located using your favorite search engine.)  Unfortunately, I do not 
have time to provide unpaid support for everyone who uses this code.  

                                             -- Paul Kocher

#include "blowfish.h"

#define N               16

static const unsigned long ORIG_P[16 + 2] = {
        0x243F6A88L, 0x85A308D3L, 0x13198A2EL, 0x03707344L,
        0xA4093822L, 0x299F31D0L, 0x082EFA98L, 0xEC4E6C89L,
        0x452821E6L, 0x38D01377L, 0xBE5466CFL, 0x34E90C6CL,
        0xC0AC29B7L, 0xC97C50DDL, 0x3F84D5B5L, 0xB5470917L,
        0x9216D5D9L, 0x8979FB1BL

static const unsigned long ORIG_S[4][256] = {
    {   0xD1310BA6L, 0x98DFB5ACL, 0x2FFD72DBL, 0xD01ADFB7L,
        0xB8E1AFEDL, 0x6A267E96L, 0xBA7C9045L, 0xF12C7F99L,
        0x24A19947L, 0xB3916CF7L, 0x0801F2E2L, 0x858EFC16L,
        0x636920D8L, 0x71574E69L, 0xA458FEA3L, 0xF4933D7EL,
        0x0D95748FL, 0x728EB658L, 0x718BCD58L, 0x82154AEEL,
        0x7B54A41DL, 0xC25A59B5L, 0x9C30D539L, 0x2AF26013L,
        0xC5D1B023L, 0x286085F0L, 0xCA417918L, 0xB8DB38EFL,
        0x8E79DCB0L, 0x603A180EL, 0x6C9E0E8BL, 0xB01E8A3EL,
        0xD71577C1L, 0xBD314B27L, 0x78AF2FDAL, 0x55605C60L,
        0xE65525F3L, 0xAA55AB94L, 0x57489862L, 0x63E81440L,
        0x55CA396AL, 0x2AAB10B6L, 0xB4CC5C34L, 0x1141E8CEL,
        0xA15486AFL, 0x7C72E993L, 0xB3EE1411L, 0x636FBC2AL,
        0x2BA9C55DL, 0x741831F6L, 0xCE5C3E16L, 0x9B87931EL,
        0xAFD6BA33L, 0x6C24CF5CL, 0x7A325381L, 0x28958677L,
        0x3B8F4898L, 0x6B4BB9AFL, 0xC4BFE81BL, 0x66282193L,
        0x61D809CCL, 0xFB21A991L, 0x487CAC60L, 0x5DEC8032L,
        0xEF845D5DL, 0xE98575B1L, 0xDC262302L, 0xEB651B88L,
        0x23893E81L, 0xD396ACC5L, 0x0F6D6FF3L, 0x83F44239L,
        0x2E0B4482L, 0xA4842004L, 0x69C8F04AL, 0x9E1F9B5EL,
        0x21C66842L, 0xF6E96C9AL, 0x670C9C61L, 0xABD388F0L,
        0x6A51A0D2L, 0xD8542F68L, 0x960FA728L, 0xAB5133A3L,
        0x6EEF0B6CL, 0x137A3BE4L, 0xBA3BF050L, 0x7EFB2A98L,
        0xA1F1651DL, 0x39AF0176L, 0x66CA593EL, 0x82430E88L,
        0x8CEE8619L, 0x456F9FB4L, 0x7D84A5C3L, 0x3B8B5EBEL,
        0xE06F75D8L, 0x85C12073L, 0x401A449FL, 0x56C16AA6L,
        0x4ED3AA62L, 0x363F7706L, 0x1BFEDF72L, 0x429B023DL,
        0x37D0D724L, 0xD00A1248L, 0xDB0FEAD3L, 0x49F1C09BL,
        0x075372C9L, 0x80991B7BL, 0x25D479D8L, 0xF6E8DEF7L,
        0xE3FE501AL, 0xB6794C3BL, 0x976CE0BDL, 0x04C006BAL,
        0xC1A94FB6L, 0x409F60C4L, 0x5E5C9EC2L, 0x196A2463L,
        0x68FB6FAFL, 0x3E6C53B5L, 0x1339B2EBL, 0x3B52EC6FL,
        0x6DFC511FL, 0x9B30952CL, 0xCC814544L, 0xAF5EBD09L,
        0xBEE3D004L, 0xDE334AFDL, 0x660F2807L, 0x192E4BB3L,
        0xC0CBA857L, 0x45C8740FL, 0xD20B5F39L, 0xB9D3FBDBL,
        0x5579C0BDL, 0x1A60320AL, 0xD6A100C6L, 0x402C7279L,
        0x679F25FEL, 0xFB1FA3CCL, 0x8EA5E9F8L, 0xDB3222F8L,
        0x3C7516DFL, 0xFD616B15L, 0x2F501EC8L, 0xAD0552ABL,
        0x323DB5FAL, 0xFD238760L, 0x53317B48L, 0x3E00DF82L,
        0x9E5C57BBL, 0xCA6F8CA0L, 0x1A87562EL, 0xDF1769DBL,
        0xD542A8F6L, 0x287EFFC3L, 0xAC6732C6L, 0x8C4F5573L,
        0x695B27B0L, 0xBBCA58C8L, 0xE1FFA35DL, 0xB8F011A0L,
        0x10FA3D98L, 0xFD2183B8L, 0x4AFCB56CL, 0x2DD1D35BL,
        0x9A53E479L, 0xB6F84565L, 0xD28E49BCL, 0x4BFB9790L,
        0xE1DDF2DAL, 0xA4CB7E33L, 0x62FB1341L, 0xCEE4C6E8L,
        0xEF20CADAL, 0x36774C01L, 0xD07E9EFEL, 0x2BF11FB4L,
        0x95DBDA4DL, 0xAE909198L, 0xEAAD8E71L, 0x6B93D5A0L,
        0xD08ED1D0L, 0xAFC725E0L, 0x8E3C5B2FL, 0x8E7594B7L,
        0x8FF6E2FBL, 0xF2122B64L, 0x8888B812L, 0x900DF01CL,
        0x4FAD5EA0L, 0x688FC31CL, 0xD1CFF191L, 0xB3A8C1ADL,
        0x2F2F2218L, 0xBE0E1777L, 0xEA752DFEL, 0x8B021FA1L,
        0xE5A0CC0FL, 0xB56F74E8L, 0x18ACF3D6L, 0xCE89E299L,
        0xB4A84FE0L, 0xFD13E0B7L, 0x7CC43B81L, 0xD2ADA8D9L,
        0x165FA266L, 0x80957705L, 0x93CC7314L, 0x211A1477L,
        0xE6AD2065L, 0x77B5FA86L, 0xC75442F5L, 0xFB9D35CFL,
        0xEBCDAF0CL, 0x7B3E89A0L, 0xD6411BD3L, 0xAE1E7E49L,
        0x00250E2DL, 0x2071B35EL, 0x226800BBL, 0x57B8E0AFL,
        0x2464369BL, 0xF009B91EL, 0x5563911DL, 0x59DFA6AAL,
        0x78C14389L, 0xD95A537FL, 0x207D5BA2L, 0x02E5B9C5L,
        0x83260376L, 0x6295CFA9L, 0x11C81968L, 0x4E734A41L,
        0xB3472DCAL, 0x7B14A94AL, 0x1B510052L, 0x9A532915L,
        0xD60F573FL, 0xBC9BC6E4L, 0x2B60A476L, 0x81E67400L,
        0x08BA6FB5L, 0x571BE91FL, 0xF296EC6BL, 0x2A0DD915L,
        0xB6636521L, 0xE7B9F9B6L, 0xFF34052EL, 0xC5855664L,
        0x53B02D5DL, 0xA99F8FA1L, 0x08BA4799L, 0x6E85076AL   },
    {   0x4B7A70E9L, 0xB5B32944L, 0xDB75092EL, 0xC4192623L,
        0xAD6EA6B0L, 0x49A7DF7DL, 0x9CEE60B8L, 0x8FEDB266L,
        0xECAA8C71L, 0x699A17FFL, 0x5664526CL, 0xC2B19EE1L,
        0x193602A5L, 0x75094C29L, 0xA0591340L, 0xE4183A3EL,
        0x3F54989AL, 0x5B429D65L, 0x6B8FE4D6L, 0x99F73FD6L,
        0xA1D29C07L, 0xEFE830F5L, 0x4D2D38E6L, 0xF0255DC1L,
        0x4CDD2086L, 0x8470EB26L, 0x6382E9C6L, 0x021ECC5EL,
        0x09686B3FL, 0x3EBAEFC9L, 0x3C971814L, 0x6B6A70A1L,
        0x687F3584L, 0x52A0E286L, 0xB79C5305L, 0xAA500737L,
        0x3E07841CL, 0x7FDEAE5CL, 0x8E7D44ECL, 0x5716F2B8L,
        0xB03ADA37L, 0xF0500C0DL, 0xF01C1F04L, 0x0200B3FFL,
        0xAE0CF51AL, 0x3CB574B2L, 0x25837A58L, 0xDC0921BDL,
        0xD19113F9L, 0x7CA92FF6L, 0x94324773L, 0x22F54701L,
        0x3AE5E581L, 0x37C2DADCL, 0xC8B57634L, 0x9AF3DDA7L,
        0xA9446146L, 0x0FD0030EL, 0xECC8C73EL, 0xA4751E41L,
        0xE238CD99L, 0x3BEA0E2FL, 0x3280BBA1L, 0x183EB331L,
        0x4E548B38L, 0x4F6DB908L, 0x6F420D03L, 0xF60A04BFL,
        0x2CB81290L, 0x24977C79L, 0x5679B072L, 0xBCAF89AFL,
        0xDE9A771FL, 0xD9930810L, 0xB38BAE12L, 0xDCCF3F2EL,
        0x5512721FL, 0x2E6B7124L, 0x501ADDE6L, 0x9F84CD87L,
        0x7A584718L, 0x7408DA17L, 0xBC9F9ABCL, 0xE94B7D8CL,
        0xEC7AEC3AL, 0xDB851DFAL, 0x63094366L, 0xC464C3D2L,
        0xEF1C1847L, 0x3215D908L, 0xDD433B37L, 0x24C2BA16L,
        0x12A14D43L, 0x2A65C451L, 0x50940002L, 0x133AE4DDL,
        0x71DFF89EL, 0x10314E55L, 0x81AC77D6L, 0x5F11199BL,
        0x043556F1L, 0xD7A3C76BL, 0x3C11183BL, 0x5924A509L,
        0xF28FE6EDL, 0x97F1FBFAL, 0x9EBABF2CL, 0x1E153C6EL,
        0x86E34570L, 0xEAE96FB1L, 0x860E5E0AL, 0x5A3E2AB3L,
        0x771FE71CL, 0x4E3D06FAL, 0x2965DCB9L, 0x99E71D0FL,
        0x803E89D6L, 0x5266C825L, 0x2E4CC978L, 0x9C10B36AL,
        0xC6150EBAL, 0x94E2EA78L, 0xA5FC3C53L, 0x1E0A2DF4L,
        0xF2F74EA7L, 0x361D2B3DL, 0x1939260FL, 0x19C27960L,
        0x5223A708L, 0xF71312B6L, 0xEBADFE6EL, 0xEAC31F66L,
        0xE3BC4595L, 0xA67BC883L, 0xB17F37D1L, 0x018CFF28L,
        0xC332DDEFL, 0xBE6C5AA5L, 0x65582185L, 0x68AB9802L,
        0xEECEA50FL, 0xDB2F953BL, 0x2AEF7DADL, 0x5B6E2F84L,
        0x1521B628L, 0x29076170L, 0xECDD4775L, 0x619F1510L,
        0x13CCA830L, 0xEB61BD96L, 0x0334FE1EL, 0xAA0363CFL,
        0xB5735C90L, 0x4C70A239L, 0xD59E9E0BL, 0xCBAADE14L,
        0xEECC86BCL, 0x60622CA7L, 0x9CAB5CABL, 0xB2F3846EL,
        0x648B1EAFL, 0x19BDF0CAL, 0xA02369B9L, 0x655ABB50L,
        0x40685A32L, 0x3C2AB4B3L, 0x319EE9D5L, 0xC021B8F7L,
        0x9B540B19L, 0x875FA099L, 0x95F7997EL, 0x623D7DA8L,
        0xF837889AL, 0x97E32D77L, 0x11ED935FL, 0x16681281L,
        0x0E358829L, 0xC7E61FD6L, 0x96DEDFA1L, 0x7858BA99L,
        0x57F584A5L, 0x1B227263L, 0x9B83C3FFL, 0x1AC24696L,
        0xCDB30AEBL, 0x532E3054L, 0x8FD948E4L, 0x6DBC3128L,
        0x58EBF2EFL, 0x34C6FFEAL, 0xFE28ED61L, 0xEE7C3C73L,
        0x5D4A14D9L, 0xE864B7E3L, 0x42105D14L, 0x203E13E0L,
        0x45EEE2B6L, 0xA3AAABEAL, 0xDB6C4F15L, 0xFACB4FD0L,
        0xC742F442L, 0xEF6ABBB5L, 0x654F3B1DL, 0x41CD2105L,
        0xD81E799EL, 0x86854DC7L, 0xE44B476AL, 0x3D816250L,
        0xCF62A1F2L, 0x5B8D2646L, 0xFC8883A0L, 0xC1C7B6A3L,
        0x7F1524C3L, 0x69CB7492L, 0x47848A0BL, 0x5692B285L,
        0x095BBF00L, 0xAD19489DL, 0x1462B174L, 0x23820E00L,
        0x58428D2AL, 0x0C55F5EAL, 0x1DADF43EL, 0x233F7061L,
        0x3372F092L, 0x8D937E41L, 0xD65FECF1L, 0x6C223BDBL,
        0x7CDE3759L, 0xCBEE7460L, 0x4085F2A7L, 0xCE77326EL,
        0xA6078084L, 0x19F8509EL, 0xE8EFD855L, 0x61D99735L,
        0xA969A7AAL, 0xC50C06C2L, 0x5A04ABFCL, 0x800BCADCL,
        0x9E447A2EL, 0xC3453484L, 0xFDD56705L, 0x0E1E9EC9L,
        0xDB73DBD3L, 0x105588CDL, 0x675FDA79L, 0xE3674340L,
        0xC5C43465L, 0x713E38D8L, 0x3D28F89EL, 0xF16DFF20L,
        0x153E21E7L, 0x8FB03D4AL, 0xE6E39F2BL, 0xDB83ADF7L   },
    {   0xE93D5A68L, 0x948140F7L, 0xF64C261CL, 0x94692934L,
        0x411520F7L, 0x7602D4F7L, 0xBCF46B2EL, 0xD4A20068L,
        0xD4082471L, 0x3320F46AL, 0x43B7D4B7L, 0x500061AFL,
        0x1E39F62EL, 0x97244546L, 0x14214F74L, 0xBF8B8840L,
        0x4D95FC1DL, 0x96B591AFL, 0x70F4DDD3L, 0x66A02F45L,
        0xBFBC09ECL, 0x03BD9785L, 0x7FAC6DD0L, 0x31CB8504L,
        0x96EB27B3L, 0x55FD3941L, 0xDA2547E6L, 0xABCA0A9AL,
        0x28507825L, 0x530429F4L, 0x0A2C86DAL, 0xE9B66DFBL,
        0x68DC1462L, 0xD7486900L, 0x680EC0A4L, 0x27A18DEEL,
        0x4F3FFEA2L, 0xE887AD8CL, 0xB58CE006L, 0x7AF4D6B6L,
        0xAACE1E7CL, 0xD3375FECL, 0xCE78A399L, 0x406B2A42L,
        0x20FE9E35L, 0xD9F385B9L, 0xEE39D7ABL, 0x3B124E8BL,
        0x1DC9FAF7L, 0x4B6D1856L, 0x26A36631L, 0xEAE397B2L,
        0x3A6EFA74L, 0xDD5B4332L, 0x6841E7F7L, 0xCA7820FBL,
        0xFB0AF54EL, 0xD8FEB397L, 0x454056ACL, 0xBA489527L,
        0x55533A3AL, 0x20838D87L, 0xFE6BA9B7L, 0xD096954BL,
        0x55A867BCL, 0xA1159A58L, 0xCCA92963L, 0x99E1DB33L,
        0xA62A4A56L, 0x3F3125F9L, 0x5EF47E1CL, 0x9029317CL,
        0xFDF8E802L, 0x04272F70L, 0x80BB155CL, 0x05282CE3L,
        0x95C11548L, 0xE4C66D22L, 0x48C1133FL, 0xC70F86DCL,
        0x07F9C9EEL, 0x41041F0FL, 0x404779A4L, 0x5D886E17L,
        0x325F51EBL, 0xD59BC0D1L, 0xF2BCC18FL, 0x41113564L,
        0x257B7834L, 0x602A9C60L, 0xDFF8E8A3L, 0x1F636C1BL,
        0x0E12B4C2L, 0x02E1329EL, 0xAF664FD1L, 0xCAD18115L,
        0x6B2395E0L, 0x333E92E1L, 0x3B240B62L, 0xEEBEB922L,
        0x85B2A20EL, 0xE6BA0D99L, 0xDE720C8CL, 0x2DA2F728L,
        0xD0127845L, 0x95B794FDL, 0x647D0862L, 0xE7CCF5F0L,
        0x5449A36FL, 0x877D48FAL, 0xC39DFD27L, 0xF33E8D1EL,
        0x0A476341L, 0x992EFF74L, 0x3A6F6EABL, 0xF4F8FD37L,
        0xA812DC60L, 0xA1EBDDF8L, 0x991BE14CL, 0xDB6E6B0DL,
        0xC67B5510L, 0x6D672C37L, 0x2765D43BL, 0xDCD0E804L,
        0xF1290DC7L, 0xCC00FFA3L, 0xB5390F92L, 0x690FED0BL,
        0x667B9FFBL, 0xCEDB7D9CL, 0xA091CF0BL, 0xD9155EA3L,
        0xBB132F88L, 0x515BAD24L, 0x7B9479BFL, 0x763BD6EBL,
        0x37392EB3L, 0xCC115979L, 0x8026E297L, 0xF42E312DL,
        0x6842ADA7L, 0xC66A2B3BL, 0x12754CCCL, 0x782EF11CL,
        0x6A124237L, 0xB79251E7L, 0x06A1BBE6L, 0x4BFB6350L,
        0x1A6B1018L, 0x11CAEDFAL, 0x3D25BDD8L, 0xE2E1C3C9L,
        0x44421659L, 0x0A121386L, 0xD90CEC6EL, 0xD5ABEA2AL,
        0x64AF674EL, 0xDA86A85FL, 0xBEBFE988L, 0x64E4C3FEL,
        0x9DBC8057L, 0xF0F7C086L, 0x60787BF8L, 0x6003604DL,
        0xD1FD8346L, 0xF6381FB0L, 0x7745AE04L, 0xD736FCCCL,
        0x83426B33L, 0xF01EAB71L, 0xB0804187L, 0x3C005E5FL,
        0x77A057BEL, 0xBDE8AE24L, 0x55464299L, 0xBF582E61L,
        0x4E58F48FL, 0xF2DDFDA2L, 0xF474EF38L, 0x8789BDC2L,
        0x5366F9C3L, 0xC8B38E74L, 0xB475F255L, 0x46FCD9B9L,
        0x7AEB2661L, 0x8B1DDF84L, 0x846A0E79L, 0x915F95E2L,
        0x466E598EL, 0x20B45770L, 0x8CD55591L, 0xC902DE4CL,
        0xB90BACE1L, 0xBB8205D0L, 0x11A86248L, 0x7574A99EL,
        0xB77F19B6L, 0xE0A9DC09L, 0x662D09A1L, 0xC4324633L,
        0xE85A1F02L, 0x09F0BE8CL, 0x4A99A025L, 0x1D6EFE10L,
        0x1AB93D1DL, 0x0BA5A4DFL, 0xA186F20FL, 0x2868F169L,
        0xDCB7DA83L, 0x573906FEL, 0xA1E2CE9BL, 0x4FCD7F52L,
        0x50115E01L, 0xA70683FAL, 0xA002B5C4L, 0x0DE6D027L,
        0x9AF88C27L, 0x773F8641L, 0xC3604C06L, 0x61A806B5L,
        0xF0177A28L, 0xC0F586E0L, 0x006058AAL, 0x30DC7D62L,
        0x11E69ED7L, 0x2338EA63L, 0x53C2DD94L, 0xC2C21634L,
        0xBBCBEE56L, 0x90BCB6DEL, 0xEBFC7DA1L, 0xCE591D76L,
        0x6F05E409L, 0x4B7C0188L, 0x39720A3DL, 0x7C927C24L,
        0x86E3725FL, 0x724D9DB9L, 0x1AC15BB4L, 0xD39EB8FCL,
        0xED545578L, 0x08FCA5B5L, 0xD83D7CD3L, 0x4DAD0FC4L,
        0x1E50EF5EL, 0xB161E6F8L, 0xA28514D9L, 0x6C51133CL,
        0x6FD5C7E7L, 0x56E14EC4L, 0x362ABFCEL, 0xDDC6C837L,
        0xD79A3234L, 0x92638212L, 0x670EFA8EL, 0x406000E0L  },
    {   0x3A39CE37L, 0xD3FAF5CFL, 0xABC27737L, 0x5AC52D1BL,
        0x5CB0679EL, 0x4FA33742L, 0xD3822740L, 0x99BC9BBEL,
        0xD5118E9DL, 0xBF0F7315L, 0xD62D1C7EL, 0xC700C47BL,
        0xB78C1B6BL, 0x21A19045L, 0xB26EB1BEL, 0x6A366EB4L,
        0x5748AB2FL, 0xBC946E79L, 0xC6A376D2L, 0x6549C2C8L,
        0x530FF8EEL, 0x468DDE7DL, 0xD5730A1DL, 0x4CD04DC6L,
        0x2939BBDBL, 0xA9BA4650L, 0xAC9526E8L, 0xBE5EE304L,
        0xA1FAD5F0L, 0x6A2D519AL, 0x63EF8CE2L, 0x9A86EE22L,
        0xC089C2B8L, 0x43242EF6L, 0xA51E03AAL, 0x9CF2D0A4L,
        0x83C061BAL, 0x9BE96A4DL, 0x8FE51550L, 0xBA645BD6L,
        0x2826A2F9L, 0xA73A3AE1L, 0x4BA99586L, 0xEF5562E9L,
        0xC72FEFD3L, 0xF752F7DAL, 0x3F046F69L, 0x77FA0A59L,
        0x80E4A915L, 0x87B08601L, 0x9B09E6ADL, 0x3B3EE593L,
        0xE990FD5AL, 0x9E34D797L, 0x2CF0B7D9L, 0x022B8B51L,
        0x96D5AC3AL, 0x017DA67DL, 0xD1CF3ED6L, 0x7C7D2D28L,
        0x1F9F25CFL, 0xADF2B89BL, 0x5AD6B472L, 0x5A88F54CL,
        0xE029AC71L, 0xE019A5E6L, 0x47B0ACFDL, 0xED93FA9BL,
        0xE8D3C48DL, 0x283B57CCL, 0xF8D56629L, 0x79132E28L,
        0x785F0191L, 0xED756055L, 0xF7960E44L, 0xE3D35E8CL,
        0x15056DD4L, 0x88F46DBAL, 0x03A16125L, 0x0564F0BDL,
        0xC3EB9E15L, 0x3C9057A2L, 0x97271AECL, 0xA93A072AL,
        0x1B3F6D9BL, 0x1E6321F5L, 0xF59C66FBL, 0x26DCF319L,
        0x7533D928L, 0xB155FDF5L, 0x03563482L, 0x8ABA3CBBL,
        0x28517711L, 0xC20AD9F8L, 0xABCC5167L, 0xCCAD925FL,
        0x4DE81751L, 0x3830DC8EL, 0x379D5862L, 0x9320F991L,
        0xEA7A90C2L, 0xFB3E7BCEL, 0x5121CE64L, 0x774FBE32L,
        0xA8B6E37EL, 0xC3293D46L, 0x48DE5369L, 0x6413E680L,
        0xA2AE0810L, 0xDD6DB224L, 0x69852DFDL, 0x09072166L,
        0xB39A460AL, 0x6445C0DDL, 0x586CDECFL, 0x1C20C8AEL,
        0x5BBEF7DDL, 0x1B588D40L, 0xCCD2017FL, 0x6BB4E3BBL,
        0xDDA26A7EL, 0x3A59FF45L, 0x3E350A44L, 0xBCB4CDD5L,
        0x72EACEA8L, 0xFA6484BBL, 0x8D6612AEL, 0xBF3C6F47L,
        0xD29BE463L, 0x542F5D9EL, 0xAEC2771BL, 0xF64E6370L,
        0x740E0D8DL, 0xE75B1357L, 0xF8721671L, 0xAF537D5DL,
        0x4040CB08L, 0x4EB4E2CCL, 0x34D2466AL, 0x0115AF84L,
        0xE1B00428L, 0x95983A1DL, 0x06B89FB4L, 0xCE6EA048L,
        0x6F3F3B82L, 0x3520AB82L, 0x011A1D4BL, 0x277227F8L,
        0x611560B1L, 0xE7933FDCL, 0xBB3A792BL, 0x344525BDL,
        0xA08839E1L, 0x51CE794BL, 0x2F32C9B7L, 0xA01FBAC9L,
        0xE01CC87EL, 0xBCC7D1F6L, 0xCF0111C3L, 0xA1E8AAC7L,
        0x1A908749L, 0xD44FBD9AL, 0xD0DADECBL, 0xD50ADA38L,
        0x0339C32AL, 0xC6913667L, 0x8DF9317CL, 0xE0B12B4FL,
        0xF79E59B7L, 0x43F5BB3AL, 0xF2D519FFL, 0x27D9459CL,
        0xBF97222CL, 0x15E6FC2AL, 0x0F91FC71L, 0x9B941525L,
        0xFAE59361L, 0xCEB69CEBL, 0xC2A86459L, 0x12BAA8D1L,
        0xB6C1075EL, 0xE3056A0CL, 0x10D25065L, 0xCB03A442L,
        0xE0EC6E0EL, 0x1698DB3BL, 0x4C98A0BEL, 0x3278E964L,
        0x9F1F9532L, 0xE0D392DFL, 0xD3A0342BL, 0x8971F21EL,
        0x1B0A7441L, 0x4BA3348CL, 0xC5BE7120L, 0xC37632D8L,
        0xDF359F8DL, 0x9B992F2EL, 0xE60B6F47L, 0x0FE3F11DL,
        0xE54CDA54L, 0x1EDAD891L, 0xCE6279CFL, 0xCD3E7E6FL,
        0x1618B166L, 0xFD2C1D05L, 0x848FD2C5L, 0xF6FB2299L,
        0xF523F357L, 0xA6327623L, 0x93A83531L, 0x56CCCD02L,
        0xACF08162L, 0x5A75EBB5L, 0x6E163697L, 0x88D273CCL,
        0xDE966292L, 0x81B949D0L, 0x4C50901BL, 0x71C65614L,
        0xE6C6C7BDL, 0x327A140AL, 0x45E1D006L, 0xC3F27B9AL,
        0xC9AA53FDL, 0x62A80F00L, 0xBB25BFE2L, 0x35BDD2F6L,
        0x71126905L, 0xB2040222L, 0xB6CBCF7CL, 0xCD769C2BL,
        0x53113EC0L, 0x1640E3D3L, 0x38ABBD60L, 0x2547ADF0L,
        0xBA38209CL, 0xF746CE76L, 0x77AFA1C5L, 0x20756060L,
        0x85CBFE4EL, 0x8AE88DD8L, 0x7AAAF9B0L, 0x4CF9AA7EL,
        0x1948C25CL, 0x02FB8A8CL, 0x01C36AE4L, 0xD6EBE1F9L,
        0x90D4F869L, 0xA65CDEA0L, 0x3F09252DL, 0xC208E69FL,
        0xB74E6132L, 0xCE77E25BL, 0x578FDFE3L, 0x3AC372E6L  }

static unsigned long F(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned long x) {
   unsigned short a, b, c, d;
   unsigned long  y;

   d = (unsigned short)(x & 0xFF);
   x >>= 8;
   c = (unsigned short)(x & 0xFF);
   x >>= 8;
   b = (unsigned short)(x & 0xFF);
   x >>= 8;
   a = (unsigned short)(x & 0xFF);
   y = ctx->S[0][a] + ctx->S[1][b];
   y = y ^ ctx->S[2][c];
   y = y + ctx->S[3][d];

   return y;

void Blowfish_Encrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr){
  unsigned long  Xl;
  unsigned long  Xr;
  unsigned long  temp;
  short       i;

  Xl = *xl;
  Xr = *xr;

  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    Xl = Xl ^ ctx->P[i];
    Xr = F(ctx, Xl) ^ Xr;

    temp = Xl;
    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;

  temp = Xl;
  Xl = Xr;
  Xr = temp;

  Xr = Xr ^ ctx->P[N];
  Xl = Xl ^ ctx->P[N + 1];

  *xl = Xl;
  *xr = Xr;

void Blowfish_Decrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr){
  unsigned long  Xl;
  unsigned long  Xr;
  unsigned long  temp;
  short       i;

  Xl = *xl;
  Xr = *xr;

  for (i = N + 1; i > 1; --i) {
    Xl = Xl ^ ctx->P[i];
    Xr = F(ctx, Xl) ^ Xr;

    /* Exchange Xl and Xr */
    temp = Xl;
    Xl = Xr;
    Xr = temp;

  /* Exchange Xl and Xr */
  temp = Xl;
  Xl = Xr;
  Xr = temp;

  Xr = Xr ^ ctx->P[1];
  Xl = Xl ^ ctx->P[0];

  *xl = Xl;
  *xr = Xr;

void Blowfish_Init(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *key, int keyLen) {
  int i, j, k;
  unsigned long data, datal, datar;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
      ctx->S[i][j] = ORIG_S[i][j];

  j = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < N + 2; ++i) {
    data = 0x00000000;
    for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
      data = (data << 8) | key[j];
      j = j + 1;
      if (j >= keyLen)
        j = 0;
    ctx->P[i] = ORIG_P[i] ^ data;

  datal = 0x00000000;
  datar = 0x00000000;

  for (i = 0; i < N + 2; i += 2) {
    Blowfish_Encrypt(ctx, &datal, &datar);
    ctx->P[i] = datal;
    ctx->P[i + 1] = datar;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < 256; j += 2) {
      Blowfish_Encrypt(ctx, &datal, &datar);
      ctx->S[i][j] = datal;
      ctx->S[i][j + 1] = datar;

blowfish.h:  Header file for blowfish.c

Copyright (C) 1997 by Paul Kocher

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

See blowfish.c for more information about this file.

typedef struct {
  unsigned long P[16 + 2];
  unsigned long S[4][256];

void Blowfish_Init(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *key, int keyLen);
void Blowfish_Encrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr);
void Blowfish_Decrypt(BLOWFISH_CTX *ctx, unsigned long *xl, unsigned long *xr);

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