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Re: Clueless anti-virus products/vendors (was Re: Sober)

From: "Edward B. Dreger" <eddy+public+spam () noc everquick net>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 00:06:01 +0000 (GMT)

DO> Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2005 14:15:00 -0800
DO> From: Douglas Otis

DO> > Perhaps DSNs should be sent to the original recipient, not the purported
DO> > sender.  RFC-compliant?  No.  Ridiculous?  Less so than pestering a
DO> > random third party.  Let the intended recipient communicate OOB or
DO> > manually if needed.
DO> Being refused by the intended recipient would be the cause for the DSN.

Fine.  But where to send it?  Certainly not to a random address.

DO> > DO> furthermore a DSN could be desired even for cases where an
DO> > authorization
DO> > 
DO> > When auth fails, one knows *right then* c/o an SMTP reject.  No bounce
DO> > is necessary.
DO> This assumes all messages are rejected within the SMTP session.

Perhaps we're examining different "authorization" cases.  Maybe my 
mindset of "SMTP auth" is too narrow for your intended scope.

DO> > DO> scheme fails.  Why create corner cases?
DO> > 
DO> > The corner case is that a virus _might_ actually have a realistic "From"
DO> > address. :-)
DO> You mean bounce-address?  A From address often has nothing to do with where
DO> a message originated.
DO> SPF has _nothing_ to do with the From address.

Errrr, "return-path".  Freudian slip dealing with some site local 
experiments... "from" is not as accurate as "return-path", but it's far 
from (no pun intended) useless.

DO> Once again, not _all_ messages are rejected within the SMTP session.  False

Of course not.

DO> positives are not 0%.  To ensure the integrity of email delivery, not
DO> including message content and using a null bounce-address should be the
DO> recommended practice at the initial recipient.  If you do not want to see
DO> DSNs with spoofed bounce-addresses, employ BATV at _your_ end should be the
DO> recommended practice.  You would not need to insist that anything special be
DO> done at millions of other locations.

Oh well.  I guess I've pretty much given up on pre-body filtering... so 
I suppose it would be too idyllic to expect anything different with 

Hmmmm.  BATV-triggered bounces.  Virus triggers forged bounce which in 
turn triggers "your DSN was misguided" bounce.  Perhaps the bandwidth 
growth of the '90s will continue. ;-)

Everquick Internet -
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. -
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
davidc () brics com -*- jfconmaapaq () intc net -*- sam () everquick net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.

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