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RE: interger to I P address

From: "Boyd, Benjamin R" <Benjamin.R.Boyd () windstream com>
Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 11:38:27 -0500

The harder way:

Decimal: 1089055123
Hex (dashes inserted at octals): 40-E9-A9-93 Decimal (of 
each octet): 
64-233-169-147 IP Address:

The Python way

import socket, struct
socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('>l', 1089055123))

The Perl way:

sub ntoa
   my $one = shift;
   my $four = $one & 0xff;
   $one >>= 8;
   my $three = $one & 0xff;
   $one >>= 8;
   my $two = $one & 0xff;
   $one >>= 8;
   return "$one.$two.$three.$four";

#or in one line, like ipcalc does:
sub ntoa_in_one_line { join(".", unpack("CCCC", pack("N", $_[0]))); }

print ntoa(1089055123) . "\n";
print ntoa_in_one_line(1089055123) . "\n";

The PHP way:
function convertIntegerToIpv4($integer) 
  $max_value = pow(2,32);           //4,294,967,296 
  $bug_fix = 0;
  settype($integer, float);

  if($integer > 2147483647) $bug_fix = 16777216;
    if ($integer >= $max_value || $integer < 0)
      return ('Not a valid IPv4 integer');
    $ip = (sprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u",
            $integer / 16777216,
            (($integer % 16777216) + $bug_fix) / 65536,
            (($integer % 65536) + $bug_fix / 256) / 256,
            ($integer % 256) + $bug_fix / 256 / 256
  else {


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