Nmap Development mailing list archives

Re: New option: --min-rate for minimum-rate scanning

From: eldraco <eldraco () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 11:14:19 -0300

Hi list, I was trying --min-rate parameter, so here are my results...

First of all, the "Overall sending rates" are not written in the output file, 
if we can have them there it would be wonderful!

xx.xx.xx.xx target it's 9 hops away into Internet.

--min-rate parameter Tests

Rtt estimation to target xx.xx.xx.xx

hping3 -S -p 110 xx.xx.xx.xx
HPING xx.xx.xx.xx (eth0 xx.xx.xx.xx): S set, 40 headers + 0 data bytes
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=0 win=5840 
rtt=41.4 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=1 win=5840 
rtt=42.4 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=2 win=5840 
rtt=31.2 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=3 win=5840 
rtt=45.8 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=4 win=5840 
rtt=57.7 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=5 win=5840 
rtt=36.1 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=6 win=5840 
rtt=43.4 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=7 win=5840 
rtt=55.9 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=8 win=5840 
rtt=31.8 ms
len=46 ip=xx.xx.xx.xx ttl=54 DF id=0 sport=110 flags=SA seq=9 win=5840 
rtt=42.6 ms

1- Test one: Standard Nmap
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test1-normal -d

Just open ports:

9/tcp    open     discard    syn-ack
13/tcp   open     daytime    syn-ack
22/tcp   open     ssh        syn-ack
23/tcp   open     telnet     syn-ack
37/tcp   open     time       syn-ack
53/tcp   open     domain     syn-ack
79/tcp   open     finger     syn-ack
110/tcp  open     pop3       syn-ack
111/tcp  open     rpcbind    syn-ack
113/tcp  open     auth       syn-ack
515/tcp  open     printer    syn-ack
1024/tcp open     kdm        syn-ack
8080/tcp open     http-proxy syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 158.87 packets / s, 6990.42 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 8.545 seconds

Note: No open ports missed

2 - Test two: nmap with --max-retries 0
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test1-normal-max-retries-0 -d --max-retries 

Just open ports:

9/tcp     open     discard            syn-ack
13/tcp    open     daytime            syn-ack
22/tcp    open     ssh                syn-ack
23/tcp    open     telnet             syn-ack
37/tcp    open     time               syn-ack
53/tcp    open     domain             syn-ack
79/tcp    open     finger             syn-ack
110/tcp   open     pop3               syn-ack
111/tcp   open     rpcbind            syn-ack
113/tcp   open     auth               syn-ack
515/tcp   open     printer            syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 324.29 packets / s, 14268.56 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.081 seconds

Note: Two open ports missed

3- Test three: With --min-rate 500 alone
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test3-min-rate-500 -d --min-rate 500

Just open ports:

9/tcp    open     discard    syn-ack
13/tcp   open     daytime    syn-ack
22/tcp   open     ssh        syn-ack
23/tcp   open     telnet     syn-ack
37/tcp   open     time       syn-ack
53/tcp   open     domain     syn-ack
79/tcp   open     finger     syn-ack
110/tcp  open     pop3       syn-ack
111/tcp  open     rpcbind    syn-ack
113/tcp  open     auth       syn-ack
515/tcp  open     printer    syn-ack
1024/tcp open     kdm        syn-ack
8080/tcp open     http-proxy syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 478.74 packets / s, 21064.44 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.117 seconds

Note: No ports missed

4- With --min-rate 500 and --max-retries 0
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test3-min-rate-500 -d --min-rate 
500 --max-retries 0

13/tcp   open  daytime    syn-ack
22/tcp   open  ssh        syn-ack
23/tcp   open  telnet     syn-ack
37/tcp   open  time       syn-ack
53/tcp   open  domain     syn-ack
79/tcp   open  finger     syn-ack
110/tcp  open  pop3       syn-ack
111/tcp  open  rpcbind    syn-ack
113/tcp  open  auth       syn-ack
8080/tcp open  http-proxy syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 497.00 packets / s, 21868.05 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.705 seconds

Note: 3 open ports missed. Sometimes six ports missed, sometimes five.

4- With --min-rate 1000
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test3-min-rate-1000 -d --min-rate 1000

9/tcp     open     discard          syn-ack
13/tcp    open     daytime          syn-ack
22/tcp    open     ssh              syn-ack
23/tcp    open     telnet           syn-ack
37/tcp    open     time             syn-ack
53/tcp    open     domain           syn-ack
79/tcp    open     finger           syn-ack
110/tcp   open     pop3             syn-ack
111/tcp   open     rpcbind          syn-ack
113/tcp   open     auth             syn-ack
515/tcp   open     printer          syn-ack
1024/tcp  open     kdm              syn-ack
8080/tcp  open     http-proxy       syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 866.24 packets / s, 38114.44 bytes / s.
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.909 seconds

Note: No ports missed

5- With --min-rate 1000 with --max-retries 0
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN 
test3-min-rate-1000--max-retries0 -d --min-rate 1000 --max-retries 0

13/tcp    open   daytime             syn-ack
22/tcp    open   ssh                 syn-ack
23/tcp    open   telnet              syn-ack
53/tcp    open   domain              syn-ack
79/tcp    open   finger              syn-ack
113/tcp   open   auth                syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 841.68 packets / s, 37033.96 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.654 seconds

Note: 7 ports missed. Sometimes 6

6- With --min-rate 10000
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test3-min-rate-10000 -d --min-rate 10000

22/tcp    open     ssh               syn-ack
23/tcp    open     telnet            syn-ack
53/tcp    open     domain            syn-ack
79/tcp    open     finger            syn-ack
110/tcp   open     pop3              syn-ack
111/tcp   open     rpcbind           syn-ack
113/tcp   open     auth              syn-ack
515/tcp   open     printer           syn-ack
8080/tcp  open     http-proxy        syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 2162.30 packets / s, 95141.17 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.068 seconds

Note: 4 ports missed! first time I've got missed ports without --max-retries 
0. Sometimes just two ports missed

7- With --min-rate 100000
nmap -sS -F -n -v xx.xx.xx.xx -oN test3-min-rate-100000 -d --min-rate 100000

9/tcp     open     discard              syn-ack
13/tcp    open     daytime              syn-ack
22/tcp    open     ssh                  syn-ack
23/tcp    open     telnet               syn-ack
37/tcp    open     time                 syn-ack
53/tcp    open     domain               syn-ack
79/tcp    open     finger               syn-ack
111/tcp   open     rpcbind              syn-ack
113/tcp   open     auth                 syn-ack
515/tcp   open     printer              syn-ack
8080/tcp  open     http-proxy           syn-ack

Overall sending rates: 2126.00 packets / s, 93543.92 bytes / s.
1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.085 seconds

Note: 2 ports missed!

Note that despite using --max-retries 100000, I can't send faster than 2100 or 
so packets/s. This is because of my slow internet connection I guess!. My 
real download speed is something like 600kbps and my real upload speed is 
something like 150kbps



El Monday 31 March 2008 14:05:59 David Fifield escribió:
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 04:12:44AM +0000, Brandon Enright wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:44:15 -0600 or thereabouts David Fifield
<david () bamsoftware com> wrote:

That is true, but if the Linux hosts finish faster (for whatever
reason) and then the Windows hosts have to finish scanning at a
slower rate, that will bring the overall average down. If you run
with -d and use the run-time interaction feature by hitting Enter
during a scan, you can see a live estimate of the current scanning
rate. You might see it really fast at the beginning and slow down at
the end.

I'm happy to try any patch, Nmap command, or network size (up to
when Nmap runs out of memory at around /17) so feel free to ask or
patch away.

Would you run the tests again with "--max-retries 0"? That will
eliminate the doAnyOutstandingRetransmits slowdown.

Here we go again, this time with --max-retries 0 like so:

nmap --min-rate 100000 --min-hostgroup 256 --max-retries 0 -P0 -n -d -v
-p- <targets>

These are all local machines.  Multiple scans against other machines
were consistent with these so I've only included these three scans:

Linux Box:
Overall sending rates: 89643.44 packets / s, 3944311.23 bytes / s.
Final times for host: srtt: 165 rttvar: 2  to: 100000

Windows Box:
Overall sending rates: 18712.29 packets / s, 823340.93 bytes / s.
Overall sending rates: 18712.29 packets / s, 823340.93 bytes / s.

Overall sending rates: 14538.09 packets / s, 639675.90 bytes / s.
Final times for host: srtt: -1 rttvar: -1  to: 1000000

Local /25:
Overall sending rates: 15573.42 packets / s, 685230.30 bytes / s.

doAnyOutstandingRetransmits was certainly a factor.  It seems something
else though is taking up most of the time.

There are actually a ton of places where the entire list of outstanding
probes is traversed. This is especially true because there are a lot of
places where list::size is called (grep scan_engine.cc for "listsz ="),
and in libstdc++ list::size is O(n):


Maybe the Linux boxes are sending resets for closed ports, which drops
the probes out of probes_outstanding and keeps the list small. If the
Windows boxes drop the request, the probes have to time out and they
stay in the list a long time, making it longer. That would also make
sense when scanning addresses that aren't connected.

Can you send the output of

nmap --min-rate 100000 --min-hostgroup 256 --max-retries 0 -P0 -n -d3 -p- |
grep -E "^(\*\*TIMING|   )"

for scans against a fast Linux host, a slow Windows host, and the
unconnected netblock? (Of course you can just run the grep against a -d4
log.) You could send the raw log file but it's likely to be big.

For me, running such a command against a reset-sending Linux host gives

**TIMING STATS** (1.0050s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
50/*/*/*/*/* 99.05/75/* 100000/70/4 192.168.0.X: 50/63585/0/50/0/0
99.05/75/0 100000/70/4
**TIMING STATS** (1.0180s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
50/*/*/*/*/* 99.56/75/* 100000/68/0 192.168.0.X: 50/63535/0/50/0/0
99.56/75/0 100000/68/0
**TIMING STATS** (1.0340s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
50/*/*/*/*/* 100.07/75/* 100000/69/1 192.168.0.X: 50/63485/0/50/0/0
100.07/75/0 100000/69/1

while running it against a packet-dropping Windows host gives

**TIMING STATS** (1.0040s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
636/*/*/*/*/* 76.01/75/* 100000/372/567 192.168.0.Y: 636/62535/0/687/51/0
76.01/75/0 100000/231/314
**TIMING STATS** (1.0120s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
650/*/*/*/*/* 76.01/75/* 100000/372/567 192.168.0.Y: 650/62485/0/686/36/0
76.01/75/0 100000/231/314
**TIMING STATS** (1.0220s): IP, probes
active/freshportsleft/retry_stack/outstan ding/retranwait/onbench,
cwnd/ccthresh/delay, timeout/srtt/rttvar/ Groupstats (1/1 incomplete):
650/*/*/*/*/* 76.01/75/* 100000/372/567 192.168.0.Y: 650/62435/0/700/50/0
76.01/75/0 100000/231/314

where the fourth number in the "*/*/*/*/*/*" part of the per-host line
is the number of outstanding probes. You can see it trends much higher
against the Windows host. Be aware that -d4 will probably slow down the
scan too.

I think we can reduce the negative effect of having a lot of outstanding
probes through code changes.

Anyone following this conversation, please note that these issues only
matter at really high packet rates. If you use reasonable arguments to
--min-rate (or don't use that option at all) it won't affect you.

David Fifield

Sent through the nmap-dev mailing list
Archived at http://SecLists.Org

Ing. Sebastián García

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