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Re: IPv6 isn't SMTP

From: Franck Martin <fmartin () linkedin com>
Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 02:16:40 +0000

On Mar 26, 2014, at 5:47 PM, Fred Baker (fred) <fred () cisco com> wrote:

On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:31 PM, Cutler James R <james.cutler () consultant com> wrote:

3.  Arguing about IPv6 in the context of requirements upon SMTP connections is playing that uncomfortable game with 
one’s own combat boots.  And not particularly productive.

That is one of my two big take-aways from this conversation. The other is that operators of SMTP MTAs should 
implement RDNS for them, which I thought we already knew.

It is in several industry recommendations cf for instance BCP at 

To my knowledge, there are three impacts that IPv6 implementation makes on an SMTP implementation. One is that the OS 
interface to get the address of the next MUA or MTA needs to use getaddrinfo() instead of gethostbyname() (and would 
do well to observe RFC 6555’s considerations). Another is that, whether on an incoming or an outbound connection, 
when the application gets its own address from the OS (binary or as a character string), it needs to allocate more 
storage for the data structure. The third is that it needs to be able to interpret user@2001:db8::1 as well as 
user@dns-name and user@ 

and user@2001:db8::1.25 with user@ Who had the good idea to use : for IPv6 addresses while this is the 
separator for the port in IPv4? A few MTA are confused by it.

All things considered, that’s a pretty narrow change set.

Everyone here, no doubt, is clueful enough to implement RDNS for their MTAs. We know that there are people in the 
world that don’t implement it for IPv4. Yet, here we are, using SMTP/IPv4 to discuss this, and I don’t hear anyone 
saying that IPv4 isn’t ready for prime time as a result of the fact of some operators not implementing RDNS.

There is some confusion between MX selection and address selection, I tried to document it, and resolve the ambiguities 
in (comments at apps-discuss () ietf 

Remember 70 to 90% of email is spam, blacklists can drop as much as 75% of spam at connection time (an IPv6 blacklist 
has problems due to size and impact on DNS). If we mess up the transition of SMTP to IPv6, less than 1 out of 10 emails 
in your mailbox will be remotely interesting….

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