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Nmap 3.10ALPHA2 released

From: Fyodor <fyodor () insecure org>
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 19:23:57 -0700


Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce that Nmap version 3.10ALPHA2 is now
available!  This version has some cool stuff that I couldn't add
before due to stability issues.  In particular, IPv6 is now supported
and the codebase has been migrated to C++.  Due to all the changes,
there may be portability problems.  But I have lightly tested it on
Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Windows.  If it does not compile/work for
you, please let me know (including details on the OS you are running).
A patch is even better :).

The IPv6 support is currently limited to the most important options
such as -sT.  I may add raw packet scans (ICMP6 pinging, UDP, SYN,
etc) if there is demand.  The protocol is actually pretty fun!  Not
only do I feel like a king with my own /64 allocation
(18446744073709551616 addresses!), but it can be useful for bypassing
certain firewalls.  Check out this host that has a bunch of filtered
IPv4 ports, but is wide open via IPv6.  Pay special attention to port
111 (SunRPC).

nmap www.kame.net

Starting nmap V. 3.10ALPHA1 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on kame220.kame.net (
(The 1585 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
19/tcp     filtered    chargen
21/tcp     open        ftp
22/tcp     open        ssh
53/tcp     open        domain
80/tcp     open        http
111/tcp    filtered    sunrpc
137/tcp    filtered    netbios-ns
138/tcp    filtered    netbios-dgm
139/tcp    filtered    netbios-ssn
513/tcp    filtered    login
514/tcp    filtered    shell
2049/tcp   filtered    nfs
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver
5999/tcp   open        ncd-conf
7597/tcp   filtered    qaz
31337/tcp  filtered    Elite

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 34 seconds

nmap -6 www.kame.net

Starting nmap V. 3.10ALPHA1 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on 3ffe:501:4819:2000:210:f3ff:fe03:4d0:
(The 1595 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
21/tcp     open        ftp
22/tcp     open        ssh
53/tcp     open        domain
80/tcp     open        http
111/tcp    open        sunrpc
2401/tcp   open        cvspserver

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 19 seconds

Note that this may have changed, since I notified the Kame folks last
week.  But I'm sure this is a common mistake.

Here are the CHANGELOG entries since 3.00 (ALPHA1 was a dev-only

Nmap 3.10ALPHA2

o Fixed compilation and IPv6 support on FreeBSD (tested on
  4.6-STABLE).  Thanks to Niels Heinen (niels.heinen () ubizen com) for

o Made some portability changes based on suggestions by Josef 'Jupp'
  Schugt (jupp () gmx de)

o Fixed compilation and IPv6 support on Solaris 9 (haven't tested
  earlier versions).

Nmap 3.10ALPHA1

o IPv6 is now supported for TCP scan (-sT), connect()-style ping scan
  (-sP), and list scan (-sL)!  Just specify the -6 option and the IPv6
  numbers or DNS names.  Netmask notation is not currently supported
  -- I'm not sure how useful it is for IPv6, where even petty end
  users may be allocated trillions of addresses (/80).  If you need
  one of the scan types that hasn't been ported yet, give Sebastien
  Peterson's patch a try at http://nmap6.sourceforge.net/ .  If there
  is demand, I may integrate more of that into Nmap.

o Major code restructing, which included conversion to C++ -- so
  you'll need g++ or another C++ compiler.  I accidently let a C++
  requirement slip in a while back and found that almost everyone has
  such a compiler.  Windows (VC++) users: see the README-WIN32 for new
  compilation instructions.

o Applied patch from Axel Nennker (Axel.Nennker () t-systems com) which
  adds a --without-nmapfe option to the configure script.  This si
  useful if your system doesn't have the proper libraries (eg GTK) or
  if you think GUIs are for sissies :).

o Removed arbitrary max_parallelism (-M) limitations, as suggested by
  William McVey ( wam () cisco com ).

o Added DEC OSF to the platforms that require the BSDFIX() macro due
  to taking ip length and offset fields in host rather than network
  order.  Suggested by Dean Bennett (deanb () gbtn net)

o Fixed an debug statement C ambiguity discovered by Kronos
  (kronos () kronoz cjb net)

For those of you running Linux/x86 w/a recent version of rpm
(www.rpm.org), you can install/upgrade to the newest version of
nmap/nmapfe by executing these commands as root:

rpm -vhU (nmap url)
where (nmap url) is one (or both) of these:


For the rest of you, source tarballs and source RPMs are always
available at: http://www.insecure.org/nmap/nmap_download.html

For the more paranoid (smart) members of the list, here are the md5

b7e2a33d22afe8912ab33b8c58a2fb19  nmap-3.10ALPHA2-1.i386.rpm
e27797651052ff751e89d938bd516605  nmap-3.10ALPHA2-1.src.rpm
520c808838251029a0cc53811b8c4920  nmap-3.10ALPHA2.tgz
eb8cbeb15b3b33adc0d9d7fbbe6e3312  nmap-frontend-3.10ALPHA2-1.i386.rpm

These release notes should be signed with my PGP key, which is available at
http://www.insecure.org/fyodor_gpgkey.txt .
The key fingerprint is: 97 2F 93 AB 9C B0 09 80 D9 51 40 6B B9 BC E1 7E


Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


For help using this (nmap-hackers) mailing list, send a blank email to 
nmap-hackers-help () insecure org . List run by ezmlm-idx (www.ezmlm.org).

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