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Re: Statements against

From: "Stephen J. Wilcox" <steve () opaltelecom co uk>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 09:41:00 +0000 (GMT)

It is stupid and irresponsible to setup a new DNS root. End of story, read

Such reasoned and well thought out discussion points thrown out on NANOG?
I'm in shock.

I try to be consistent :)

And.. if you let do it then every other capitalist in the world
will start doing it and then the Internet will become disfunctional, and
what will that achieve? 

Uhhh, so what if they do? Nobody is forcing you to use, or ORSC
or TINC or whoever, or even setup your own roots with the "pick of the 
bunch" from ORSC or TINC or whoever.

If you don't use the alternative roots, you're not affected by their 
existance...  so you can just pretend they don't exist and live life in
your 2826 compliant happy world.

But of course I am!!! If I dont use them then it creates problems because
users on my networks cant reach the sites. If I do use them then
other people copy and all of a sudden we get conflicting
resolution which as mentioned before means you have no idea what site you
are going to hit - what good is that.

You dont have to use ARIN/RIPE allocated IPs on your network, you can pick
your own (non-RFC1918) addresses just dont advertise them, but again what
good is that to users on my network who wont be able to see the sites.

Look: "Internet" its single, not plural that would be "Internets" there
are certain uniquenesses which must be maintained if you want all users on
"The Internet" to receive the same results no matter who's network they
are on.

I dont think RFC2826 does suggest you "choose" whether to obey or not, I
think it says you have to follow the single root if you want to be global,
if you want to be local then you dont.

Also, WHY??? is everyone on this list so obsessed with freedom, choice..
look around, you are not free, you do not have the choice. You are only
free and able to choose within your local environment, once you step
outside you must comply otherwise things diverge rapidly.

Yes you CAN do what you want, you can CHOOSE to do something different but
only if you want to do it for a limited set that is your local network. If
you start selling things that are "new global names" I would say thats
false for a start, how many ISPs support these addresses? Oh, none
so its not very global then.

Okay, so theres a plugin, the ISP doesnt have to comply and yuo can get
around it.. hmm.. and what about when theres 50 or 1000 plugins and theres
conflicts or non-technical people dont realise and start hassling ME
because they cant get to's local TLDs?? I dont want that!!!

I'm really worried by some responses here, I mean comparing it to usenet
jeez!!! Apart from the fact usenet isnt a good analogy its in a right
mess! Theres new hierarchies born all the time, junk - tell me
otherwise! That is what will happen when new TLDs start becoming more

NANOG - take off your blinkers, look around, think practical, think real
world. This is NOT a good idea!!


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