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Re: BGP 011: multiple sessions with upstreams

From: "Edward B. Dreger" <eddy+public+spam () noc everquick net>
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 15:53:07 +0000 (GMT)

CLM> Date: Sun, 02 Jan 2005 03:14:29 +0000 (GMT)
CLM> From: Christopher L. Morrow

CLM> i think, based on Eddy's previous message (the original for this)
CLM> it seems like he almost wants 'shadow link' capability. Given that

Correct.  I've received enough questions that I'm tired of clarifying
individually, and will clarify publically:  The HSRP-managed NEXT_HOP
was already a compromise.  What I usually use, and _really_ want, is
multiple plain vanilla BGP sessions with fast-fall-over.

Tying in with the anycast thread, this approach works great for anycast
pods, too.  The first time I built an anycast DNS pod that way I was
having a bit too much fun firing off DNS queries while rebooting DNS
servers.  The reboot beeps were driving some people at the facility
nuts... they were worried ("your machines keep beeping!") until I said I
was deliberately initiating the reboots, and that all was well, at which
point their concern changed to mild "how much longer?!" annoyment. ;-)

CLM> as a start, dropping HSRP and just managing 2 BGP peers from both
CLM> ends one with metric 0 and one with metric 10 toward his ISP should
CLM> satisfy all parties requirements. It should be a 'standard' config
CLM> for the ISP and should be very simple for his customer to manage as
CLM> well.

Correct.  I'd actually prefer RFC1998-style communities to select
LOCAL_PREF, but I'm waiting to suggest that.  Yes, it's standard, but
being standard hasn't helped me so far. :-/  Their ASN was registered Q4
2003, so it's possible they're new to BGP.  I hate to speculate about
experience and clue level based on ASN number, but there's probably some
empirical, macroscopic statistical validity.

CLM> it might be as simple as showing the ISP that the configuration
CLM> requested is no more than a 'standard' config called 'shadow link'

That's what I'm trying to do. :-)

CLM> :) Hopefully it's something as simple as a miscommunication between
CLM> provider and customer.

At their request it's going to telephone tomorrow.  IMNSHO the written
word and ASCII art diagrams are less ambiguous and more concise, but
maybe real-time voice will somehow help resolve things.

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