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Re: Looking for an IPv6 naysayer...

From: Owen DeLong <owen () delong com>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 16:42:01 -0800

On Feb 9, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Matthew Kaufman wrote:

On 2/9/2011 4:00 PM, Jack Bates wrote:
On 2/9/2011 5:47 PM, George Bonser wrote:
I have yet to see a broadband provider that configures a network so that
individual nodes in the home network get global IPs.
Bridge only CPE's given off this node.

   1043 IP addresses handed out
   1024 Unique interfaces

Looks like customers aren't always big on more than 1 IP. :)


And meanwhile Comcast has announced one /64-per-household service for IPv6... guess they didn't get the memo from 
Owen about how every class of home appliances will need its own subnet.

Matthew Kaufman

Actually Comcast is willing to give out more than a /64 to a home, they're waiting for the CPE to catch up.
I've had some very good discussions with John Brzozowski on the subject. While we don't see completely
eye-to-eye on the matter, I think that Comcast is trying to do reasonably well by their customers in the
IPv6 addressing realm. I expect that they will eventually come around to giving out /48s, but, for now they
seem to feel they need to see the use case develop before they deploy it.

It's not ideal in my opinion, but, it's much better than it could be.

FWIW, Comcast is transporting the /48 from my home nicely, even if they don't know they're doing it.


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