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Nmap 7.30 Released with new NSE scripts, new Npcap, new Fingerprints, etc.

From: Fyodor <fyodor () nmap org>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 12:40:54 -0700

Hi folks!  You may have noticed that we've only been releasing Nmap betas
for the last 6 months because we've had so much new code and so many
features to integrate thanks to hard work from both our regular team and
the 5 Google Summer of Code summer interns.  But we spent the last month
focused on stability and I'm pleased to announce Nmap 7.30--our first
stable release since 7.12 back in March.

Even though it's a stable release, we didn't limit ourselves to only
including bug fixes since the last beta.  We also snuck in some great new
features, including 7 more NSE scripts, an improved version of Npcap (our
new Windows packet capturing driver/library), new service probes and OS
fingerprints, and more listed below.

Nmap 7.30 source code and binary packages for Linux, Windows, and Mac are
available for free download from the usual spot:


If you find any bugs in this release, please let us know on the Nmap Dev
list or bug tracker as described at https://nmap.org/book/man-bugs.html.

Here are the changes since Nmap's last beta release (Nmap's 7.25BETA2
birthday release on September 1):

• Integrated all 12 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from June to
September. No new groups, but several classifications were strengthened,
especially Windows localhost and OS X. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Added 7 NSE scripts, from 3 authors, bringing the total up to 541!
They are all listed at https://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are
below (authors are listed in brackets):

   - [GH#369] coap-resources grabs the list of available resources from
   CoAP endpoints. [Mak Kolybabi]
   - fox-info retrieves detailed version and configuration info from
   Tridium Niagara Fox services. [Stephen Hilt]
   - ipmi-brute performs authentication brute-forcing on IPMI services.
   [Claudiu Perta]
   - ipmi-cipher-zero checks IPMI services for Cipher Zero support, which
   allows connection without a password. [Claudiu Perta]
   - ipmi-version retrieves protocol version and authentication options
   from ASF-RMCP (IPMI) services. [Claudiu Perta]
   - [GH#352] mqtt-subscribe connects to a MQTT broker, subscribes to
   topics, and lists the messages received. [Mak Kolybabi]
   - pcworx-info retrieves PLC model, firmware version, and date from
   Phoenix Contact PLCs. [Stephen Hilt]

• Upgraded Npcap, our new Windows packet capturing driver/library, from
version to 0.09 to 0.10r2. This includes many bug fixes, with a particular
on emphasis on concurrency issues discovered by running hundreds of Nmap
instances at a time. More details are available from
https://github.com/nmap/npcap/releases. [Yang Luo, Daniel Miller, Fyodor]

• New service probes and match lines for DTLS, IPMI-RMCP, MQTT, PCWorx,
ProConOS, and Tridium Fox, [Stephen Hilt, Mak Kolybabi, Daniel Miller]

• Improved some output filtering to remove or escape carriage returns
('\r') that could allow output spoofing by overwriting portions of the
screen. Issue reported by Adam Rutherford. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Fixed a few bad Lua patterns that could result in denial of service
due to excessive backtracking. [Adam Rutherford, Daniel Miller]

• Fixed a discrepancy between the number of targets selected with -iR and
the number of hosts scanned, resulting in output like "Nmap done: 1033 IP
addresses" when the user specified -iR 1000. [Daniel Miller]

• Fixed a bug in port specification parsing that could cause extraneous
'T', 'U', 'S', and 'P' characters to be ignored when they should have
caused an error. [David Fifield]

• [GH#543] Restored compatibility with LibreSSL, which was lost in adding
library version checks for OpenSSL 1.1. [Wonko7]

• [Zenmap] Fixed a bug in the Compare Scans window of Zenmap on OS X
resulting in this message instead of Ndiff output:
2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

mach-o, but wrong architecture
  Reported by Kyle Gustafson. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Fixed a bug in ssl-enum-ciphers and ssl-dh-params which caused them
to not output TLSv1.2 info with DHE ciphersuites or others involving
ServerKeyExchange messages. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Added X509v3 extension parsing to NSE's sslcert code. ssl-cert now
shows the Subject Alternative Name extension; all extensions are shown in
the XML output. [Daniel Miller]

In addition to the changes above which haven't been in any Nmap release
yet, Nmap 7.30 contains all the improvements from the 7.25BETA2 and
7.25BETA1 releases as listed below:

*Nmap 7.25BETA2 [2016-09-01]*

• [NSE] Upgraded NSE to Lua 5.3, adding bitwise operators, integer data
type, a utf8 library, and native binary packing and unpacking functions.
Removed bit library, added bits.lua, replaced base32, base64, and bin
libraries. [Patrick Donnelly]

• Integrated all of your service/version detection fingerprints submitted
from January to April (578 of them). The signature count went up 2.2% to
10760. We now detect 1122 protocols, from elasticsearch, fhem, and
goldengate to ptcp, resin-watchdog, and siemens-logo. [Daniel Miller]

• Upgraded Npcap, our new Windows packet capturing driver/library, from
version 0.07-r17 to 0.09. This includes many improvements you can read
about at https://github.com/nmap/ncap/releases.

• [Nsock][GH#148] Added the new IOCP Nsock engine which uses the Windows
Overlapped I/O API to improve performance of version scan and NSE against
many targets on Windows. [Tudor Emil Coman]

• [GH#376] Windows binaries are now code-signed with our "Insecure.Com LLC"
SHA256 certificate. This should give our users extra peace-of-mind and
avoid triggering Microsoft's ever-increasing security warnings.

• Various performance improvements for large-scale high-rate scanning,
including increased ping host groups, faster probe matching, and ensuring
data types can handle an Internet's-worth of targets. [Tudor Emil Coman]

• [NSE] Added the oracle-tns-version NSE script which decodes the version
number from Oracle Database Server's TNS listener. https://nmap.org/nsedoc/
scripts/oracle-tns-version.html [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Added the clock-skew NSE script which analyzes and reports clock
skew between Nmap and services that report timestamps, grouping hosts with
similar skews. https://nmap.org/nsedoc/scripts/clock-skew.html [Daniel

• [Zenmap] Long-overdue Spanish language translation has been added! Muy
bien! [Vincent Dumont, Marta Garcia De La Paz, Paulino Calderon, Patricio

• [Zenmap][GH#449] Fix a crash when closing Zenmap due to a read-only
zenmap.conf. User will be warned that config cannot be saved and that they
should fix the file permissions. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Fix a crash when parsing TLS certificates that OpenSSL doesn't
support, like DH certificates or corrupted certs. When this happens,
ssl-enum-ciphers will label the ciphersuite strength as "unknown." Reported
by Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE][GH#531] Fix two issues in sslcert.lua that prevented correct
operations against LDAP services when version detection or STARTTLS were
used. [Tom Sellers]

• [GH#426] Remove a workaround for lack of selectable pcap file descriptors
on Windows, which required including pcap-int.h and locking us to a single
version of libpcap. The new method, using WaitForSingleObject should work
with all versions of both WinPcap and Npcap. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE][GH#234] Added a --script-timeout option for limiting run time for
every individual NSE script. [Abhishek Singh]

• [Ncat][GH#444] Added a -z option to Ncat. Just like the -z option in
traditional netcat, it can be used to quicky check the status of a port.
Port ranges are not supported since we recommend a certain other tool for
port scanning. [Abhishek Singh]

• Fix checking of Npcap/WinPcap presence on Windows so that "nmap -A" and
"nmap" with no options result in the same behaviors as on Linux (and no
crashes) [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] ssl-enum-ciphers will now warn about 64-bit block ciphers in CBC
mode, which are vulnerable to the SWEET32 attack.

• [NSE][GH#117] tftp-enum now only brute-forces IP-address-based Cisco
filenames when the wordlist contains "{cisco}". Previously, custom
wordlists would still end up sending these extra 256 requests. [Sriram

• [GH#472] Avoid an unnecessary assert failure in timing.cc when printing
estimated completion time. Instead, we'll output a diagnostic error message:
    Timing error: localtime(n) is NULL
  where "n" is some number that is causing problems. [Jean-Guilhem Nousse]

• [NSE][GH#519] Removed the obsolete script ip-geolocation-geobytes.
[Paulino Calderon]

• [NSE] Completed a refresh and validation of almost all fingerprints for
script http-default-accounts. Also improved the script speed. [nnposter]

• [GH#98] Added support for decoys in IPv6. Earlier we supported decoys
only in IPv4. [Abhishek Singh]

• [GH#484] Allow Nmap to compile on some older Red Hat distros that disable
EC crypto support in OpenSSL. [Jeroen Roovers, Vincent Dumont]

• [GH#439] Nmap now supports OpenSSL 1.1.0-pre5 and previous versions.
[Vincent Dumont]

• [Ncat] Fix a crash ("add_fdinfo() failed.") when --exec was used with
--ssl and --max-conns, due to improper accounting of file descriptors.
[Daniel Miller]

• FTP Bounce scan: improved some edge cases like anonymous login without
password, 500 errors used to indicate port closed, and timeouts for LIST
command. Also fixed a 1-byte array overrun (read) when checking for
privileged ports. [Daniel Miller]

• [GH#140] Allow target DNS names up to 254 bytes. We previously imposed an
incorrect limit of 64 bytes in several parts of Nmap. [Vincent Dumont]

• [NSE] The hard limit on number of concurrently running scripts can now
increase above 1000 to match a high user-set --min-parallelism value.
[Tudor Emil Coman]

• [NSE] Solved a memory corruption issue that would happen if a socket
connect operation produced an error immediately, such as Network
Unreachable. The event handler was throwing a Lua error, preventing Nsock
from cleaning up properly, leaking events. [Abhishek Singh, Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Added the datetime library for performing date and time
calculations, and as a helper to the clock-skew script.

• [GH#103][GH#364] Made Nmap's parallel reverse DNS resolver more robust,
fully handling truncated replies. If a response is too long, we now fall
back to using the system resolver to answer it. [Abhishek Singh]

• [Zenmap][GH#279] Added a legend for the Topography window. [Suraj Hande]

*Nmap 7.25BETA1 [2016-07-15]*

• Nmap now ships with and uses Npcap, our new packet sniffing library for
Windows. It's based on WinPcap (unmaintained for years), but uses modern
Windows APIs for better performance. It also includes security improvements
and many bug fixes. See http://npcap.org. And it enables Nmap to perform
SYN scans and OS detection against localhost, which we haven't been able to
do on Windows since Microsoft removed the raw sockets API in 2003. [Yang
Luo, Dan Miller, Fyodor]

• [NSE] Added 6 NSE scripts, from 5 authors, bringing the total up to 533!
They are all listed athttps://nmap.org/nsedoc/, and the summaries are below
(authors are listed in brackets):

   - clamav-exec detects ClamAV servers vulnerable to unauthorized clamav
   command execution. [Paulino Calderon]
   - http-aspnet-debug detects ASP.NET <http://asp.net/> applications with
   debugging enabled. [Josh Amishav-Zlatin]
   - http-internal-ip-disclosure determines if the web server leaks its
   internal IP address when sending an HTTP/1.0 request without a Host header.
   [Josh Amishav-Zlatin]
   - [GH#304] http-mcmp detects mod_cluster Management Protocol (MCMP) and
   dumps its configuration. [Frank Spierings]
   - [GH#365] sslv2-drown detects vulnerability to the DROWN attack,
   including CVE-2016-0703 and CVE-2016-0704 that enable fast attacks on
   OpenSSL. [Bertrand Bonnefoy-Claudet]
   - vnc-title logs in to VNC servers and grabs the desktop title,
   geometry, and color depth. [Daniel Miller]

• Integrated all of your IPv4 OS fingerprint submissions from January to
April (539 of them). Added 98 fingerprints, bringing the new total to 5187.
Additions include Linux 4.4, Android 6.0, Windows Server 2016, and more.
[Daniel Miller]

• Integrated all 31 of your IPv6 OS fingerprint submissions from January to
June. The classifier added 2 groups and expanded several others. Several
Apple OS X groups were consolidated, reducing the total number of groups to
93. [Daniel Miller]

• Update oldest supported Windows version to Vista (Windows 6.0). This
enables the use of the poll Nsock engine, which has significant performance
and accuracy advantages. Windows XP users can still use Nmap 7.12,
available from https://nmap.org/dist/?C=M&O=D [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Fix a crash that happened when trying to print the percent done of
0 NSE script threads:
    timing.cc:710 bool ScanProgressMeter::printStats(double, const
timeval*): Assertion 'ltime' failed.
  This would happen if no scripts were scheduled in a scan phase and the
user pressed a key or specified a short --stats-every interval. Reported by
Richard Petrie. [Daniel Miller]

• [GH#283][Nsock] Avoid "unknown protocol:0" debug messages and an "Unknown
address family 0" crash on Windows and other platforms that do not set the
src_addr argument to recvfrom for TCP sockets. [Daniel Miller]

• Retrieve the correct network prefix length for an adapter on Windows. If
more than one address was configured on an adapter, the same prefix length
would be used for both. This incorrect behavior is still used on Windows XP
and earlier. Reported by Niels Bohr. [Daniel Miller]

• Changed libdnet-stripped to avoid bailing completely when an interface is
encountered with an unsupported hardware address type. Caused "INTERFACES:
NONE FOUND!" bugs in Nmap whenever Linux kernel added new hardware address
types. [Daniel Miller]

• Improved service detection of Docker and fixed a bug in the output of
docker-version script. [Tom Sellers]

• Fix detection of Microsoft Terminal Services (RDP). Our improved TLS
service probes were matching on port 3389 before our specific Terminal
Services probe, causing the port to be labeled as "ssl/unknown". Reported
by Josh Amishav-Zlatin.

• [NSE] Update to enable smb-os-discovery to augment version detection for
certain SMB related services using data that the script discovers. [Tom

• Improved version detection and descriptions for Microsoft and Samba SMB
services. Also addresses certain issues with OS identification. [Tom

• [NSE] ssl-enum-ciphers will give a failing score to any server with an
RSA certificate whose public key uses an exponent of 1. It will also cap
the score of an RC4-ciphersuite handshake at C and output a warning
referencing RFC 7465. [Daniel Miller]

• [NSE] Refactored some SSLv2 functionality into a new library, sslv2.lua .
[Daniel Miller]

• [GH#399] Zenmap's authorization wrapper now uses an AppleScript method
for privilege escalation on OS X, avoiding the deprecated
AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges method previously used. [Vincent Dumont]

• [GH#454] The OS X binary package is distributed in a .dmg disk image that
now features an instructive background image. [Vincent Dumont]

• [GH#420] Our OS X build system now uses gtk-mac-bundler and jhbuild to
provide all dependencies. We no longer use Macports for this purpose.
[Vincent Dumont]

• [GH#345][Zenmap] On Windows, save Zenmap's stderr output to a writeable
location (%LOCALAPPDATA%\zenmap.exe.log or %TEMP%\zenmap.exe.log) instead
of next to the zenmap.exe executable. This avoids a warning message when
closing Zenmap if it produced any stderr output. [Daniel Miller]

• [GH#379][NSE] Fix http-iis-short-name-brute to report non vulnerable
hosts. Reported by alias1. [Paulino Calderon]

• [NSE][GH#371] Fix mysql-audit by adding needed library requires to the
mysql-cis.audit file. The script would fail with "Failed to load rulebase"
message. [Paolo Perego]

• [NSE][GH#362] Added support for LDAP over udp to ldap-rootdse.nse.  Also
added version detection and information extraction to match the new LDAP
LDAPSearchReq and LDAPSearchReqUDP probes. [Tom Sellers]

• [GH#354] Added new version detection Probes for LDAP services,
LDAPSearchReq and LDAPSearchReqUDP. The second is Microsoft Active
Directory specific. The Probes will elicit responses from target services
that allow better finger -printing and information extraction. Also added
nmap-payload entry for detecting LDAP on udp. [Tom Sellers]

• [NSE] More VNC updates: Support for VeNCrypt and Tight auth types, output
of authentication sub-types in vnc-info, and all zero-authentication types
are recognized and reported. [Daniel Miller]

Enjoy this new stable release and please do let us know if you find any
problems! https://nmap.org/download.html

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