nanog mailing list archives

RE: The Cidr Report

From: "John van Oppen" <john () vanoppen com>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 01:29:05 -0800

Hank and Warren are right on.   I have seen several ISPs (one of which has been around a long time) who don't even 
understand the basics of CIDR routing or why they should aggregate their announcements.   This same group are the ones 
who are not subscribed to this mailing list and don't go to Nanog events, and there are surly a large number of them.

I think one thing the CIDR report glosses over, with its ranking system is the sheer number of ASes which announce 
extra routes.   At least that is what strikes me when I start punching my local peer (not customer) ASes into the 
cidr-report website, virtually all of them have an aggregation problem and by percentage of junk announcements, the 
small ASes are often far worse than the big guys.

That being said, perhaps we need some sort of nanog outreach or BGP support community that larger (or clue full) 
providers can point their less clue full BGP customers towards.   The question then becomes, who would maintain such a 
group and how do we get the large number of currently non-participating ASes involved?

John van Oppen
PocketiNet Communications
AS23265 (which yes, is fully aggregated)

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Hank Nussbacher [mailto:hank () mail iucc ac il] 
Gesendet: Monday, February 14, 2005 12:26 AM
An: Philip Smith
Cc: Nanog
Betreff: Re: The Cidr Report

At 10:27 AM 14-02-05 +1000, Philip Smith wrote:

Well said.  At NANOG you get the clueful people cuz they at least knew to 
come.  That is a start.  But there are hundreds of ISPs out there who don't 
have a clue.  RIPE realized this without having to do a membership poll and 
rightly so, goes and does training where it is needed (and believe me - I 
am their biggest critic and all-around pain in the ass when it comes to 
their expenses as Leo and Rob can attest).

NANOG is not the place to do it.  ARIN, as part of their overhead should do 
an east coast, west coast and Chicago area tutorial at least once a 
year.  And guess what - most of the training material has already been 
written by the other RIRs.


The BGP tutorials I've been doing on Sundays at NANOG all cover 
aggregation - at least, I seem to end up talking about aggregation in each 
one. Maybe I need to be more direct? But then again, who am I preaching 
to? The choir maybe, I don't know. Maybe we need a specific aggregation 
tutorial for those who don't know how to? Those who have operational and 
technical reasons not to aggregate have made that decision with prior 
knowledge. We should try and give everyone else the knowledge, then at 
least we will know that all de-aggregation is done for a reason.

Then it begs the question, is NANOG the conference actually reaching the 
people who'd most benefit from it? I say this as I'm in transit in 
Singapore heading back from a hugely successful and enjoyable SANOG (South 
Asia NOG) in Bangladesh. Similar idea to NANOG, but heavier emphasis on 
education (workshops & tutorials), and we had ISPs falling over themselves 
to participate in the first Internet operations meeting held in that country.

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