nanog mailing list archives

Re: InterCage, Inc. (NOT Atrivo)

From: Lamar Owen <lowen () pari edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:42:08 -0400

[On-list comment.  Off-list comments longer.]

On Thursday 11 September 2008 22:23:35 Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:
If I have either a peering agreement or a transit arrangement with a
contract, then that contract supports my 'rights' under that contract
persuant to my responsibilities being fulfilled.

If you had ever read a peering agreement, 

I have; see this publicly available peering agreement [0], where in clause 9 
we find the wording "Neither party shall assign its rights under this 
Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party."  In clause 5 
we find the wording "If ... there are significant breaches of the conditions 
of this agreement, both parties reserve the right unilaterally to immediately 
terminate the agreement ..."  See what lies under the points of ellipsis by 
reading the whole (2.5 page) agreement; it is succinct, clear, and a great 

Drifting off-topic; my participation in this thread terminated, unilaterally.

[0] - (PDF)

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