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Re: Can P2P applications learn to play fair on networks?

From: Joe Greco <jgreco () ns sol net>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2007 13:50:28 -0500 (CDT)

On Sun, 21 Oct 2007, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
So your recommendation is that universities, enterprises and ISPs simply 
stop offering all Internet service because a few particular application 
protocols are badly behaved?

They should stop to offer flat-rate ones anyway.

Comcast's management has publically stated anyone who doesn't like the 
network management controls on its flat rate service can upgrade to 
Comcat's business class service.

Problem solved?

Assuming a "business class" service that's reasonably priced and featured?
Absolutely.  I'm not sure I've seen that to be the case, however.  Last
time I checked with a local cable company for T1-like service, they wanted
something like $800/mo, which was about $300-$400/mo more than several of
the CLEC's.  However, that was awhile ago, and it isn't clear that the
service offerings would be the same.

I don't class cable service as being as reliable as a T1, however.  We've
witnessed that the cable network fails shortly after any regional power
outage here, and it has somewhat regular burps in the service anyways.

I'll note that I can get unlimited business-class DSL (2M/512k ADSL) for
about $60/mo (24m), and that was explicitly spelled out to be unlimited-
use as part of the RFP.

By way of comparison, our local residential RR service is now 8M/512k for 
about $45/mo (as of just a month or two ago).

I think I'd have to conclude that I'd certainly see a premium above and
beyond the cost of a residential plan to be reasonable, but I don't expect
it to be many multiples of the resi service price, given that DSL plans
will promise the bandwidth at just a slightly higher cost.

Or would some P2P folks complain about having to pay more money?

Of course they will.

Or do general per-user ratelimiting that is protocol/application agnostic.

As I mentioned previously about the issues involving additional in-line 
devices and so on in networks, imposing per user network management and 
billing is a much more complicated task.

If only a few protocol/applications are causing a problem, why do you need 
an overly complex response?  Why not target the few things that are 
causing problems?

Well, because when you promise someone an Internet connection, they usually
expect it to work.  Is it reasonable for Comcast to unilaterally decide that
my P2P filesharing of my family photos and video clips is bad?

A better idea might be for the application protocol designers to improve 
those particular applications.

Good luck with that.

It took a while, but it worked with the UDP audio/video protocol folks who 
used to stress networks.  Eventually those protocol designers learned to 
control their applications and make them play nicely on the network.


... JG
Joe Greco - Network Services - Milwaukee, WI -
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.

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