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Re: fight club :) richard bennett vs various nanogers, on paid peering

From: Paul Wall <pauldotwall () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 06:22:04 +0000

On 11/25/09, Richard Bennett <richard () bennett com> wrote:
It turns out you can say any damn thing you want about peering since
nobody has any facts.

Indeed you can.  This is one of things where the people with the hard
facts aren't talking due to NDA, regard for their pride, or both.  In
the absence of solid data, most journalists (and I use the term
loosely) take the high road, writing on only what they know about and
can back up with fact.  It is unfortunate that you approach this
differently, attempting to pass off Bill Norton's blog, itself very
flawed and comprised of error upon error which he simply refuses to
acknowledge or correct, as the new gospel.

You write that "the shift of an enormous amount of Internet traffic
from transit to paid peering is new, that’s what the data in the Arbor
Networks study shows". Nowhere in the Arbor study is there any
analysis of where money is passing hands, or any settlement-based vs.
settlement-free interconnection arrangement.  The report is a
scientific one based upon aggregated netflow/sflow data, which doesn't
take layers 8 and above into account.

Also suspiciously absent is any disclosure of employer affiliations
and biases.  You write that "[you're] opposed to the
anti-discrimination rule that the FCC is considering".  What you
fail to mention is that you work for the ITIF, a Washington think-tank
allegedly funded by big cable.  Is it really any surprise that you
want to preserve this revenue stream?

Likewise, Norton neglects to mention that he works for NuMetra, a
company going around to content and broadband operators trying to
pitch a some black box which will enforce last-mile QoS and
automatically pay the friendly local Internet monopoly/duopoly in
"settlement" fees *on top* of your regular transit costs.  Of course
he wants Uncle Sam to back off; that's how his employer benefits.  It
is also important to consider Mr. Norton's role in Equinix, where he
worked in MARKETING, far distanced from the establishment of actual
peering agreements.  The real co-founders were Jay Adelson and Al Avery.

It is sad to see that Mr. Norton, once a valued member of the
community, so blatantly favoring the green stuff over fact-checking
and journalistic integrity.  One can only hope Om Malik will carry out
better due diligence in the future when hiring "industry experts" to
write for him.

Drive Slow,
Paul Wall

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