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Re: [routing-wg] RPKI performance metrics; your help requested

From: Carlos Martinez-Cagnazzo <carlosm3011 () gmail com>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 16:04:59 -0300

Kudos to the RIPE NCC for graciously offering to collect and analyze
repository performance data. And I'm sure that if we ask nicely they
will provide data dumps we can analyze ourselves, just like they do with
RIS and other projects.



On 5/17/12 3:31 PM, Arturo Servin wrote:
On 17 May 2012, at 00:47, Randy Bush wrote:

Could someone make:
 2) put the graphs at 'not' on (too)
no.  that is the exact point.  the graph to which i pointed is on rob's
site.  these are data each relying party can collect and see for
themselves and their point of view in the universe,
      Which I think it is a very valuable thing as a RP operator. I haven't used the lastest versions of RIPE NCC 
validator for myself but that would be a nice feature to have there as well. I will update my rcynic installation, I 
liked the graphs.

not some central
 ripe/ncc thinks it is the center of the universe.  we do
not.  we know it is in freemont [0], a neighborhood of seattle.
      I do not think that is the intention from RIPE NCC.

      The intention as I understood is to get the data that each RP is getting and to send it to central repository 
for further analysis. Which it is a centralized approach but for simplicity, not for thinking that they are the 
center of the universe.

      In my view there are 2 problems. One is to see as an RP operator how healthy are the repositories where you 
retrieve data (which for the url that you sent is done very nicely with rcynic), and two it is that as repository 
operator and protocol designers you'd like to see how good or bad your repository/protocols are doing to provide data 
to RPs in different locations of the world (which I think it is the aim of RIPE NCC effort).

so that url is very intentionally rob's relying party instance.  i have
one at
but it has not been running as long as you can see.

and sorry that our certs did not pay godzilla or gobble for the
privilege of being in their bowsers.  refund below [1]


[0] -,_Seattle

      If anybody else is willing to share its data and URLs about their RP performance, I would be nice. I have an 
old rsync installation that I will try to update this weekend. Now it is here but does not show too much:


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