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Re: Marriott wifi blocking

From: Brett Frankenberger <rbf+nanog () panix com>
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 19:58:07 -0500

On Sat, Oct 04, 2014 at 01:33:13PM -0700, Owen DeLong wrote:

On Oct 4, 2014, at 12:39 , Brandon Ross <bross () pobox com> wrote:

On Sat, 4 Oct 2014, Michael Thomas wrote:

The problem is that there's really no such thing as a "copycat" if
the client doesn't have the means of authenticating the
destination. If that's really the requirement, people should start
bitching to ieee to get destination auth on ap's instead of
blatantly asserting that somebody owns a particular ssid because,
well, because.

In the enterprise environment that there's been some insistence
from folks on this list is a legitimate place to block "rogue" APs,
what makes those SSIDs, "yours"?  Just because they were used first
by the enterprise? That doesn't seem to hold water in an unlicensed
environment to me at all.

Pretty much... Here's why...

If you are using an SSID in an area, anyone else using the same SSID
later is causing harmful interference to your network. It's a
first-come-first-serve situation. Just like amateur radio spectrum...
If you're using a frequency to carry on a conversation with someone,
other hams have an obligation not to interfere with your conversation
(except in an emergency). It's a bit more complicated there, because
you're obliged to reasonably accommodate others wishing to use the
frequency, but in the case of SSIDs, there's no such requirement.

Now, if I start using SSID XYZ in building 1 and someone else is
using it in building 3 and the two coverage zones don't overlap, I'm
not entitled to extend my XYZ SSID into building 3 when I rent space
there, because someone else is using it in that location first.

So your position is that if I start using Starbuck's SSID in a location
where there is no Starbuck, and they layer move in to that building,
I'm entitled to compel them to not use their SSID?

I can only extend my XYZ coverage zone so far as there are no
competing XYZ SSIDs in the locations I'm expanding in to.

Is ther FCC guidance on this, or is this "Regulations As Interpreted By

Depends on whether you were the first one using the SSID in a
particular location or not.

Sure, this can get ambiguous and difficult to prove, but the reality
is that most cases are pretty clear cut and it's usually not hard to
tell who is the interloper on a given SSID.

It's usually easy to tell, but I doubt the FCC would find it relevant. 

There's a lot of amateur lawyering ogain on in this thread, in an area
where there's a lot of ambiguity.  We don't even know for sure that
what Marriott did is illegal -- all we know is that the FCC asserted it
was and Mariott decided to settle rather than litigate the matter.  And
that was an extreme case -- Marriott was making transmissions for the
*sole purpose of preventing others from using the spectrum*.

     -- Brett

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