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RE: net.terrorism

From: "John Belcher" <jbelcher () xram com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 11:16:27 -0500

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Sabri Berisha wrote:

I can live with the fact that they don't route that traffic. But they
should not tell me that they will...

Did they specifically state that they would announce the particular host in
question, or just the netblock itself?  Because the two are very different.
If you are unhappy with abovenet's policies you should switch providers, and
you should not bring issues like this on a public forum...

Forgive my arrogancy but I don't need "relevant literature" for an ethical
question like this.

How exactly is this an ethical question?  Did you not read your terms of
agreement with abovenet?  I'm sorry to say but this is your problem to deal
with, not abovenet's.

What would you call it then?

I suggest you go to and look up the word terrorism, infact
let me help you out.
ter.ror.ism (tr-rzm)

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an
organized group against people or property with the intention of
intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or
political reasons.

What abovenet has done is not unlawful, all they have done is uphold their
policies concerning networks they believe to be harmful, and they have not
threatened force or *or* violence.  Making allegations of terrorism is a
very serious thing, and you could get yourself into trouble making them

-John Belcher

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