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Re: Vulnerbilities of Interconnection

From: <sgorman1 () gmu edu>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2002 22:43:13 -0400

It is interesting that you cite Paul Baran since his work at RAND was 
arguably the first to recommend a distributed network.  The start of 
the quasi myth that the Internet was developed to withstand a nuclear 
attack.  If my memory serves me correct that was Baran's assignment, 
but it was not the driving force behind the creation of ARPANET the two 
were non-sequitor.

The point being from a structural stand point there is convincing 
empirical evidence that the Internet is not a distributed network.  It 
is what physicists would call a small world or scale free network.  
Most of this work has been done at the router and AS level.  For 
example the vast majority of routers have only a few connections, while 
a small minority has the vast majority of conections.  The applied side 
of this I think I've posted about before, so please pardon the 
redundancy, is that Internet as the AS and router level is very 
resilent to random failures but highly susceptible to targeted 
failures.  This has become so predominant in the literature it has left 
many folks asking questions along the lines of security.  Just to give 
you a brief flavor the finding have been from Barabasi's group at Notre 
Dame in 2000, Cohen in Israel slightly later, and Callaway in 2001.  
Similat findings have been found from a spatial perspective with a 
group at BU's computer science department and the Notre Dame group as 

This has led a scramble to come up with new Internet topology 
generators - another laundry list of references and approaches - but 
the reported security implications have had a bumpier road.  Are all 
these computer scientist and physicists wrong, I'm sure a good case 
could be made against them, but it leaves several open questions.  
There have been several good cases made for the resilence of the statas 
quo and good arguments that there could be problems.  The question is 
how much of it is political.  One side looking for problems they can 
point fingers at in the name of homeland security and one side denying 
any problem at all because it is a lot cheaper if there is no problem.

----- Original Message -----
From: Sean Donelan <sean () donelan com>
Date: Friday, September 13, 2002 7:49 pm
Subject: Re: Vulnerbilities of Interconnection

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 sgorman1 () gmu edu wrote:
Or you cut the lines coming into the city - i.e Chicago has 
about 5
diverse routes for fiber into the city.  No explosives required 
and you
get the same effect.

The early ideas for the arpanet/internet never said every point 
would work
under all conditions.  The premise was if you destroyed (which implies
something is in fact destroyed) part of the network, the surviving 
partsof the network could function.  It said nothing about the 
ability of the
part of the network which was destroyed to function.  It may be 
obviousthe destroyed portion of the network will not function, but 
sales people
don't always go out of their way to explain the concept.

 The Paradox of the Secrecy About Secrecy by Paul Baran, August 1964
 The overall problem here is highly reminiscent of the atomic energy
 discussions in the 1945-55 era--only those who were not cleared were
 able to talk about "classified" atomic weapons. This caused security
 officers to become highly discomfitured~by the ease with which
 unclassified clues were being combined to deduce highly accurate
 versions of material residing in the classified domain. This 
points up
 a commonly recurring difference of opinion (or philosophy) 
between the
 security officer and the technically trained observer. The more
 technical training an individual possesses, the less confidence he
 seems to have of the actual value of secrecy in protecting the 
spread  of new developments in a ripe technology. True security 
does not always
 equate to blanket unthinking secrecy. While the security value of
 effective secrecy can be high, we must be realistic and 
acknowledge the
 constraints of living in a free society where effective secrecy in
 peacetime is almost impossible. Avoiding a touchy subject by falling
 back on edicts rather than rationality may automatically insure the
 continued existence of the touchy subject.

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