nanog mailing list archives

Re: ISP billing - data collection, correlation, and billing

From: Jose Gerardo Perales Soto <gerardo.perales () axtel com mx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 14:39:48 +0000

Hi, we use the same approach as you. When provisioning services they’re identified by a label in the interface 
description so data is collected and delivered to our billing systems.


El 14/07/17 13:43, "NANOG en nombre de Sean Pedersen" <nanog-bounces () nanog org en nombre de spedersen.lists () gmail 
com> escribió:

    I went back a few years in the archives and found a few odd references, but
    not much discussion. I'm curious what some other approaches are to
    usage-based billing, both the practice of generating/correlating data and
    the billing itself.

    We bill based on use/95th percentile and our system is rudimentary on its
    best day. We use SNMP and interface descriptions to generate data and
    correlate it with customers. This works for the most part, but leaves a lot
    to be desired.

    Ours is one method, and I've seen others who use NetFlow data in a similar
    fashion, with the assumption that the NetFlow data is correlated either via
    IP address or source interface.

    Most of the systems I've seen are full-fledged CRM, billing, and OSS, which
    is a little overkill for us at the moment. I think we would have issues
    trying to integrate such a multi-headed beast into our organization at this

    What methods do you use to collect and correlate data?

    What systems, if any, do you use?

    I'm a little in the dark as the billing/OSS side of things is outside of my
    normal scope and would appreciate any recommendations.



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