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Re: trollage (Re: Akamai server reliability)

From: "Edward B. Dreger" <eddy+public+spam () noc everquick net>
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 01:18:32 +0000 (GMT)

CO> Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 14:57:58 -0600 (CST)
CO> From: Chris Owen

CO> However, I do think Akamai would be better off getting their issues with
CO> their replacement boxes straightened out.  I agree that we get value for
CO> having the boxes on our network (and so do they lets not forget).


It's not that expensive to ship boxen back and forth, and I'd hazard a 
guess they have people who troubleshoot the dead en masse.  If a dead 
box costs $50, the question becomes how much more would prolonging box 
death cost?

CO> However, it is a bit frustrating to replace the same box 3 times in less

Heh.  Never had _that_ bad, personally.

CO> than a month.  Hauling a box down to the colo is no big deal but when the

Depends.  In Kansas, no.  In $big_metro_area during rush hour... well, 
I've learned why people state "distance" in terms of hours. :-)

CO> box you are taking down there has a dead CPU fan and two dead case fans
CO> it's hard not to think you might be wasting your time.

True.  So if the CPU fan is dead, just say the box is plugged in; act 
surprised when doesn't ping. ;-)

CO> It isn't just that they are wasting my time.  They are also wasting their
CO> own time.  It's the overall lack efficiency that bothers me ;-]

There are enough clue-challenged networks that I wouldn't want arbitrary 
people playing around with my gear.  Shipping can be more efficient.

Everquick Internet -
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