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Re: S.2281 Hearing (was: Justice Dept: Wiretaps...)

From: "Pete Schroebel" <crossfire () smsonline net>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 16:47:09 -0400

 They, "the DOJ" is just trying to do it's job, as they are under the
microscope due to the fumbles that led to the compromises by an
inept predecessor. Now, they are tighten the screws on everything from
telecoms to bank accounts;  to prevent another round of fumbled
resulting in a preventable issue going unchecked.

If you mean the 'misplaced' information surrounding the 9/11 hijackers,
I'm not sure any amount of wiretapping/snooping would have ever changed
the situation. The problem was more related to, according to news reports
and senate (house?) hearings/testimony, miscommunications inside each of
the parts of the DoJ/CIA/NSA. All the wiretapping in the world wont get
information passed correctly inside these organizations.

Smoke screen efforts are less helpful and are simple diversions from the
reality of the problem.

I disagree, as there are listening stations in almost every language that
have been very useful; I've seen them, built them some over the years and
watched others start-up, . The DOJ needs to be able to do the same with the
voip/networks/internet and soon intranet. A few of the major ISP's / Mail
Houses already have special contracts running Kenan's SQL over the mail
archives before they are expunged. I imagine that issue will soon apply to
us all here in the US. You are correct that there is nothing that is going
to make a government  organizations work or actually do their job; with
exception of obtaining yet another holiday.


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